Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2295: Decapitate

Xuan Se Teng Jiao seemed to be hitting with all his strength, and Su Zhe couldn't resist the color change.


   He almost didn't think about it, rubbed his hands, "buzzing", the body had already condensed a heavy rule of condensation before the barrier.


  Although this barrier is not a law of space, the wisps of law condense in Su Zhe's intention, condensing in the state of the magic circle, and the hardness is comparable to the interface.


   The barrier has just been born, the black-colored Tengjiao has rushed, "Poof" dark golden dragon horn directly inserted into the barrier!


And Su Zhe also sensed that the dark golden dragon horn had just touched his own law barriers, and the law barriers seemed to be melted and collapsed. If it weren’t for the wisps of law, they would be linked together to form a magic circle. The barrier will be penetrated.


   "Come well!" Su Zhe's eyes lit up, and besides the urge of his hands, he suddenly grabbed his hands, and his eyes were even more beautiful!


"Boom" was ruled by Xuanse Tengjiao's law barriers, and then completely collapsed. Su Zhe swung his hands into countless prisms, directly splitting into Xuanse Tengjiao's dragon head and even Su Zhe's eyes Falling down, and cutting these barrier fragments extremely sharp!




  Xuanse Tengjiao snarled, two wings of the four wings flickered suddenly, "brushed" black flames overwhelmingly fell, these flames contain strange gas, flying Su Zhe's law barriers exploded immediately!


   In addition to the annihilation of the law, the power of life and death hits Su Zhe!


"This evil barrier is too powerful!" Su Zhe's body flashed quickly, and the wind would be far away, but at this time, "Woo" had a black dragon tail on its face like a mountain, and the strange black totem on the dragon tail. It also gave birth to the power of a seal that Su Zhe had not seen before.


   Su Zhe's figure was beaten swaying, but his eyes were like stars, looking at the dragon pattern on the body of the Xuanse Tengjiao dragon not far away, the water was rippling, and his heart was filled with joy, secretly said: "At this time!"


   Su Zhexin moved freely, his figure instantly turned into wind, divided into seven, seven, forty-nine, seemingly escaped, flying towards!


   "Where to go!" Xuan Se Teng Jiao is extremely proud, growling, dragon claws, dragon horns, and even the dragon tail are urged to kill these wind wires!


Who knows, just after the Xuan Se Teng Jiao just flicked the dragon tail and "brushed" one of the wind filaments transformed by Su Zhe, the same golden brilliance was born in his hand, and a broken fairy like a magical pestle flew out, the tip of this fairy It seems to be broken, with sharp protrusions at the two cracks.


   The bump is surrounded by gold, but the center of the bump is off-white,


   But it is this gray-white dragon body that touches the black color Tengjiao. Not only the black color is broken, the dragon scales are worn through, but the black color totem and dragon pattern are also faded like washing!


   "Ah!!!" Xuan Se Teng Jiao wailed like a heart-breaking lung, and the fairy immediately split his dragon's body from the middle to the dragon's head!


   When Xuan Se Teng Jiao called for pain, Xiao Huaxin was urging the Great Reincarnation for the 50th time to attack Mu Qing Teng Jiao, and Mu Qing Teng Jiao seemed to feel the pain of Xuan Se Teng Jiao, and the dragon's body also shivered slightly.


   Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and shouted: "Do it!"


   said that Xiao Hua raised his left hand, and there was a star in his hand!


   Mu Qingteng Jiao was shocked and could not look at Xuan Se Tengjiao, Longwei flicked to Xiao Hua's left hand.


   But at this moment, Xiao Huaxian's body that had floated behind Mu Qingteng's brain, with a "buzzing" sound, blood and magical energy flowed out unchecked!


   "quack ~" Xiao Hua opened his eyes, a pair of bloodthirsty eyes revealed, that arrogant laughter is not the deity?


   But Mozun's figure was just revealed, and his right arm was raised early in the laughter.


   "Brush~" A dark blade of shadow splits the head of Mu Qingteng Jiao!


   "Ah?" Mu Qingteng Jiao couldn't completely ignore Xiao Hua's flesh, but he never thought that Xiao Hua's flesh would actually become a devil, and that the devil's shot was a fatal attack!


   Fortunately, the shadow of the sword fluttered between the walls, and Mu Qingteng Jiao already knew the strength of Mozunji. With his dragon horn in a thousand hairs, "Boom" bleeds and ghosts directly hit the inky shadow!


  Mu Qingteng Jiao's cognition, this blow can definitely block the dark blade shadow.


  He was right, light and shadow hit the dark blade shadow, and smashed the darkness around the shadow blade at once.


   However, after the dark and broken shikigami, it showed a sharpness that was dozens of times stronger than before!


   "Brush~" Light gold and blood color In the demon roar, the head of Mu Qingteng Jiao was cut off like tofu!


Even if there are thousands of Muqing halos on the neck of Mu Qingteng Jiao, even if countless dragon totems on Mu Qingteng Jiao's neck show the appearance of dragons, the unspeakable force of force stubbornly resists the gods and demons. These are all turned into running water under the gods and demons that have been sacred through the blood sacrifice of the first demon!


"Roar~" Xuan Se Teng Jiao sensed the crisis of Mu Qing Teng Jiao. He roared, regardless of his dragon's serious injury, Zhang Ya dance claws will pass, he clearly knows that Mu Qing Teng Jiao will not fall so easily, as long as he rushes In the past, Mu Qingteng Jiao could be saved!


