Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2118: Human race warrior Huatian

Xiao Hua already has enough experience to feel the instability of her body shape. She has already started to collect all kinds of fairy tools and shadows, leaving only 49 fairy infant dream-shaped souls and staying around the starry sky With whirlpools and cracks, Xiao Hua dared not to be neglected and flew out of it quickly.

Xiao Hua fell and saw the seven fairy babies sitting around, as well as the red dust on the red pillow. He moved his heart and secretly said: "Xiao Mouzhen can get into the red pillow, naturally afraid of falling into the vortex, and Forty-nine fairy babies just dream of red pillows, they are not afraid! "

However, Xiao Hua was still afraid of something wrong. He took Hong Chenluolu away from the red pillow and "brushed ..." After about half a cup of tea, the dream-shaped soul body of 49 fairy babies appeared again, seven of them A fairy baby smiled and said: "Dao friends, you may wish to wait for some crystals and other things for me. I will still enter the Red Pillow Pillow to see if we can accelerate our cultivation!"

As soon as these fairy babies said, "Xiao Dao friends", Xiao Hua understood their thoughts and immediately said, "I have the opportunity to steal the sky, and I can practice with the help of the red pillow. This opportunity is actually very dangerous. If you are not careful, It is inevitable that there will be disasters. Isn't the previous lower bounds the disasters? "

"If the main body of the Taoist friends is here, enter the realm with the cultivating things, the soul enters the red pillow pillow cultivation, and the spirit and the body are not in the same time and space, how can you direct the body to cultivate? There must be no such advances! Tao also warns you that after returning to the body, you should not easily cultivate from the experience of digesting your own experience. After all, there are no resources for me to practice in these seven emotions.

"Yes," all the fairy babies responded in a hurry, "I will understand."

"Huh?" Xiao Hua froze for a moment, because before entering the Red Pillow, he could only talk to the dream-shaped souls of the seven fairy babies around him. He didn't expect other fairy babies to hear it at this time. It was easy to handle, he smiled and said, "You Dao friends come back together, and realize in the heaven and earth everywhere for a while, staying poor and going to everywhere to find you back, I will consider how to get out of the Seven Love Nightmare Devil Tower!"

"There are Dao Dao friends!" All the fairy babies bowed down together, preparing to get out of the red dust.

Xiao Hua hurriedly said again: "Remember, you can't practice at will, until you get the Seven Love Nightmare Tower, you will be sent back to your own practice."

After finishing the speech, Xiao Hua received the Red Pillow Pillow, Purple Jade Letter and Red Dust Story, and forty-nine fairy babies walked away in smoke.

The seven fairy babies sitting around sat open their eyes, smiling with strength.

With a general smile and a general appearance, Xiao Hua smiled bitterly: "Can't all your friends change their appearance? The secret art of disguising the poor way has already been offered!"

"This body is so handsome, I can't wait!"

Fairy babies' high hats are as clever as Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua received Jin Gangzhuo and Du Tianxing array, and immediately noticed that the surroundings were different. Even he saw a smiling face on the sky dome looking at himself.

Xiao Hua hurriedly stepped out of the gap, and he did not destroy this secret place. Who knows who will stay here in the future?

"What's wrong?" Xiao Hua looked at the sky and raised his voice, "Are you upset?"

Then, Xiao Hua's figure flickered, and another 30,000 shadows flew out, heading towards all places. Xiao Hua wanted to go to other heavens and could only go to hunt and kill the generals.

Xiaohua sits cross-legged and waits like a rabbit.

Another is the practice of the 360th century, with the help of the red pillow and the twelve golden immortals and three flowers within the fairy marks, Xiao Hua entered the Daro middle level from the first stage of Daluo. At this time, Xiao Hua really knew and thought How difficult it is to take a half-step, with your own resources, several pieces of fairyland treasures move together, it takes more than three hundred years to get from the primary to the intermediate level of Daluo, how long will it be for ordinary fairy people!

Xiao Hua once heard people say that after the Ninth Palace, there are no years, but there are still some snorts before. Now I think that this is really right. Years are no longer a necessary condition for cultivation, no qualifications, no chance, no resources, it is the cultivation of a generation. Chiyo, I ’m afraid I ca n’t take the first half of it.

"But it's okay," Xiao Hua was also very proud, secretly, "Xiao Mou these fairy babies are also some chances, before Xiao Mou worried about their cultivation. Now with the help of the Seven Love Nightmare Tower, let them have all seven emotions, soul Consummation now gives them the power to understand as an independent individual, and when they get back to send them into the space, with their Dalu middle-level experience, no special resources are needed, as long as the fairy's profound light is enough and the time is enough, they are easy Set foot in the middle of Da Luo, at that time, Xiao should have reached the high rank of Da Luo? "

"It's just," Xiao Hua was a little depressed again. "What about the ordinary Taiyi Xianren? After Xiaomou chased Taiyi, where should he go to cultivate the gods?"

