Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2121: Then let the bones of the warlords fill this distance!

"When the old man came to the demon league, he had already noticed that you did not come along with it," Hua Tian said. "The old man thought that Changxing adults would send you alone, and he would take the matter of Wang Xuan on the road. I will tell you ten, it seems that it is not the case! "

"Mo will come by himself," Xiao Hua touched his nose. He didn't want to talk about his experience again, so he asked, "Can Mo will follow the adults in these seven love nightmares?"

"Of course!" Huatian nodded without any hesitation. "We are about to gather together, and you should follow the old man!"

Xiao Hua was overjoyed, and tentatively said, "When can an adult be healed?"

"Fear of thirty years ..."

"What?" Xiao Hua was shocked and blurted out, "Thirty years!"

"If it is an immortal world, or even a chongchong," Huatian said helplessly, "There are no more than ten years in this seven-dark nightmare demon tower, and the old man can only rely on the immortal pill.

"The end will not be able to wait!" Xiao Hua said embarrassedly, "the end will want to go out sooner!"

"Deputy Xiao Xiaoqiang," Huatian said, "you don't seem to understand yet, forget it, or you go first!"

"Sir," Xiao Hua asked after thinking for a while, "How long do you plan to stay in the Seven Love Nightmare Tower?"

Hua Tian said, "Wang Xuan, that is, there is no time limit for hunting in the heavens. It may be more than a hundred years, or it may be one epoch. It depends on the number of people participating in the hunt, and the difference in strength. Judging from the situation, the battles of the days participating in the hunting will be much more powerful than before, and there will be many battles like me to be healed after injury, so the time spent is at least a thousand years. "

Xiao Hua's heart is as dead as death. In a thousand years, the daylily has been cold, Liu Yanyu has been married!

"Adult," Xiao Hua looked around and said, "It's not safe here, and will take you to a hidden place to heal."

Huatian thought for a moment and nodded, "Alright, you lead the way."

"Sir," Xiao Hua flew with Huatian and tentatively said, "Is there no way to go out in advance?"

"No," Huatian said. "Except for some time before the start of the hunting, you can choose to give up. After that, except for the fall, there is no chance of leaving."

After that, Huatian looked at Xiao Hua and said: "I thought you had gone out long ago, but I didn't expect you to stay here. But your strength is now comparable to that of Da Luozhong, and you are eligible to participate in this election! The eyes of the adults are really hot! "

Xiao Hua carelessly said that he frowned tightly, planning how to leave, Hua Tian wanted to say something thankful, seeing Xiao Hua like this, he swallowed back.

When he got it, where Xiao Hua had previously evaded, Huatian smiled and said: "So you have been hiding here, it's really secret here, but it's a good old man retreat."

"Adult," Xiao Hua sent the angel out and laughed with her, "This angel war will be a profit for the adult, and at the end he will want to retain it for the adult, and it is also a place for the adult to kill ..."

"Don't use it" Huatian waved his hand. "If you don't come, the old man is afraid that they will fall into their hands. Now do you want to rush to other heavens? You must kill it first!"

After that, Huatian kindly reminded: "In fact, if there is no extremely special reason, you still have to settle down. I waited for the nearly two hundred generals to come to the team. We can only pass the Wang Xuan together."

"Thank you, Master," Xiao Hua bowed. "There will indeed be an emergency in the end, and I have to rush back to Immortal World as soon as possible."

"Okay," Hua Tian didn't say much, and nodded, "We will rush into the purple space where the celestial gods will stipulate to gather the heavenly ghosts. If you want to go out, why not go there and ask.

"Okay, I will say goodbye!" Xiao Hua finished, and did not wait for Huatian to go invisible. Shili said goodbye. He knew that Huatian would be arranged around, and it was not appropriate for him to stay here.

"Also ~" Looking at Xiao Hua's back, Hua Tian suddenly said, "You disciples, how do they go to other heavens?"

"Damn!" Xiao Hua stayed on the spot all at once. He looked at the fairy babies around him, and was a little depressed. He always regarded them as fairy babies, but in fact, they were independent fairy in the Seven Love Nightmare Tower You can go to other heavens by killing three adversaries yourself, what about them? I can't take them away!

The seven fairy babies must go to other heavens with themselves, and they can only destroy 21 high-ranking middle-ranking generals before they can leave!

And if you take them, do n’t you have to kill 21 every time you reach the floor? How about forty-nine fairy babies, one hundred and forty-seven?

Xiao Hua's brain hurts, but this is Luo Xian!

"Thank you sir"

Xiao Hua didn't turn her head and answered in a low voice.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the pale red sky. There seemed to be a smiling face in the sky, but the smiling face was full of sarcasm.

Almost at the same time, Xiao Hua also had a smile on his mouth. He had already realized that his road to Chaotianque was not easy. This seemed to start when he learned that Liu Yanyu wanted to invite his relatives. The trouble started, and step by step lead yourself away from the sky!

