Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2079: The sound king is coming?

"Sir," Qian Yuhan was still more careful. Seeing that Xiao Hua had set up the military account before the Privilege, and raised the flag of the long vault, Bi Fangxuying was greeted by the wind, and all the battles entered the military account. Qian Yuhan took the lead. Said, "Master Zhou Chen, under the sixty-four long vaults, entered 31 of the Privy Secret, 10 of them fell, and 23 of them remained, of which 11 were actively returned, 12 were captured by our team, according to Team practice, we have no right to deal with these long vault handsomes. "

Xiao Hua didn't care about these handsome men, and said with a smile: "Are those 100 billion fairy soldiers?"

"Then it depends on how the Bingshu Palace judges ~" Su Luo said beside him. "If they say they are rebelling, they are going to be executed as much as possible. If they are coerced by the Changqiang handsome, they will be split and put into other teams. "

"Well," Xiao Hua smiled at the corner of his mouth, saying, "No wonder they surrendered as soon as they persuaded to surrender. That's easy to handle. Whoever asks about the whereabouts of this hundred billion fairy soldiers, let them find me, you don't even know!"

"Yes, sir!" The generals all smiled back.

"As for the twenty-three long domes, who knows their origins and details, and want to swear allegiance? No way, I have no shortage of generals under Xiao Mou, you are better than them," Xiao Hua said. Hesitantly said, "Just put them all in captivity, send them into the soldier's fairy weapon, and wait for Master Wang to come, and the old man will give him the old man!"

"Sound King is coming?" All the immortals will shine in their eyes.

"Look, look," Xiao Hua looked disgusted, and said, "However, when the king of the sound came, why were you excited? You have waited for a long time. It ’s exciting to hear your name. "

"It's all grown-ups planning and winning the world!" The generals said with a rush, in unison.

Mo said that Yuan Xing and others were Cui Heng, and it was also like dreaming, not to kill Xi Yu, but to kill the son of Zhuo Luo, or the child of quietness, all of which he had never dreamed of, let alone besiege. Priscilla, this ... this has never been recorded in the military strategy, right?

How can such unprecedented things not be recorded in the military strategy?

Under Yu Honghai, under Yuan Xi ’s account, I do n’t know how long I have been tolerant, I do n’t know how much I have exhausted, and I have never been known. This has just been sworn in for allegiance, and I will immediately have great military merits, and 1.3 trillion private soldiers. Right in front of me, why do I have to be a real handsome man?

Excited, Cui Heng still couldn't help but say: "Master, the Changqiang Shuai is the backbone of my Sky Team, the general who really dispatches and commands the team. If they don't fall, they still have to rely on their commanding circles to rush in. In the future, even if the adults get the merits, they still need to be handsome in the long vault, and the promotion of the captive demon. As the so-called heads-up is not seen, the face should not be torn. It will be better to listen to the Su and Qian adults. They are all adults and younger brothers, so they can't hurt their faces, and now they will be sent to the soldiers' immortal weapon, and they will still feel inappropriate. "

"Yes, Master," Ran Ran also hurriedly agreed. "The last general will be Bu Yao, and those warlords will all be my superiors, or the adults will go in person!"

"Master," Lu Shu looked at Xiao Hua next to him, smiling in his heart, but frowning on the surface, "Your old Black Demon Team now has a total of 1.3 trillion fairy soldiers, which is a hundred times larger than before. At present, the adult account Although there are warlords such as Thousand Lords and Su Sus, there should be no experience of commanding the Commander of the Long Dome. The disciples think that the lord can surrender a few? "

In fact, Xiao Hua also had this idea in mind. The long vault is handsome. At present, there is only one younger brother under his account, and the others are not useful.

But Xiao Hua can't say this first. After all, Ran Ran and Yuan Xing didn't make any suggestions.

