Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2310: Holy Demon Tribulation (3)

Xiao Hua did not teach Feng Wu immediately, but started to try it first. Because the three main shadows brought three hundred and sixty shadows to practice the Immortal Realm exercises, Xiao Hua released a shadow to try to motivate the saint. Demon robbery.

It is a pity that this shadow figure cannot be used anyway.

There is no need to think about it, Xiao Hua knows that it is a matter of human form and monster body.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Hua had to temporarily collect all the shadows, and then only released one main shadow, while still maintaining the shape of Fengwu, he began to urge.

Sure enough, just like Xiao Hua's cultivating the Universe Sacred Demon Chart on the first day of the Yuan Dynasty, at the beginning, the main shadow body cannot perform the Holy Demon Tribulation, only Xiao Hua himself can.

Until Xiao Hua's body began to perform the Holy Demon Tribulation, the main figure could transform into the shape of a phoenix, but at this time the main figure still could not cultivate!

Xiao Hua tried a little bit more, and he randomly searched for a prehistoric picture book. With the activation of the technique, "Boom" Xiao Hua suddenly felt that the surrounding light and shadow were changing, and he was already in a seemingly boundless continent of the monster race!

Look at yourself again, it turned out to be a fist-sized little demon!

"Even if it's an experience, don't you start from such a young age?" Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry. "How does such a small monster know how to cultivate?"

Xiao Hua's thoughts had just been born, the little demon boy actually began to absorb the power of the stars and the moon, and the methods of absorption and refining were the only ways that Xiao Hua had seen in his life.

Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect, restrained his temper and began to realize it carefully.

Fortunately, the Saint Demon Tribulation is not really as Xiao Hua wanted to realize the life of the big monster of the demon clan, but only to realize and practice the cultivation method to enter the realm, and Xiao Hua also gradually forgot the time along with the novel practice method. I don’t know how long it took, when Xiao Hua had realized the cultivation of the first big monster of the monster race, and the main figure of "Ga" Xiao Hua could start to practice with a clear cry!

"Interesting!" Xiao Hua closed his eyes slightly, and after thinking about the process of comprehension for a moment, he looked at the figure who was starting to practice, his figure flickered, and he emerged from Linquan Gaoyi's picture, raising his eyes to see that he was still in luck. Staggered and dancing Fengwu said with a smile, "Fengwu Taoist friend, I have something to say."

Feng Wu was soaring in his luck, and he was quite happy. He smiled and said, "Friends of Taoism, please tell me~"

"The Saint Demon Tribulation taught by Tianfeng, the poor Dao has been comprehended, but this Saint Demon Tribulation is not suitable for Daoists," Xiao Huafen said, "The poor Dao will slightly modify it..."

When Xiao Hua finished speaking, Feng Wu flapped his wings and nodded, "Everything but the arrangements of fellow Daoists!"

"Yeah~" Xiao Hua said, "Friends of the Taoist first come out of the Void Stone, and the poor Dao will teach the techniques!"

Feng Wu and Xiao Hua came out of the Void Stone. At this night, the half-mountain-shaped silhouette on the face looked like a painting, hanging under the moonlight, and several spiritual sensations in the distance swept over immediately.

"Huh~" Xiao Hua snorted coldly, touching Xiao Hua's prestige in his spiritual sense, and immediately retracted tremblingly.

Xiao Hua looked at the great barren mountain that was still inaccessible, and said with a smile: "It turns out that it's not just Peng Dao waiting to enter the great barren mountain! Even so, Peng Dao was a bit careless before!"

With that said, Xiao Hua raised his hand with a roll of Void Stone, and took Feng Wu to escape.

After getting a place, Xiao Hua still sent the Void Stone, and Ren Void Stone turned into a half-cloud and half-stone mountain again.

"Friend of Dao~" Xiao Hua raised his hand a little, and a ray of crystal light fell into Fengwu's eyebrows, and said, "This is the cultivation method of the Holy Demon Jie, and the understanding of the poor Dao. Moonlight pillar, so it's not easy to practice!"

Feng Wu closed his eyes and realized it for a moment, then frowned, "Where did fellow Daoists come from the cultivation techniques of the great demon?"

"Hehe~" Xiao Hua smiled slightly, "I'm afraid that even Tianfeng doesn't know about this. He has inherited the most sacred blood in the Yize Realm, and Pang Dao converges on the altar the experience of being eliminated from the monster race!"

"Haha, that is Tianfeng eating meat, fellow Taoist drank soup?"

"Pan Dao drinks soup, what do Dao friends eat?"

Feng Wu had a black line, and said, "You can always eat bone scum for the poor!"

After that, Xiao Hua raised her hand again, "Swiss~" Countless smiles fell into Fengwu's eyebrows!

"Ouch~" Feng Wu was receiving, while whispering, "Daoist, within this thing and the magical treasure of Taoist, why are those air threads so similar?"

Xiao Hua heard it and realized it a little bit. The method of cultivating Qi Yun is to swallow those Qi Yun, and if Feng Wu is cultivating Saint Demon Tribulation, he can directly realize those Qi Yun, isn't it similar to the fluctuation of these great monsters? ?

Moreover, the exercises of the Great Demon are too fierce, and the Qi luck in the Void Stone is more gentle!

"Family Daoist said, poor Dao can't judge!" Xiao Hua replied with a smile, "Family Daoist can try the Holy Demon Tribulation Technique!"

"Yeah~" Feng Wu nodded, looked at the distance and said, "It looks like the great barren mountain will soon be able to enter, right?"

"I don't know!" Xiao Hua said, "Taoists go first to practice, and take a look at them. If it is possible, call two Taoists out!"

