Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2089: Closure

All the immortals will look at Yudie Xiaohua excitedly and whisper to each other from time to time. They can't believe what the immortal will say.

"Adult may not know," Wang Yi continued. "The end will be in order to be able to take the next step, no, no, the end will have been deliberately planning for how to raise the realm as early as Jinxian Buyao, In the end, in order to be able to obtain some things from the demon alliance, he will not hesitate to fight and go to the world to rush, and this time, the end will be for a little more military merit, so as to buy a secret technique in Tianxianxu. Otherwise, how could such a catastrophe be encountered? "

"Wang Yi" didn't wait for this fairy to finish, and a fairy next to him laughed, "What are you saying, what is the catastrophe ?? It's our great chance to meet Master Xiao!"

"Yes, yes," Wang Yi hurriedly argued. "It's not just the chance, it's the chance of heaven! Xu Zhaoyi, you don't know, the secret technique and the elixir given by the adults are ... against Wang's own, You ca n’t use it at all, so you can see how careful the adults are ... "

Speaking of which, Wang Yi seemed to think of something again. He turned to look at the more than three hundred long vaults on the sides behind him, and said again: "If the adults really do this in every reward, then the realm's strength ... comparable The King of Sound! "

"Haha," Yudie Xiaohua laughed, "Although the old man does not have that strength, but the old man you said is happy, and the other warriors are even more tickled. You took the reward and quickly retreated, calculating your own star palace. The structure of the arrangement also rewards your own generals! "

"Yes, yes, yes," Wang Yi nodded again and again. "It is the end of the end that is overjoyed, and the end will thank the adult again for his gifts. In the future, the end will definitely serve the adult, and he will not hesitate!"

The warlord took the Zhendian star monument and other things back, and Gu Shuqiu called another war general to come up. That war will naturally rush to release the thoughts. After this war, I will see the Chenxu inner power and the fairy pill. The tears are almost After falling down, this warrior was already mentally prepared. He immediately knelt down and thanked him and then stepped back. He knew that over the next three hundred wars would have been anxious.

In fact, if you rely on Yudie Xiaohua, one wave of each hand, one for each person, just return to the Star Palace to play.

But Gu Shuqi opposed it, saying it was a ritual and a good opportunity to return to the war. Yuyao Xiaohua did not break it. According to Gu Shefu, more than 300 wars will advance one by one.

It is not beyond the expectation of Gu Shuqiu that every battle will get Chenxu, and the reaction of exploring Mo Xiantong is the same. Could it be grateful, or could one kneel on one knee, one or two techniques for the characteristics of the warlord can still Understand that the skills and secrets of more than three hundred warlords are different, all of which are aimed at their own weaknesses. The warlords think a little bit.

If the previous swearing of allegiance is due to the pressure of the situation and the attraction of interest, this time the allegiance has come from the heart.

More than three hundred war generals took the town hall star monument, and there are more than seven hundred Yuexiao and Buyao. These warlords are also waiting for the same. They are extremely looking forward to it.

Gu Sheqiu's voice is still the same, and the names are read out one by one. This time, there is no difference between the town hall star monument and the other.

These Yue Xiao and Bu Yao's hearts were at ease, they knew that they could not compare with the Changqiang Shuai, but they also hoped to get Xiao Hua's attention.

Looking at Mo Xiantong's reciting sentence, he wanted to scratch his ears and scratch his cheeks. The warriors were all attentive. With such intimate bosses, what do the warlords want?

The newly conquered warlords appeased one by one, and Gu shot the corner of the mouth with a smile, raising the commanding arrow in his hand, and said, "The arrangements for the Star Hall of the Heavens of the Heavens have been settled, and the master of the Five Stars Hall will listen to him!"

Cui Heng and Qian Yuhan did not dare to neglect, and before rushing down to the military case, they bowed and politely said: "The last will wait!"

"In this battle of the world, adults and Ru and their teams have made great contributions. The Bingshugong Palace is preparing a battle report. In order to praise adults and Ru and others, they will be loved by the two kings of the sound of the king, and the adults will get the deputy captivity seal first. "Xi and military medals of military merit," said Gu Sheqiu.

"Vice captive demon?"

More than three hundred long vaults were shocked. Xiao Hua was ranked as the deputy long vault. He is already the fastest rising star of the Tiantian team. Now he is even upgraded to two levels. This kind of promotion speed is afraid that there will be no ancients and no comers. Yeah!

But more than three hundred long vault masters thought about it again, and realized in their hearts, how many warriors in a pivotal day, Bingshugong said to be wiped out, if the situation was too dangerous, how could Bingshugong die their lives? That being the case, Xiao Hua's military achievements can be imagined.

"Sir, thank you!" Cui Heng and others were very happy and said quickly.

Gu Shufu glanced at the generals and shouted, "Where is Cui Heng ~"

Cui Heng was a little surprised. He didn't expect Gu Shuqiu to call his name first, so he hurried forward and said: "The end will be in ~"

"Cui Hengyuan was the deputy chief of the generals," Gu Sheqiu said. "This battle commanded 500 billion fairy soldiers and hit the Chinese army of the demon enemy chief Xi Yuxiyu, blocking the attack of the demon alliance generals. Keep the central Qilin Star Hall of the Five Star Hall, and go to the front! "

Cui Heng naturally knew that he wanted to keep the Qilin Star Palace, but he could n’t think of being promoted to the military office of the Long Dome, and then think about his hard work under Yuan Xi ’s account. He bit his lip and knelt down on his knees, saying: "The end will be there, the end will thank adults for knowing the grace of the encounter, the end of life will be an adult under the command of an adult, and death will also be a ghost to guard the adult's military account!"

