Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2116: Recruit in advance

"My descendants of the ancient family had withered away, and now the Feng family's old skills have been reapplied, and the Sun family is trapped in the Feng family's calculations. Only the wind and snow are leading the way, and Yan Yu has no choice at all." Said, "So the house owner feels that he is being led by Feng Cang again, isn't he upset?"

Liu Hong's eyes turned, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he nodded, "Yes, that's right. Feng Cang has many calculations, and has always eroded my Liu family's arrogance, which made the old man feel sick like eating a fly."

"But the family owner has no choice," said the stupid Taoist. "There is no way to break the game."

"Yes!" Liu Hong nodded helplessly. "My junior Liu family, only Yan Yu and Xu'er, others are mediocre, and there is no decent male fairy ..."

"Homeowner," the Dao Ren smiled, and said, "The disciple has two ideas. I don't know if I should talk about it!"

"Oh?" Liu Hong laughed and nodded, "Hurry up!"

"First," the stupid Dao Ren said, "Even if Yan Yu married Tiantian Que, their first male would have to return to Chaotian Que. This was a precedent in ancient times, and Feng Cang didn't dare to disagree."

"You!" Liu Hong smiled and said, "I still want to be superficial. This was Feng Cang's plan. I married Yan Yu, and I easily changed Feng Cang's promise. , You can't lead the wolf into the room anymore, get a surname bloodline, and Feng Cang kills two birds with one stone! "

"Yes, the disciples are short-sighted," the stupid man said, ashamed.

"Nothing," Liu Honghong waved his hand. "If you can think about it, you're afraid, don't dare to think about it! Moreover, the old fox that fell into Feng Cang's calculation is nothing. The old man has counted him several times! What else?"

"Also," the Dao Dao dare not say a little.

"Speak, it's okay," Liu Hong said. "There's no one else here, just the two of us, and I will tell you something later!"

"Second," the stupid Taoist gritted his teeth and said, "You can find the immortals in the fairy world!"

"Huh" Liu Honghong smiled, "The old man has also considered this matter, and even discussed it with the second son, but there are two difficulties in this matter. The first is that although there are many immortals in the fairy world, they can be matched with Yan Yu's pole. Less, it makes Yan Yu less willing, and there are really such immortals, how can people be willing to go into it? Now the immortal world is no longer the ancient immortal world, they do not have the blood of the emperor in their hearts, only the outer heaven and the Moban Mountain, they do n’t care My glory to the sky! Secondly, it is helpless to enter into trouble, and my elder family has no suitable candidate to retreat, but now there are Sun Yue, wind and snow, and even Huang Xiaoxiao. Jujube, this is an overstatement, the old man has no way to put it forward, and they will definitely not agree to make up for it and measure it up! "

Speaking of which, Liu Hong smiled and looked at the stupid and said: "The old man has never cared about Yan Yu very much, you and You Lao have been by her side, could she ..."

"No, no," the stupid Taoist waved his hands again and again, "The disciples have never heard or seen it, and Yan Yu's chances of getting out of the sky are few and unlikely!"

"Well, no one is the best!" Said Liu Hong. "After the emperor of Liu's family is the great emperor, I can't make anything like Xi Mujing."

"Yan Yu definitely won't!" The stupid Taoist thought of Liu Yanyu's gray eyes, and felt no pain in his heart, but still patted his chest, "The disciple is willing to guarantee his life!"

"Not at all," Liu Hong said with a smile. "Yan Yu is also a junior of the old man. The old man is too late to love her! Oh, the fourth son, after Yan Yu's big marriage, you should also consider your own affairs, the Yin family's daughter. Xian is really good, you should consider it, after all, the Yin family ... "

The stupid Daoist sweated a lot. Why did n’t he say the same thing as You Lao? He did n’t change the word. Fortunately, he did n’t wait for Liu Hong to finish his speech. There was a golden light flying outside the hall. Liu Hong raised his hand a little. A voice came out: "Homeowner, Homeowner Bu Tianquefeng visited!"

"Oh?" Liu Hong raised his eyebrows, thought a little, and smiled, "Hurry, please!"

Jin Guang annihilated, Liu Hong looked at the stupid and said: "Have you seen it? The old fox can't stand it anymore. He's afraid of nights and dreams. Let's go. You accompany the old man to see what he plans to do!"

The stupid Taoist promised to accompany Liu Hong to fly out. Sure enough, Feng Cang also came alone, and did not bring other disciples, and Liu Hong did not take him to Chengtian Temple. The two arrived at a welcoming palace, each seated, The stupid Daoren greeted the disciples to send the immortal tea and accompany themselves.

Feng Cang chatted with Liu Hong for a moment, asked about the current situation, and then smiled: "Brother Liu, can you have any news?"

"Alas," Liu Hong sighed. "This matter was originally asked by Liu Mou from Brother Feng, and since the Tutu Mountain disappeared, there was no news. You Lao and they had no income from divination for a few times. Not in this world! "

Feng Cang laughed and said, "The younger brother gave this matter to Feng Xue. Xue'er has been staying near the Tutu Mountain. Unfortunately, even you and I can't find out where the clue is. What can he do? But Xue'er Having said that, Xu'er brought him to Tuantshan, so he had to give Yan Yu a confession. "

"Huh" Liu Hong nodded, "Fengxue has a heart, is a good boy!"