"Sir," Cui Heng objected first, and said, "Senior Brothers may not understand that the fairy soldiers can be assigned according to the convention. The generals are generally not good, let alone the handsome long dome. Even if the adult wants to enroll, Go to the King of Sound! "

"No," Xiao Hua slapped his head, waking up, "Xiao Mou and these long domes are not a king of sound, forget it, forget it, don't want them."

With that said, Qiao Samsara, Xu Minghao, 28 Xianying and Wuchen entered the military account. They led 12 billion disciples of the chemical gate to block the two entrances and exits of Shumitian, and did not listen to Qian Yuhan's scheduling until Xiao Hua When they arrived, they withdrew the starry sky Wanluo Heluoyuanyuan formation.

"I have waited to see the old man," Joe reincarnately bowed to salute.

Xiao Hua got up and smiled and lifted them up: "Wait for your hard work, and I will advance the world, and you are the first thing to do."

"Don't dare to take credit," Qiao reincarnation waited a few humbly words, Xiao Hua offered Kunlun mirror to take them into the space, but when it was no dust, this squeezed eyebrow made Xiao Hua wink.

Xiao Hua Nahan, after nodding slightly, no dust entered the space at ease.

Twenty-eight fairy babies are naturally speechless. When they enter the space, they are sent to Honghuang God Realm Space for retreat.

Finally, the body of Cui Heng. He looked at the Yuanshen avatar that actually stood at the lower left of the Xiao Huajun case. He did not immediately close it, but knelt on one knee before the military case and respectfully said: "Master, Cui Heng will thank Master The grace of life, at the end will be put under the account of adults, waiting for adults to dispatch. "

"Master Cui please," Xiao Hua has been talking to Cui Heng's Yuanshen doppelganger. When he saw Cui Heng's body, he naturally knew his intentions and raised his hand to support Cui Heng. "Master Cui is Yuhong Haiyu My lord, I just mentioned that if you want to play in front of Xiao Mou, you have to agree with Master Yu and Wang Yongyao, who is the son of Wang Shengyao. Master Cui has a great contribution to the battle here. How could they be willing to give up Let you go? "

"Hey," Cui Heng looked at his Yuanshen avatar and smiled, "Educational Master knows that the end will not mention the end general in the military newspaper, and that Shu Mitian has now been cleaned up by the Bingshu Palace. Unexpectedly, it also fell within the pivotal day. Even if Master Yu did n’t want to let it go, he could n’t find the general! ”

"Master Cui," Xiao Hua laughed and said, "You are amazing!"

"It's not that the end will be powerful," Cui Heng said seriously. "It's adults who are broad-minded, and they will all return to their hearts."

"Huh, huh" Xiao Hua looked at Qian Yuhan, Su Yao and others. The generals nodded slightly. After all, Cui Heng's command in the war ~ ~ Everyone can see it, which is comparable to the commanding ability of Gu Sheqiu. Who is not convinced?

"That's it," Xiao Hua smiled a bit at the Kunlun mirror, and said, "Master Cui will avoid the limelight first."

"Comply with the order of Lord ~" Cui Heng promised, and Chong Yuanshen surrendered, "There are good friends!"

"Don't dare ~" Cui Hengyuan Divine smiled, his figure flew up, disappeared into Cui Heng's fairy body.

Cui Heng is about to step into the Kunlun mirror to clear the light. It seems that he has remembered something again and said, "Wu Chen seems to give adults a surprise. You may wish to take a look first."


Xiao Hua thought of Wu Chen's flattering smile, which he didn't really like.

Thanks to the fairy friends represented below, for helping Xiao Zhenren to stop the poison and save the fairy world: Immortal Fist, Lao Jiu, Xiang Qing, Nandi Beima, please call me Master Shi, Dun Yu, Loritin, Nuo Lunxi, Pride Shenzhou, loyalty to God, Mao Lingzi, once looked forward to the present, busy man, Zfwz666, stupid Taoist, vanilla flavor, old high, small section of flowers, singing flute, heartless, Dao Zun, dragon blood, tea egg eggs, Mo Yan Lose, Coke and Return!

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