However, just when Xuan Se Teng Jiao just flew up, he suddenly saw Xiao Hua surrounded by 100,000 shadow bodies, and even more strangely, 100,000 shadow bodies set off a whirlwind and rolled up Mu Qingteng. Jiao, the "buzz" disappeared out of thin air!


   "This... how is this possible??"


   Xuan Se Teng Jiao was stunned on the spot, his jaw had fallen into the world!


   Xuan Se Teng Jiao is the companion of Mu Qing Teng Jiao, even if Mu Qing Teng Jiao arrives in the fairy realm, he can perceive, how could it disappear for no reason?


   "Roar!" Unfortunately, no one would give Xuan Se Teng Jiao the answer, Mo Zunji, who was easily killed by Mu Qing Teng Jiao, roared at Xuan Se Teng Jiao...


It was not just Xuan Seo Tiao Jiao who was stunned, but Su Zhe, a big hand almost came out of his throat, and a voice shouted in the big hand: "Xiao... Xiaoyou, you... what do you mean?" "


   "Slap me in the face?"


   "I just want you to hold Mu Qingteng Jiao, waiting for me to kill, why did you do it yourself?"


   "This is a demon Venerable that I can't kill, why did you kill him?"


   "You're a little... Disobedient to seniors' arrangements!"


Seeing Mo Zunji slamming with the devil in hand, and Xiao Hua's mind condensing 18,000 dark stars, Xuan Se Teng Jiao glanced at Su Zhe, who was messy in the wind. Out of the black gas and mysterious shadow, the dragon's body flickered, and escaped towards the distance!


"Where to go!!" Su Zhe returned to the gods with anger and anxiety. He didn't want to growl, the wind flew out, he shouted while flying, "Xiao Xiaoyou, you can rest assured, I don't kill this hawk, Never look back!"


   "Senior!" Xiao Hua was very anxious and hurriedly sent Mu Qingtengjiao's dragon horn to Su Zhe, "This is how old you are!"


"I..." Su Zhe had a fever on his face. Although he agreed with Xiao Hua first, Xuan Se Teng Jiao also had dragon horns. He had no reason to take Xiao Hua's dragon horn, but thinking that Xuan Se Teng Jiao had escaped, He didn't know when he could catch up with the assassination, and he hesitated again.


   "Senior took a quick chase!" Xiao Hua's mind collapsed, and said in his mouth, "The junior is so dry that he can't help the senior again!"


   "Good!" Su Zhe gritted his teeth and grabbed Longjiao with his big hand. "The old man owes you a favor and waits until he returns to the fairy world!"


  Finally, Su Zhe hurried in the direction of Xuan Se Teng Jiao's escape!


   "Hey~" Mo Zunji fell next to Xiao Hua's heart and smiled, "Brother is so powerful!"


  Xiao Hua looked at Mozun and laughed, "I can't count this method, it's your powerful means, demon, you just cut your head!"


   "quack!" Mozun smiled smugly, and said, "Brother, I'm going back, so come back quickly!"


  Finally, Mo Zunji's mind escaped from Xiao Hua's body and returned to space.


  Xiao Hua's heart did not dare to neglect, and quickly fell back to the body!


In fact, in addition to Mo Zun Ji, Xiao Hua's body, Yudie Tianren and Yudie Wu, can enter, but Xiao Hua is afraid of problems with other avatars, so Mozun will come over, and only Mozun and himself It works. Sure enough, the half life of Demon Lord Tengjiao is required under this test!


  Who knows, after Xiao Hua’s return to his mind, he suddenly felt like he was shackled, as if this fairy body that he was proud of before had become an obstacle to his magical power, and he gave up his heart!


   "Damn it!" Xiao Hua struck this idea with a low curse!


   has enough avatars, and now the shadow figure is more than ten million, and there must be more self-corpses.


   The self-corpse is good to say, what should I do with my good body and the body condensed with Wushan Shiguang?


   "Yeah!" Xiao Hua suddenly thought of it, Wushan has Shiguang, does the Demon League have Shiguang?


Of course, this thought Xiao Hua is due to extravagant hopes. How big is the Demon League, and how many demon Venerables are as strong as Tengjiao, that is, how many powerful demon clan do you have no wise mind, let’s not say if the Demon League has Shiguang, Even if there is, I'm afraid it would have been acquired by a demon clan?


Of course, these thoughts just passed away. Xiao Hua sat cross-legged in the abyss, and there were still many lucks left by the demon king Tengjiao. UU reading and this abyss was care of by the demon Tengjiao. Where, the rule of wood system often said in fairy world is extremely rich.


Xiao Hua is now too high-ranked, and repairing the mind is not as simple as before. The Demon Lord Tengjiao was injured, and he has not been healed until now. Although Xiao Huan’s injury is not as heavy as the Demon Lord Tengjiao, he was injured by the Demon Lord. If it is repaired by ordinary means, it may not be possible without a hundred years.


   So Xiao Hua did not hesitate. First, he sent out forty-nine fairy babies and asked them to set up around him. He sacrificed Linquan Gaoyi's picture and went directly to the third floor.


Sure enough, Xiao Hua's flesh looked intact, but his heart was full of holes. He left the flesh in the place where the green willow forest was 30%. His mind flew to the center of the green willow forest, fell into the hollow green willow, and hurriedly urged the Dragon Dragon Road And "The First Classic of Zhouyu" began to repair the mind.


  At the same time, the flesh was not idle, directly using shadow art, three shadows that could be practiced flew out, and cultivated with Xiaohua flesh, complementing the hundreds of thousands of shadows previously lost.


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