Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2197: no


Xiaolei nodded, roared and spread his wings, and thunder gleamed around him, plunging into the green forest.

As for Xiao Hua, after thinking a bit, he left some shadows around, and then he entered the third floor of Linquan Gaoyitu and released his mind again.

At this time, it is different from the previous one. Xiao Hua's ontology can already enter Liulin, but it is only 10%.

Even so, Xiao Hua is happy because he knows that the ring-shaped waves are time, and he can make more use of the law of time to practice by entering a distance.

As for Xiao Hua's mind, it was actually very solid at this time, and even seemed to be stronger than Xiao Hua's body. When sitting in the green willow, he absorbed several times more luck than before, and he practiced The speed is also 30% faster.

This practice didn't take long. About a thousand years or so, Xiao Hua sensed the shadow reminder and hurried out of Liulin.

Not surprisingly, Xiao Hua, like a little brother, followed behind Xiao Lei, with an extremely admiring look in his eyes.


Xiaolei respectfully said, "Xiaodian said he felt the sky-changing change of Yunshen and could go out soon!"

"it is good!"

Xiao Hua nodded, "It's hard work."


Xiaodian was a little winged and shy, and she had a kind of polite way of saying, "The little was rude earlier, I don't know how great the master is!"

"No need!"

Xiao Hua looked at Xiaodian, raised his hand and patted his head, and said, "You are not an old boy's child, don't need such compliments. Of course, politeness is also good. The reason why I let Xiaolei come out to play with you is because of it When I was a child, I was alone, like you."

"You are accompanied by grandpa, but it has no relatives since childhood!"

Xiaolei smiled and said, "I have a master!"

The indigo-looking face was full of happiness.

Xiao Hua looked at Xiao Lei and felt that he had grown up all of a sudden, just like Xiao Jin, who had been embarrassed every time he came out before, but there was obviously no difference recently.

Could it be growing up in a flash?

"I...I want to follow the master..."

Xiaodian said urgently, "I heard Xiaolei say that there are a lot of things to play in the family, Xiaojin, Xiaoyin, and the abominable King Kong General. I'm going to beat him with Xiaolei!"

"Haha," Xiao Hua laughed, "Yes, but you have to get your grandfather's permission first! You are his child, how can he let you go?"

"Master, the monsters outside are going home!"

Xiaodian looked at the top of his head and hurriedly urged, "We should go out too."

"it is good!"

In fact, Xiao Hua also felt the dissipation of the luck outside Lin Quan’s Gao Yitu. He nodded and flew out with Xiaolei and Xiaodian. Although the airflow around him had begun to calm down, the appearance of Xiaolei still happened. Initiated the attack of luck, and Mo Yun was born, and the condensed vortex hit Xiao Lei.

"Xiaolei, don't be afraid, there is me!"

Xiaodian shouted and spread his wings to help Xiaolei.

Who knows, "Ka Xia Xie" Xiao Lei's wings spread, and the flames on his head soared into purple gold, and the thunder surged around his body, breaking the Moyun, not to mention, Xiao Lei's claws With a wave, a thunderous thunder was born like a sword, and actually broke through the luck!


Xiao Lei laughed. Between his mouth, a thunder light spewed out from the mouth of a bird's beak. Qi Yun was actually sucked into his abdomen!

"My goodness!"

The voice of Xiaodian shouted, "Xiaolei, this is the cultivation you said! You are so powerful!"

Xiao Hua looked at Xiao Lei with great power. He knew that Xiao Lei had grown up in the Thunder Pond of Xiantai since childhood. To say strength, it is definitely second only to Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei. In an inexplicable space, he showed his power.

However, the more powerful Xiaolei is, the more powerful the luck of the luck, Xiao Hua is not worried, and Xiaolei is instructed in his heart, he will not follow him, Ren Xiaolei and Xiaodian toss in the space.

Xiao Lei is 100 times stronger than Xiao Le, one is Thunder Beast and the other is Electric Poultry. It can't be done by Xiao Lei.

Watching Xiaodian go with Xiaolei, Xiao Hua collected Lin Quan Gao Yi's picture, and also collected the shadows around him, standing with arms in the airflow.

As the tide receded, the violent winds around gradually calmed down, and Mo Yun began to fade as the airflow subsided. In fact, Xiao Hua already knew that Moyun was just the place where the airflow was rich, but he didn't understand why it was thick in some places. And most places are thin.

Xiao Hua thought that the flow of air would subside soon. How could it be known for several days? Seeing that the luck subsided slowly, Xiao Hua moved his heart and released his mind again. At this time, the mind is not invisible, just like last time. , Turned into Xiao Hua, sitting cross-legged over Xiao Hua's head.

Xiao Hua's mind is different from Xiao Hua's body. He just sat down cross-legged, and he did not let out any kind of thoughts. He immediately felt that the space was filled with an annihilating breath.

"Luck annihilation?"

Xiao Hua was shocked and secretly said, "Will the entire space be annihilated?"

Of course, this idea flashed through. If the space is annihilated, how could this cloud **** be so surviving? And how can Xiaodian go out from this cloud god?

Xiao Hua's mind understands that this is an excellent way to realize the way of life and death.

Ordinary life and death are only a moment, and then there is a big horror between life and death. Now that the annihilation of luck is no different from life and death, can Xiao Huan's mind understand a lot from within?

With the passage of time, Xiao Hua's own mind has also withered. Xiao Hua did not withdraw his mind. At the end of the stay, the surroundings began to be annihilated, and Xiao Hua's mind was also annihilated.

In the end, Xiao Hua felt the fear of death.

"Won't it really be annihilated?"

Xiao Hua hesitated.

But he thought about it right, wrong, annihilation in this space is luck, his own body is now intact, and his mind is indeed a luck condensate, but the luck of the body is still there, how can he be annihilated!

Even if the mind is annihilated, isn't this mind already cut off from the body by itself?

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua was a lot of courage, and she still kept her mind outside.

Sure enough, the covenant is close to annihilation, and the inexplicable experience has fallen into the body of Xiao Hua through the mind and mind. This experience is by no means comparable to the real Taoism of Xiaohua and Xiaohua of cause and effect.

Xiao Hua was intoxicated for a while. He felt as if he had seized the opportunity to break through the bottleneck, and the feeling of scratching his head was born again.

However, waiting for the silence all around, the luck was completely at rest, Xiao Hua suddenly realized that he was going to escape from this cloud god, not here to retreat and practice!

At this time, Xiao Hua's mind was unable to return to the body.

It seems that the entire space is a huge void, no light and no darkness, no sky and no earth, nothing, Xiao Hua's mind blended into it, there is no way to escape from the inside.

Xiao Hua was in a hurry, but he heard a thunderous thunder, and then flashed a flash of electricity. He knew in his heart that Xiao Lei and Xiao Dian had escaped from Yunshen.

Xiao Hua felt at ease, and the mind sensed a body that he could not fall back, and the body seemed to be absent, but the mind clearly sensed that the body was there!

"Weird, what's going on?"


Suddenly, Xiao Hua thought of what Xiaodian had told himself before.



"No, this is not a void!"

"This is false!!"

Xiao Hua's mind suddenly had a kind of enlightenment, but why this was "virtual", he didn't understand it, but he calmed down and felt the changes that occurred around him.

Xiao Hua's mind felt his change, not death, but a kind of transparency, a thinness that stretched himself infinitely!

I don't know how long it took, this feeling changed again, the transparency disappeared, a kind of ethereal was born, but it was thin.


"It's empty!"

Xiao Hua's mind and mind gave birth to new enlightenment, but the mind and mind were joyless and sad, as if the thoughts were empty.

"After empty?"

