Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2106: 3 treasures

"That's it," Yu Mo suddenly realized, and nodded, "That's understandable, but if you hit the room by mistake, you may have to damage the fairy baby."

"So," Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I will want to follow the adults and see if I can find my fairy baby."

Contrary to Xiao Hua's expectations, Yu Mo refused without thinking, he said: "Xiao Yuexiao, no, you should be Xiao Xiaoyao demon now, I suggest that you urge Wang Xuanling now to get rid of the seven emotions nightmare immediately Tower, if you miss the opportunity to take the initiative to go out, you can only go out by fighting. Without telling you, do n’t say you, even me, I am not sure of going out completely. These seven love nightmare towers have layers of heaven The war will only fight against each other, and when only 30% is left, the entire Seven Love Nightmare Devil Tower will open the exit. Do you think you will be among those 30%? "

"Absolutely not." Xiao Hua shook his head slightly.

"So," Yu Mo said, "Your presence will only be dragged down by the adult clan team, or go out quickly! Your own life, and your fairy baby, you can only choose one! Oh, forget to say, Your fairy baby is hiding under your sleeve, and he will never enter the same heaven with you. This has been tried before. "

Yu Mo didn't say straight that carrying Xiao Hua was his burden, but he didn't agree with Xiao Hua's request until he left again.

"Sir," Xiao Hua looked at Yu Mofei and hurriedly shouted, "Are you looking for the Terran Warrior?"

"Yes" Yu Mo turned his head to look at Xiao Hua, and replied, "The first thing after entering the Seven Love Nightmare Demon Tower is to join forces, this is what all warlords know."

"Sir, go there," Xiao Hua said, pointing in a direction. "There is a heavenly warrior, Ye Yukeng ..."

Then he pointed in two directions, and said the positions of the demon and demon, and said in a hand: "The end will wish the lord a smooth passage through the election."

"Well, thank you!" Yu Mo nodded and turned to Ye Yukeng's direction of flying away. After a moment, he did not forget to tell him, "You should urge Wang Xuanling now, don't be lucky!"

"We will try again at the end," Xiao Hua said for a moment.

"Ah, why are you again?" Yu Mo sighed, "This is the picking of sesame seeds and the loss of watermelon! Just, let's do it with you!"

Watching Yu Mo fly away, Xiao Hua also understood Yu Mo's pains, but he was more bitter. When he walked away, it was not a fairy baby, but forty-nine fairy babies! This is not that the strong man broke his wrist, but cut off Xiao Hua's limbs!

"It can't be done," Xiao Hua already had a plan, secretly said, "Xiao Mou will find a secluded place, first practice ten years, and then go to find the fairy baby."

Xiao Hua thought to himself that a shadow had told Xiao Hua that there was a secret seam on the way he passed by, and there was a space in it to allow Xiao Hua to retreat.

Xiao Hua immediately urged his body to fly towards that place.

There is not much ancient wood in the space where Xiling is located, most of them are rocks, giant rocks, and Xiao Hua flew all the way. Although he did not forget to release the Yannian exploration, he almost gave up. When he flew a joss stick, his eyes looked from a mountain. Passing up, suddenly a shock.

The foothills had collapsed, and the peak was split in half. It seemed that there had been a war before. On a broken mountain stone, half clear palm marks were very obvious.

"Damn," Xiao Hua felt that he had whispered many times after entering the Seven Love Nightmare Demon Tower. He slapped his forehead and smiled bitterly, "How did Xiaomou forget Wan Xian to forget? In Wan Xianlu, of course, Suppressed the remaining souls of Wanxian, which cannot be awakened in the Seven Love Nightmare Demon Tower, but Xiao Mou did not use these residual souls, but used the magical power of the residual soul, and this magical power is actually counted as Wanxianlu. The effect should be allowed by the Seven Love Nightmare Tower. "

After talking, Xiao Hua sacrificed Wan Xianlu. Sure enough, there was no fairy figure flying out of Wan Xianlu. However, Xiao Hua turned Wan Xianlu to Yang Ren's page. Flying out of the inside, it was precisely between Xiao Hua's eyes, and two palms and eyes outlines that were much darker than before were born!

The bleak outline does not hinder Yang Ren's magical power. The eyes in the palm of his hand glow golden, looking at the earth, as if everything wants to be transparent!

"Aha ~" Almost at the same time, 80,000 Shadows were overjoyed at the same time, and said, "Daoyou, I can wait and see!"

With the voices of the shadows, Xiao Hua felt that his fairy power was like water, and poured into Wan Xianlu crazy, and his eyes also gave a trace of dryness. He knew that this was the backlash of Wan Xianlu, and he quickly said in his heart: "Dear friends, poor The Tao can't last too long, everyone hurry up! "

After talking, Xiao Hua couldn't care about looking for any cracks in the ground. He sat down and hurriedly urged the eyebrows and immortals, and tried to sacrifice the three flowers of the twelve golden immortals in the immortals.

After all, 80,000 Shadows are consuming their fairy power, and even Xiao Hua in the Da Luo realm has a feeling of exhaustion.

After a full hour, Xiao Hua could not persevere.