"That ..." Feng Cang had been waiting for this for a long time, and he said carefully, "Xuan'er hasn't got any news. Yan Yu's recruiting has been dragged on for decades. At this sight, the century is approaching. Arranged? "

"Hundred years?" Liu Hong froze for a moment, looking at the stupid Daoist, Qi Dao, "This has just passed more than thirty ..."

Speaking of which, Liu Hong suddenly realized that he watched Feng Cang's heart irritated, and said faintly: "Brother Feng, Liu said that the matter of recruiting relatives was placed a hundred years later. This year, but now in my ancient family, who still uses the ancient immortal world to count? "

"Ouch," Feng Cang chest is ready, and also pretended to be surprised, "That is Feng Mou's mistake, Feng Mou thought that the sky was short for recruiting, everything must follow the ancient etiquette, so Feng Mou did not take this 'year' , As seen in this world. "

Liu Hong had no choice but to say: "Brother Feng reminded me very well, this is Liu's mistake ..."

Before Liu Hong finished his speech, Feng Cang looked at the stupid Taoist standing next to him, and his words stopped again. Liu Hong smiled and said, "Fourth, you go out first."

When the stupid Taoist went, Feng Cang whispered: "Brother Liu, don't blame the younger brother for his troubles. The younger brother knows that you are talking about the world, but should Liu Liu also know what happened?"

"I know," Liu Hong gritted his teeth. "All the things for the relatives have been lost. Xi Xun will not come to the sky to explain at this time."

"So," Feng Cang said, "Brother Liu doesn't think this is a strange thing? This kind of beloved thing is lost, but it has never happened before! The younger brother listened to Brother Liu to push the recruitment back to the centuries. I was prepared to surprise the Xi family by surprise ... "

"Silk!" Liu Hong took a cold breath and looked at Feng Cang, "Brother Feng, you ... you actually became a roundworm in Liu Mou's stomach? Did Liu Mou's plan have you seen it for a long time?"

"Haha," Feng Cang laughed, "Brother Liu, this is the same as what the hero sees! Since Brother Liu knows what to do, then the younger brother will not say more, leave!"

"Hmm," Liu Hong got up and smiled, "Liu Mou sent Brother Feng, and Brother Feng also prepared, let's do a good job in recruiting relatives!"

Feng Cang left, and the stupid Taoist looked at Liu Hong's uncertain expression, and dared not speak.

"Have you heard?" Liu Hong said for a long time.

"Yes, the disciples have heard it!" The stupid nodded.

"What do you think?"

The stupid Dao shook his head and said, "The disciple has just thought about it, Feng Cang said that it is seamless, I have no reason to refute the sky, the owner's response is the best!"

"Come on!" Liu Hong waved his hand. "Go, let me know, recruiting begins!"

"But," the stupid Dao Ren felt helpless and said, "The recruitment of relatives has been in preparation. Everyone thinks it is a hundred years, which suddenly becomes more than thirty years, and it is too late."

"You can start," Liu Hong said with a smile. "But it doesn't necessarily start. The old man guessed it, it would take ten years!"

"Ten years?" The stupid Taoist tempted.

"Naturally, it was my ancient immortal world!" Liu Hong said coldly on his face, "I will use it in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Hong raised his hand and knotted the ink into the void. "Buzz!" A purple gold mark was born in the air, slowly rotating, and a moment later, a twisted light and shadow channel gradually formed.

Liu Honghong said stupidly: "Fourth, you come with me!"

The stupid Taoist promised to follow Liu Yong, and after about half a cup of tea, there was a fist-sized flame in front of Liu Hong and the stupid Taoist head. The purple-gold marks flicker like stars.

"Too high," Liu Hong stopped, and respected Shi Lidao in the light and shadow, "The child came with Qiqu Tang!"

"Hmm!" With the sound of a spark splashing from the shadow of fire, it fell to Liu Hong and the stupid Daoren into a flame portal.

Liu Hong nodded to the stupid Taoist, and flew in first, and the stupid Taoist flew into the portal of flames with astonishment and saw a quaint palace. He was completely dumbfounded ...

Poor Xiao Hua hurry up ~ ~ He still can't think of it, the sky-long recruiting is actually ahead of schedule, he is still retreating in the Red Pillow Pillow! !

Outside the pillow, it was a mess.



The sky where Xiao Hua is located, if it were the same pale red sky without clouds, suddenly a gusty wind blew, and thunder flashed, and a giant face with a smiling face appeared in the sky, and the smile looked at Xiao Hua Invisible mountain stone, the mountain stone is immediately transparent, revealing a star screen flashing space, which is naturally where the seal of the astrological array is.

At this time, there are some colorful overflows in the star screen of the Starry Array, the smile face gazes red again, the colors begin to become transparent, and the red pillow with red light halo and the red dust are appearing in the eyes of the smile face .

"Damn it!" Although the smiley face was happy, but the tone was angry, it whispered, and the wind and Lei Guangning made a giant hand and grabbed it frantically.

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