After the high-level immortal, the practice has gradually become unconventional. The practice is the practice, the realization is the realization, the chance is even worse, not to mention Xiao Hua has no chance to know the high-order immortal, and there are no other exercises, so he thought for a moment, Unconsciously, he raised his eyebrows and squinted into the distance. He smiled maliciously in his heart and said: "All the warriors who have come to practice this time can be used as kings of sound, and their strength should be Da Luozhong Gao. , Even Da Luo high-level, they must have some secret techniques, Xiaomou has robbed them, should some gain? "

"Of course, Xiao Mou is not insane, he would not dare to do such a bold act, and rob Da Luoxian? That is really boring."

"By the way, I don't know if the disciples of Cultivation and the Battle of the Stars in the space have any chance. This time, the closed Song Xiaodi and others were missed, but why?"

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua took out the previously black monster Luo Tian, ​​at this time this monster had been sacrificed by Xiao Hua, but Xiao Hua was somewhat ill-mannered, he could only put the middle part and the uppermost layer. Xiao Hua urged slightly, the middle axis rotates, and the upper part folds and unfolds, and Xuan Qing light and shadow are scattered between them. A unique space appears.

At the moment when Luo Tian space appeared, there was another smile on the sky, Xiao Hua snorted and looked up: "Huh!"

At this time, the smiling face did not evade, a pair of eyes fixed on Xiao Hua, and even Xiao Tian in his hand Luo Tian.

"Want to either?"

Xiao Hua raised his hand and almost provoked, "If you want, come down and fight with Xiao!"

After talking, Xiao Hua accepted Luo Tian.

Luo Tian disappeared, and his smile disappeared.

Xiao Hua stared at the pale red sky for a long while, and then took out the black and white spiral boundary of Gao Lingsong, frowning and said: "This thing Xiao Mou has been sacrificed completely and can be used. But the Seventh Heaven Realm is not real The interface, whether this world can be used or not, let alone say, if you want to use this object, you must have a fixed place in another interface to bring Xiao Mou to break the boundary, and the fixed thing must be enough to support, Just as Gao Lingsong used the Tianzun seal ... "

Xiao Hua just thought of this, a shadow exclaimed from his heart: "Daoist, hurry, the human race will be chased by two glowing birdmen!"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua was overjoyed, his figure leaped high into the sky, and his voice was left to the seven fairy babies. "You can be a poor man, come slowly!"

"Yes, sir!" The seven fairy babies also responded, and followed the show of Yunyun escape method.

Xiao Hua didn't have much reservation at this time. He directly escaped the art and rushed to the direction of the shadow body.

"Woo" in the sky, the big face appeared again strangely, looking at Xiao Hua's almost invisible figure, and his face showed a rare surprise.

In the seemingly endless mountain range, Huatian was clenching his teeth to urge his body to fly forward, and there were two deep cracks in his back that were bleeding.

The fiery pain of the crack is like a blunt knife tearing his flesh. As Da Luo's intermediate level, Huatian will step into the advanced level in half a step. Such pain has not been experienced for a long time. Even if he was injured, Xianli urged, or The supernatural power is exerted, and the flesh is healed immediately. Where can there be such suffering?

It's a pity that Huatian released Yan Nian and scanned two cracks, two different colors of light, which not only prevented the body from healing, but also quickly corroded the cracked body, like the merciless cutting of countless saw blades.

"Damn!" Huatian Sifang's face, thick eyebrows tremble slightly, he couldn't help whispering, he just wanted to pinch Xian Jue to seal the scar, but this hesitant moment, "Boom" in the sky on the left hand side, there is already an air hole The sound of breaking, a four-winged phantom set off heavy waves, and the slightly sharp voice was as harsh as the sound of a flute: "Human warrior, why go again? Isn't it death? Who hasn't died in life since ancient times!"

"Go!" Hua Tian scolded, unable to touch the fairy tactics, his figure had turned into a streamer, and a flame of flame burned wildly in his heart.

The Great Luo Zhan will escape. Although it has been transformed into a streamer, the sky near the left and right will burst, and the streamer directly penetrates the space like fire. As for Huatian's right hand, the sky in the far distance is first burst with clear water, and then the light is faster than his eyes. After a long time in the sky, a water shadow, also the four wings, flashed away.

"Human race warrior ~ ~ It sounds like a gurgling sound in the air," When you ambush me, can you think of the result of being ambushed by me? " They are all wounded, how can they escape the fate of being killed? Why not stay! "

"Even if Lao Tzu is going to die," Huatian couldn't help shouting, "Also consume your holy power, and then pull another person back!"

"Haha, how is it possible," the stream-like voice laughed, and said, "Do you think the Seven-Loved Nightmare Tower seals the space, and I won't get the Holy Power when I wait?"

The sound of the water flow has just been mentioned here, the fire that is rushing towards the sky is turned, and the sound of "boom" pounces on the water. The space of about 100,000 miles is instantly ignited, and within the flame, a large area of ​​space is instantly burned by the flame as if The fairy array is dark, and this dark fairy array is exactly the same as Huaying's brow.

The "Boom" space was opened, and the flame and darkness fell into the water light. The "Zila La" flame and water light were annihilated at the same time. The power of death covered the four sides in a radial pattern, while the dark place was strangely light. Loud, then disappeared.

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