It was n’t that the three flowers in his fairy mark disappeared, but his eyes were dry and his soul was a little painful. Xiao Hua did n’t dare to take another risk. He heard a few whispers of happy shadows in his heart, and Xiao Hua took advantage of the situation to record Wan Xian. Now!

"Which Daoist has gains?" Xiao Hua closed his eyes and felt some tears not listening to the outflow of control. He wiped the corners of his eyes and asked in his heart.

"Good Taoist friends know," the three shadow figures spoke at the same time, "I'll wait for the three to find three treasures!"

"Haha," Xiao Hua laughed, and said, "This is already good, and quickly send it into the space, let the poor look."

Xiao Hua closed her eyes and took the first thing out of the space to make Xiao Hua overjoyed.

This is another purple gold ring, which is almost exactly the same as the purple gold ring in Wang Lang's hands, with a mysterious pattern engraved on it, just like a door knocker.

"Haha," Xiao Hua smiled, and said, "Is this the knocker on the purple gold ball of the demon clan's flower? In that case, how many knockers are there in Kunwu Fairyland?"

As for the second treasure, it should be a monster, with a dark blue color, which looks like a folded umbrella, but it overlaps as many as nine layers, and there are some mysterious patterns on it. Xiao Huayan's thoughts fall into it, and the pattern looks like a world. .

Xiao Hua felt a little familiar with this object, but he did n’t have time to think about it, and took out a third treasure. This treasure was clearly a holy object in the Holy Light Realm, and it looked like a crown, but unfortunately only half of it had leaves on it. Engraved with wheat spikes, of course, in these seven love nightmare demon towers, how could the Holy Light Realm relics still have Holy Light?

Not only does this treasure have no holy light, but there are also black marks between the engraved textures. Xiao Hua let out the imagination and threw it into his own space.

"Still no show!"

Xiao Hua squinted his eyes, feeling the glimmer of space was dazzling, and he thought rather helplessly in his heart, flying forward.

It took a lot of fairy power, and the eyes were tossed like this by 80,000 shadow bodies. Although there are three treasures in the bag, they are still not useful for finding fairy babies.

The ground seam was easy to find and flew for more than one hour. Xiao Hua found this long and narrow gap in the rocky peaks of a mountain. This gap was really hidden. Xiao Hua let out the idea for the first time from the top of the gap The stone swept away without paying attention. After the second inspection, the second stone was easily slipped over and the upper stone was swept directly until the third time. In the shadow body's memory, Xiao Hua used his naked eyes See this gap.

"Haha," Xiao Huayan reads into this gap, can't help laughing, and strokes his palm, "Tiangong creation is not in magnificence, nor in exquisiteness, but in ingenuity. Even if it is deliberately deliberate, here It's impossible to build so cleverly. "

Not only the gap, but also the clever construction of several mountains and rocks, it is easy to pass through without thinking or spiritual sense, and it is not within the gap. It is a flat and empty space, which seems to be a space. The law, but it was just squeezed into this gap within the mountain peak, Xiao Hua twisted the Yannian sweep in, and I saw a large space inside.

Xiao Hua shook his body, turned into light and shadow, and then placed the stars under the star array, and even sealed the gap. Mo said that it was confusing, and now he ca n’t see it with the naked eye, and Xiao Hua believes that unless the mountain is bombarded It is impossible to find this space.

After doing all this, Xiao Hua was restoring immortal power while thinking hard, and how to proceed next, whether to practice in a closed door, or to think of another way.

Just thinking that there was good news from the shadow body, they met Xiao Hua's fairy baby. Although the distance was still far away, the shadow body had already sensed the fairy baby's position. Xiao Hua was overjoyed and hurriedly let the shadow body welcome him, and put Tell my fairy baby about his position.

"Now I have found a fairy baby, and I don't know how many of them are in this heavy heaven," Xiao Hua sealed his eyes casually, using only Yan Nian to explore the space, thinking secretly, "but it is always a good start, I hope I can There is a better way! "

Thinking of ~ ~ Xiao Hua took out the second piece of dark blue treasure he just got, he looked at this thing familiar, one is the color, the other is the mysterious pattern, he was impressed with this thing, this When thinking a little bit, Xiao Hua rolled his mind and took a black nail out of space.

The black nail was originally Wei Chong. When Yuanri was in the battle at Jiechong, Wei Chong also used this nail to trap the green lion. Xiao Hua clearly remembered that there was a mysterious space of two colors under the nail.

Sure enough, the nail fell in the air, and the treasure and the nail simultaneously gave birth to mysterious light, and the mysterious pattern on the ninefold folding of the treasure raised like a light smoke, a ray, a scene, as if it fell to the nail like a spiral, and the nail shined to the spiral , And also began to rotate, so the nail fell along the spiral towards the top of the treasure.

Thanks to the fairy friends represented below, for helping Xiao Zhenren to stop the poison and save the fairy world: Immortal Fist, Lao Jiu, Xiang Qing, Nandi Beima, please call me Master Shi, Dun Yu, Loritin, Nuo Lunxi, Pride Shenzhou, loyalty to God, Mao Lingzi, once looked forward to the present, busy man, Zfwz666, stupid Taoist, vanilla flavor, old high, small section of flowers, singing flute, heartless, Dao Zun, dragon blood, tea egg eggs, Mo Yan Lose, Coke and Return!

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