Xiao Hua was looking for a place to recuperate and healed, and turned to Chaotian Que. How could he know that after hearing the sound of Wang Shenghang, he would have obtained the token of the Six Desire Heaven's experience;

When he came out of the Six Desperate Realms and met Yu Honghai ’s order, he took himself directly to Taiji Mengyitian;

The Taiji Mengtian's fight is not unthinkable, Xiao Hua directly turned the tide, it can be said that he saved the whole world with his own strength;

At this time, he should have made a name for himself, and he went to Chaotian Que after rest, how could he know that Wang Shengxing, the king of sound, sent him to Wang Xuan;

When he arrived in the League of Legends, Xiao Hua knew that Wang Xuan was actually hunting in the heavens. Xiao Hua had sprung up and was ready to go back to look at the Seven-Loved Nightmare Devil Tower. How could he know that when he encountered Qingzhu and Xiyuanyu, Xiao Hua was forced to sacrifice The king's election order;

This is good, because Xiao Hua took forty-nine fairy babies as backhands to prepare for contingency. He and the forty-nine fairy babies all entered the Seven Love Nightmare Demon Tower, and they were evenly distributed in the Seventh Heaven Realm;

Xiao Hua wanted to use Wang Xuanling to withdraw from the heaven hunting, but forty-nine fairy babies didn't know, and now I want to come, forty-nine fairy babies don't have Wang Xuanling, they simply can't withdraw from the heaven hunting!

So far, Xiao Hua wants to go to other heavens to gather fairy babies. He has found that he needs to kill more than 100 masters of Luojing to gather the fairy babies. Under these circumstances, he still does not know how Get out of the Seven Love Nightmare Tower!

"Is it just waiting for more than a thousand years?" Xiao Huabian flirted, thinking a little helplessly.

However, the thought of Liu Yanyu and the thought of her recruiting, Xiao Hua's heart will tingle, that simple picture, the back of the lonely fairy in black and white rendering appeared in front of Xiao Hua.

"Yun Zuo Shan Liang Wu Zuo Gu, Xia is the Ni shirt star is hairpin; at four o'clock Fang Fei one yuan, Qian Zhao Zhao Zhaojun return."

Words and sentences of blood and tears filled Xiao Hua's heart in an instant. He felt that Liu Yanyu was reading it to himself. It seemed that this thought was like water, like tide, like before Qianshi. Fog, like a cloud, drowns itself and envelopes itself!

"Since it is fate, since it is destined ..."

Xiao Hua gave birth to light in his eyes, and his mind gave birth to decisiveness. He looked at the place where the world and heaven were divided, saying one by one, "Then let the corpses of the wars fill the distance!"


In short, Xiao Hua's masterpiece of golden light, a thunderbolt like a knife in his hand, his body hit the sky, flying forward!

"This ..." Huatian didn't escape into the gap. He looked at Xiao Hua's back with a horror in his eyes, and whispered in his heart, "How can this real Xiao Xiao get this way? I remember he was not as high as Jiugong when he was in the world war." Tier !!! "

Suddenly, Xiao Hua's voice suddenly came: "Adult, what color are the seven floors of the Seven Love Nightmare Tower?"

Asking about the colors of each layer, Xiao Hua directly charged at the seven fairy babies, and the shadow said, "Those Taoists, although they don't know when the hunting in these days ends, or how to open the Seven Love Nightmare Demon Tower, Xiao Mou Since I have seen the mourning spirit in Xuanxia Mountain, let me not say whether the mourning spirit is the mourning spirit of the Seven Feelings Nightmare Demon Tower. The mourning spirit can leave the Seven Feelings Nightmare Demon Tower, indicating that the heavy heaven where the mourning spirit is located may have an exit , I will always find a heaven to gather together, or go to the yellow heaven where Ailing Spirit is located! "

"Okay!" Zhu Xianying agreed after hearing it, and Xiao Hua was full of confidence at this time. While instructing the shadow figure to look around, he also said to the Xianying, "You Dao friends, the poor Dao, join hands with you to kill the enemy Hands, but the last blow is made by the Taoists, so that the Taoists can go to the Ailing Heaven Realm first, and the Taoists do n’t have to walk around, right ... "

Speaking of which, Xiao Hua took out the diamond and handed it to a fairy baby said: "Dao You will pass first, take this thing to defend yourself, and use this thing to lay defense, even if you can't deal with the enemy ~ ~ It ’s also easy to hide. Although you can already perceive the space of the poor Dao, but the seven love nightmare devil tower is strange, and only seven Daoists can detect, other Daoists ca n’t! ”

Seeing that the fairy baby was received, there was a message from a shadow figure in the distance: "Dao friends, there will be a passing battle in heaven."

"Xiao Mou is no longer good, and he can't go to kill the warrior!" Xiao Hua resolutely said, "However, Dao You can follow this warrior and see if it can attract other interface warriors!"

With that, Xiao Hua nodded at the other fairy babies, rolled up his sleeves, and took them to the place where the warlord of the heavens was.

The warrior found in the shadow is named Dong Jiyu, a rare fairy among the warriors of the court. She was pale golden in the depths of her eyes at this time. She was alert and looking around. She was trying to find a place where she could recuperate and heal the wound, although she Just killed a demon warrior, but she was also injured!

This injury is supposedly not fatal, but in these days of hunting, not to mention a little injury, it is a sloppy, if you accidentally fall into the calculations of others, you can die!

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