"Huh ~" Yudie Xiaohua smiled slightly and didn't say more.

"Cui Heng Yinxi, where is the military card?" Gu Sheqiu solemnly said.

"Adult," Cui Heng hurriedly presented his seal and military badge, but he suddenly remembered something, and said, his hand shrunk, "Although the military will have military merits, the military will know, and the military will only be ... The team that took over after the other generals commanded the commander will not play its due role in this battle, so he will request to transfer this achievement to other generals. "

"The old man has his own thoughts on this matter," Yudie Xiaohua laughed. "This is the military merit you deserve. You don't have to say much."

"Yes, sir!" Cui Heng promised, watching Gu Shuhui's arrow sway, and halos appeared on both the seal seal and the military badge, and then Gu Shehui put the Zhendian star monument in Cui Heng's hands. In fact, Cui Heng also had expectations in his heart, and his thoughts were swept away, and his heart was even more ecstatic.

"Where is Ranran!" Gu shot whispered.

Ran Ran also did not expect that it would be his turn first, he promised, and stepped forward: "The end will be in ~"

"Yan Ranyuan's deputy Yue Yuexiao, this battle led soldiers to resist the candlelight family demon soldier ..." Gu Shewei said in his mouth, "This is the Yuexiao military post, guard the Zhuque Star Palace."

Ran Yan thanked, and then Gu Shuqiu looked at Yuan Chen, Yuan Chen jumped in his heart, Gu Sheqio's eyelids were low, but he turned his head and said: "Adult, Zhan Xiu has too many rewards, and he will ask the adult to take it back. "

"What's wrong?" Yuan Xing was startled and blurted out.

Yudie Xiao Hua smiled and waved her hand: "The old man's heart is decided, you can pass the old man's military order."

"Good" Aunt Guqiu turned helplessly and glanced at Zhan Xiu without expressing, "Where is Zhan Xiu!"

"The end will be there ~" Yuan Xing hurriedly bowed down to politely say.

"Zhan Xiu is brave in this battle, for all to see," Gu Sheqiu said, "and the next commander will command excellence and coordinate the overall situation. Today, he is awarded the position of deputy long dome and guards the Xuanwu Star Hall."

"Sir," Yuan Xing was a little embarrassed. He understood that this was Xiao Hua rewarding himself on the face of Gu Sheqiu. He had intentions to quit, but he just wanted to speak, and he understood it in his heart. Xiao Hua doesn't reward herself much, how can she compensate her?

At the same time, Yuan Xing bowed in his heart and said, "Thank you, Master!"

Hearing Yuan Xingde's deputy chief of the military, Ran Ran and Cui Heng were puzzled, but when he heard Yuan Xing's commanding excellence in the next battle, as soon as he coordinated the overall situation, he immediately understood that this credit was Cui Heng's resignation. Fell on Yuan Xing

After Yuan Xing, it was naturally Qian Yuhan and Su Yao, who had n’t waited for the aunt to shoot, Qian Qianhan hurried out, slightly shyly saying: "Adult, you will not know how to arrange it, but at the end, you will leave Xingdian Star Master. "

"Oh?" Yudie Xiaohua laughed, almost touching her. "Have you decided?"

In Yudie Xiaohua's big laugh, Su Ming was surprised and pleased. He hurried forward and said, "Master, let's resign at the end, the last will be nothing compared to Qianyu's talents. loss!"

"The old man didn't ask about this," Yudie Xiaohua smiled. "The old man asked if you have decided?"

Su Ming looked at Qian Yuhan with a smile, and Qian Yuhan neither nodded, nor shook his head, nor even answered.

Yudie Xiaohua looked at Gu She and said: "The old man feels that both of their military positions can be awarded to Yue Xiao. As for the star palace star master, Qinggeer, you decide."

Gu Shewei thought and didn't want to say: "Qianyu Han is more talented and stronger than Su Chao, and has even more potential. So Qianyu Han will be recommended to keep the star palace."

"Okay," Yudie Xiaohua nodded. "That's the case, the town hall star monument of the White Tiger Star Temple awarded Qian Yuhan, and the other rewards remain the same."

Gu shot a smile at the corner of her mouth, looked at Qian Yuhan and Su Yao, read Xiao Huajun's order, Qian Yuhan and Su Yao bowed down.

Afterwards, Gu Shuqiu looked at Qin Xin and others and said: "Qin Xin, Li Boyi, Xian Qing, Luo Yimeng, Chuan Bo, Xiang Qing ..."

Speaking of which, UU's reading stopped slightly and said, "Go forward and listen!"

"The last will wait," Qin Xin and other six wars will rush out.

"Er and others followed the adults to fight, with all the credit for their hard work," Gu Sheqiu said, "now is to fight the candlelight family and the quiet demon clan, smashing the conspiracy of the demon clan Xi Yuxiyu, and the war in the Gongshu Palace is on the list. Famously, at the order of an adult, he was awarded the military rank of Deputy Yue Xiao.

"Master Xie ~" All the generals were happy, Xie En withdrew.

"Where is Jiang Meihua ~" Gu Shehua finally looked at Jiang Meihua ...

Thanks to the fairy friends represented below, for helping Xiao Zhenren to stop the poison and save the fairy world: Immortal Fist, Lao Jiu, Xiang Qing, Nandi Beima, please call me Master Shi, Dun Yu, Loritin, Nuo Lunxi, Pride Shenzhou, loyalty to God, Mao Lingzi, once looked forward to the present, busy man, Zfwz666, stupid Taoist, vanilla flavor, old high, small section of flowers, singing flute, ruthless, Dao Zun, dragon blood, tea egg eggs, Mo Yan Lose, Coke and Return!

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