Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2316: 1 corner of Wa Palace

"Hoho~" Xuan Tong seemed to be exclaiming, but the passage where Tian Tong was solidified was very solid, and Xiao Hua and others flew over the passage without any change.

Flying out of the passage, Xiao Hua saw another ruined wall in front of him. This place was even worse than the Winter Palace, with huge peaks falling down, and road-like cracks spreading across the mountain peaks.

On the mountain peaks and the ground, the temples collapsed, some have turned into rubble, and some are still supporting themselves.

Where is the rare treasure that Xiao Hua thought?

However, Xiao Hua's figure fell to the mountain peak without any depression. His eyes were piercing, and he looked at the sloping barren mountain with joy on his face.

Because Xiao Hua had already sensed that on the top of the Great Desolate Mountain, there was an unusually graceful aura, exactly the same as the Wa Palace in his income space!

Xiao Hua urged his figure to fly to the great barren mountain, but he couldn't fly so high, and there was a strong force above his head, which kept him in check!

"Roar..." Xiao Hua roared, wanting to show the strength of the white bones, but unfortunately at this time he not only can't perceive the space, but also can't transcend the shape!

"Damn it!" Xiao Hua didn't find any flaws. He could only curse in a low voice, then turned to look at the mess around him, hoping to find out where he could go.

Xiao Hua was seeing Xuantong who had rushed out before returning, "swish~", Xuantong fell into the ground while spinning!

After only half a cup of tea, the earth began to tremble, and dozens of mysterious pupils rushed out of the ground, all "winking eyebrows and winking eyes!" at Xiao Hua!

"Boom boom boom~" dozens of pitch-black light beams hit Xiao Hua. When the light beam passed, the space was annihilated and the stones collapsed.

Seeing the fierce beam of light calling, Xiao Hua somewhat understood why this place was so messy!

"Huh!" Xiao Hua snorted coldly, and the sky pupil opened again between his chest and abdomen, and beams of light greeted him. The beam of light swept past, and the beam of Xuan pupil was all shattered!

"Roar!" Xuan Tong seemed to become angry from embarrassment, making a beast roar one by one, and rushed directly at Xiao Hua.

"Friends of Daoist, I'll wait to help you!" Seeing dozens of profound pupils surrounded Xiao Hua, one by one, a whirlpool that shattered ten thousand laws was revolving, Feng Wu and Huang Tong hurriedly roared, preparing to come over.

"Two fellow daoists, wait a minute!" Xiao Hua hurriedly stopped when he saw this, and shouted, "These profound pupils not only look weird, but they are also very powerful. You are not their opponents!"

With that, Xiao Hua urged Tiantong to hit a Xuantong, and Xuantong "buzzed" in the air, but it was like being nailed in the air, unable to move!

"Exit!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed when he saw this, and rushed forward, raising his left hand, and lay down with the magic of the universe!

Xuan Tong was penetrated by Xiao Hua's left-handed Xiaoqian World, bursting with a "boom".

"Haha~" It was Xiao Hua's turn to laugh, his figure moved, and he began to chase Xuan Tong, but in half an hour, Xiao Hua had already knocked down nearly ten Xuan Tong!

At this time, Xuan Tong issued a wailing cry, "swish" all rushed to the sky and went straight to the top of the wild mountain!

"Okay!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed when he saw this, and his figure followed Xuan Tong to rush towards the great barren mountain.

It was also weird. The gap that Xiao Hua couldn't find before was right now.

However, before Xiao Hua could catch up with Xuantong, on the top of the great barren mountain, there was a loud "boom", and a huge cyan light and shadow fell like thunder!


Seeing the thunder falling, Xiao Hua cried out again, because of the thunderbolt light and shadow, Xiao Hua is also familiar with it, isn't it the half of the crystal that Xiao Hua got from the demon's Teng Jiao?

Xiao Hua was surprised and delighted, there is really no reason for him!

Xiao Hua didn't want to send the green crystals in the meridians in his body!

"Boom" Qingjing rushed out, and the thunderbolt began to roll in the air without falling.

With a thought, Xiao Hua raised his hand to Qingjing.

"Om" Qingjing screamed and turned into a Hongqiao. