Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2246: Back to the demon city

"Haha~" At this time, among the fairy soldiers of the demon warriors around the demon emperor Kui and the demon emperor, among the laughter of forty-nine fairy babies, they rose into the sky and surrounded the two demon emperors. The seven kills will come down!

"Ah?" Yaodi Kui was extremely familiar with this demon formation. He was stunned on the spot. The spurting green air was first embarrassed, and then quietly shyly shy back into Yaodi Kui's mouth.

The demon emperor Kui knows the power of this demon formation, not to mention that the previous twenty-one fairy babies have become forty-nine, and simply saying that the forty-nine fairy babies with Taiyi junior and intermediate levels all make him terrified. .

For the demon emperor, forty-nine fairy babies comparable to the demon emperor are far more deterrent than the trillion fairy soldiers, not to mention that they just came out of the Daxing River, and they still have hidden injuries!

"Cough cough" The demon emperor immediately played the upper body, coughed softly, and laughed, "What is this for real people? The demon emperor is just trying to help your team to open the majestic door."

"Oh?" Xiao Hua looked at Demon Emperor Kui with a smile, and asked, "What is the majestic door?"

"Oh, oh," Demon Emperor Kui's eyes rolled, and he hurriedly bowed his head, his mouth wide open, and the blue light sprayed to the ground.

But seeing the blue light passing by, the vast expanse of the earth swept away, countless stone sculptures of demons, or standing, or falling, or lying, or lying, most of the demons were damaged, and the strange texture was like Moss is everywhere.

The demon emperor saw these demon tribes, and then looked at the demon emperor like a help. The demon emperor flew into the water and the white lines on the spirit rhino turned again.

Xiao Hua knows what the Emperor Emperor is performing innate magical powers, but he watched the Emperor Emperor leaping out of the star-killing seven killing array while flying, the corners of his mouth also sneered, nodded at the fairy babies, the fairy babies will be big Let go.

Sure enough, a moment later, the relaxed emperor shouted loudly: "Shen Xiao, this is a magnificent entrance!"

"Hmm~" Xiao Hua was unimpressed, and said lightly, "The two demon emperors first please, maybe this entrance is not one?"

"Yes, yes~" The demon emperor nodded, "If it is a lingering remnant, it will not be so hard to find."

"Okay~" Xiao Hua replied, "Xiao knows, and Xiao will look for himself at the entrance in a while. By the way, can he still communicate within majesty?"

"Of course not!" Demon Emperor said. "It is still the same as Daxinghe. It takes ten years to come out if you can find it!"

"Good!" Xiao Huaji said first, "I wish the two demon emperors a success!"

"Hey~" Yaodi Kui smiled embarrassingly, and followed Yaodi into a distorted light and disappeared.

"You wait to continue to practice!" Xiao Hua commanded lightly looking at the fairy soldiers of different sizes and distorted figures.

Afterwards, Xiao Hua did not rush to find the majestic entrance, but took forty-nine fairy babies and stepped on the clouds to fly slowly to the place where the great emperor had fought with Tianfeng before, and carried out observation and observation.

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua must be disappointed, but it is the light and shadow left over from the years, where are there any traces? If it was not Xiao Hua's previous flesh and blood that was condensed by the flesh and blood of Tianfeng, and there was still a trace of residue, how could he hear the inaudible voices such as Yaodi Kui and Yaodicheng?

"What kind of magic is that?"

Xiao Hua still looked around, and what Qi Yi discovered, but thought to himself, "It seems to have the power of curse, but in fact there is no power of curse, and it seems to be dominated by Tianfeng, and other demon clan jointly laid down !1302200... What is the mystery in this?"

Thinking of this place, suddenly Xiao Hua's face changed slightly again, and he looked up in the direction of Immortal Realm with some surprise. After a while, he smiled and said: "The Daxing River and his party are indeed true. Xiao Mou has not only improved his mind and practice, but also shadow art. Great advance!"