"It's easy!" Feng Wu has no particular interest in the Great Desolate Mountain. Now that he has just received the Holy Demon Tribulation, he just wants to practice well, so he casually agreed to enter the Void Stone again.

Seeing Fengwu’s indifference, Xiao Hua also smiled. The trip to the great barren mountain was also optional for him, but it was because of Xi Yuxiyu’s mustard lizard that Xiao Hua became interested in this great barren mountain. Xiao Hua should go to Suishan the most.

Even if he had to wait for Tianfeng to wake up, he had to go to the land of stars and moons to give Fengwu a chance to practice.

Therefore, Xiao Hua thought for a moment and raised his hand to collect the Void Stone again, but at this time, it was a problem to bring the Void Stone into the space.

There are Huang Tong and Fengwu in the Void Stone, and their bodies cannot enter the space.

And neither the Void Stone nor Lin Quan Gao Yitu can enter the Kunlun Mirror because of the existence of space, so Xiao Hua can only carry the Void Stone with him.

"Fine!" Xiao Hua was unlikely to drive with the Void Stone, so he thought about it, and he also simply entered the Void Stone, but Xiao Hua didn't want to be with Huang Tong and Feng Wu, and hid in Linquan Gaoyi Tu.

Xiao Hua originally wanted to practice "The Universe Initial Sutra", but after a few years he didn't make any progress. Xiao Hua simply returned to his body and turned into a phoenix, and began to practice the Holy Demon Tribulation.

I have to say that the cultivation method of the demon of ten thousand monsters is very addictive. When Xiao Hua cultivates again, not only the previous main figure becomes like a phoenix, but this main figure also affects 100,000 figures. How long has it been since I started practicing!

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and released another main shadow body. Sure enough, after this main shadow body practiced, when Xiao Hua continued to release the third main shadow body, it also turned into the shape of a phoenix, and practiced again!

"Three can replace Xiao's main shadow, not if it is called the three shadows of heaven, earth and people!"

Xiao Hua looked at the third figure sitting cross-legged, and said inwardly.

"Thank you fellow daoist!" The figure was quite delighted when he heard it, and bowed to salute.

After that, Xiao Hua continued to practice. The method of cultivating the shadow figure of this saint demon robbery is different from that of the world sacred demon map. Even so, Xiao Hua's cultivation is still full of 100,000 shadows at the same time.

What surprised Xiao Hua the most was that the azure luck in the Void Stone could actually be used by the Holy Demon Tribulation in De Linquan Gaoyi Tu.

But the previous black and white luck cannot.

"It's weird!" Xiao Hua was a little surprised, but since these blue auras can be cultivated, why would Xiao Hua not be happy?

Xiao Hua and the 100,000 shadows simultaneously absorbed the blue Qi Luck, and practiced the Holy Demon Tribulation from the beginning, just like practicing the Kunpeng Jue that day.

As time went on, Xiao Hua liked this way of training more and more.

Because this kind of cultivation method is nothing more than prying into another kind of life, and even changing your status to live another kind of cultivation life.

It's cool to spy for a while, keep spying for a lifetime!

Just as Xiao Hua lingered, the "Boom" Green Willow Forest rarely trembled, and strands of strange blue light pierced like a sword!

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was a little stunned, because those who entered the Green Willow Forest before were all azure luck, how could there be so much light?

Xiao Hua hurriedly flew out of Linquan Gaoyi's map, but seeing the Void Stone is now full of weird luck, these luck is like the crazy roar of monsters, Huang Tong and Fengwu are no longer controllable, and they are rolling inside like small birds!

"Go!" Xiao Hua smiled, and flew out with Huang Tong and Feng Wu.

"Oh my God!" Flying out of the Void Stone, Huang Tong and Feng Wu were so lucky that they had survived the catastrophe. They looked at each other and exclaimed, "What's wrong? I cultivated well, so how can I do it all at once? Has the sky changed?"

"I'm afraid the great barren mountain was born!" Xiao Hua practiced Qi Luck, and just flew out of the Void Stone, already feeling the turbulence of the surrounding air, like a volcanic eruption!

"Friend of Dao!" Feng Wu said excitedly, "Pan Dao seems to be a genius, didn't you mean that those qis can't cultivate, but can only realize it? But Pang Dao realizes it, and can practice without a teacher. To tell the truth, the Taoist fellow said that in the nearly 80,000 years of cultivation, the poor Dao has entered a lot!"

Just as Xiao Hua was about to speak, Huang Tong was overjoyed and said, "Congratulations to fellow Daoist Fengwu, how can fellow Daoist be in the realm of star overflowing?"

Xiao Hua knew that the Star Overflowing Realm of the Galaxy Demon Race was equivalent to the Taiyi of the fairy world. U U Reading

How can I know that Feng Wu said in a reply: "Not yet! The cultivation method of the Holy Demon Tribulation is a bit weird. How does Pang Dao think that he is re-cultivating from the realm of clouds and stars? Pang Dao is now no more than a high-level star stream!"

Hearing this, Xiao Hua almost gave Fengwu a ginkgo eye!

Where is it that you are cultivating? It is clear that Poor Dao has a hundred thousand shadows to help you cultivate!

Are you ashamed to say that you are a genius?

How shameless as a real Thundering!

However, Xiao Hua couldn't break it either. He raised his hand to collect the Void Stone into the space, looked up into the distance, and said, "Cultivation here is just a stopgap measure. Let's go to the land of stars and moons as we walk through the wild mountains. Let’s not talk about Suishan, it is the practice of Taoist Fengwu, I am afraid it will not be delayed!"

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