I don't know how long it has passed yet, Xiao Hua couldn't feel his existence, but he felt that he was everywhere!

"this is……"

Xiao Hua was a little confused, but the confusion quickly disappeared, like the wind blowing!


"This is nothing!!"

"Incredible, is this nothing?"

"It seems to be different from what the Dao Dao thought, and different from what the Dao Dao experienced!

Death is not the end, death is also a kind of existence, and nothing is the real end.

Void is also a kind of existence, even emptiness and emptiness are also a kind of existence.

But, no, is it really the end?

Xiao Hua's mind seems to have no thoughts, but his mind still produces ideas, and Xiao Hua's mind even knows that if he has an idea, then it is not nothing!

This is the real horror.

Xiao Hua's mind knows that he is moving towards no change, and if he really becomes "no", can he still live?

At this time, Xiao Hua's mind once again gave birth to the saying of the floating old man:

The mysterious descender said Yuan, the descendant Yuan said God, the descendant God said true, the true descendant said Tao, the descendant said Moral, and the descendant said Moral.

A simple sentence seems to contain infinite connotations, and this connotation is like a layer of paper at this time, it can be broken with a poke.

Where is the opportunity?

Since it is "none", there is naturally no space and no time.

All change!

It seems that only the transformation of Xiao Hua's mind is the only one!

As for the end, there is no change!

No, it is a peculiar state!

If someone else, even Immortal King or Heavenly Sovereign, arrives at this state, if they have no chance or accumulation, they may not be able to escape from this "none".

The world came out of the cocoon, but what was broken was the shackles, and its root lies in the vitality of breaking the ban.

"Nothing" has no death and no life, how to break it?

"Nameless, the beginning of heaven and earth;"

(Lao Zi: Daode Jing)

This is the beginning of heaven and earth. What Xiao Hua learned all his life here is nothingness, even the crystal **** and the golden wire of faith are now nothingness!

"Therefore, there is no way, and the way is good, to look at its wonderfulness;"

No, nature is also Tao.

Xiao Hua's realm of heavenly Dao has already reached the realm of "touching the sky". Xiaohua in this state can already perceive the heavenly Dao, reflect the Heavenly Dao, and actively touch the Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, Xiao Hua's mind is integrated into this "none", but the realm of enlightenment to heaven and heaven is rapidly rising in this rare "none".

The heaven and earth are insignificant, Xiao Hua's insight is so extreme, and the insight is also "none"!

But in an instant, out of nothing!

This is the magic of heaven, the magical power!

"Famous, the mother of all things."

"Heng You, Dao Ye, to see what they do."

I don't know how long it has passed. Xiao Hua's mind felt that after countless years, the long years made him forget everything.

When he regained consciousness, the first thought was:

"Miaoshengyuan, Yuansheng God, God is true, true is Tao, Tao is virtue, virtue is good, good is good, good is no, there is no, there is, there is, there is no, there is no birth, Yin and Yang , Taihua becomes easy."

Subsequently, all kinds of mystery were born like mushrooms, and grew like grass.

Xiao Hua's mind began to emerge out of nothing, and various thoughts also emerged:

"Take a trail too!"

"Everyone is reduced to morality from morality, and morality is reduced to morality.

"Real people return to Miao by Miao to nothing, from nothing, if you want to build, you want nothing, and if you want to be silent, you want something.

"If you want to live, you don't have too much world, if you don't want to return, you're too empty."

"With the presence of nothing, the emergence of yang into yin, the coexistence of each other, such as the change of Taihua."


After all the mysteries, Xiao Hua's mind seemed to be the only one in this world. This "one" is different from the previous "no", and it is a real existence.

"Not bad~" Xiao Hua's mind realized himself secretly, "wonderfulness is between existence and non-existence, but at the time of revealing."

Dao friends, this paragraph is the realization of Xuanao, Xiao Hua is necessary to enter the country.

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