After finishing talking, Xiao Hua released 100,000 shadows and ordered them to arm around, but whenever they met the demon emperor and the demon emperor dare to get any moth, they immediately sent the fairy babies over.

Xiao Hua himself quickly rushed forward, 132,200 light points in the body rushed into the air like a bowed flying arrow, but "Peng" heard a clear voice, Xiao Hua disappeared, and a shadow stood in the air with a smile Isn't that the shadow figure of the demon city?


In the castle town, the cave house where Xiao Hua was sitting, the black bear respectfully whispered something, and suddenly felt a breath of air around him, and immediately, a familiar eye fell on him, and the black bear couldn’t help it. Looking up, Xiao Hua exclaimed with a smile, "Is that you?"

"Why not?" Xiao Hua looked at this loyal black bear spirit with emotion.

Since Xiao Hua stepped into the League of Legends, according to Bai Xiaotu's arrangement, he will receive the income space of most of the chemical disciples in the Shangmeng League. Now, Xiao Hua is back, and nearly five hundred years have passed. During this period, the black bear was silently standing in front of the Dongfu gate, accompanied by his shadow, and he was a Dinghai **** needle!

"Master!" Without saying a word, Hei Xiong Jing flew directly to Xiao Huazuo, crying holding his thigh!

Weeping and weeping!

Xiao Hua smiled, but it wasn't actually a taste in his heart. He patted the head of the black bear spirit, let him be arrogant!

After about a meal, the black bear got up and respectfully said: "The little one really misses the old man too much, and makes the old man laugh!"

"It's weird!" Xiao Hua said, looking at the black bear spirit. "When I met before, I begged the old man to send you back. Why didn't I mention it this time?"

Hei Xiong Jing did not hesitate and respectfully said: "Educational Master knows that the previous small grievance is to accompany the old man and guard the cave mansion for the old man. But after arriving here, especially in recent hundreds of years, there is no Yang Shi and Song Xiaodi Waiting for the disciples, only Gu Yunzi and Wu Chen did not understand the wisdom of the master like a sea."

"Although, every time they come over and report, in most cases the master avatar will not give an opinion, but they see the small standing here, their heart is already solid, in fact, they don’t have to say anything about the master avatar, he already knows How to do it."

"Small can help the old man to do things here, isn't it more meaningful than staying in the old man's cave?" Then, the black bear looked around and said again, "And this is the old man's cave, when the old man is away, the young Should be kept well!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua praised, "You can see these, it is already very good. Although your strength is not as fast as Yan Zhan, holding swords, they are entering the country quickly, but your status should be far superior to them!"

"Small is the janitor in front of the old man's cave house, what status do you want?" Black Bear's answer was higher than the monks!

"Huh~" Xiao Hua nodded his What's the matter with Gu Yunzi outside? "

"Master~" Thinking of the business, Black Bear Jing hurriedly handed over the exquisite jade jade in his hands respectfully, and said, "It's the six kings of Yuxian, the goddess of chemical transformation, invited me to meet the invitation of the business alliance and the owner."

Thanks to the fairy friends represented below for helping Xiao Zhen to ride the Demon League and achieve a positive result as soon as possible. I wish you all a happy family and a happy Dragon Boat Festival. I hope that your monthly and recommended tickets will continue to be provided to Xiu Shen, and at the same time, everyone will help to promote the authentic version of Xiu Shen in various channels. These fairy friends are: Relentless, Coming, Stinky Mosquito, Xu Zhi, Lao Jiu, Shield Royal, Lao Gao, Return, Hyacinth Love Octopus, Cang Shou, Wang Yifei, Singing Flute, Please Call Me Master, 13 ducks, busy man, SS sky, m curtain, stupid Taoist, conscientious cultivation, immortal fist, K, Fang Moumou, Ao Shenzhou, ordinary rice grain, Ry, kevin and other Taoists.

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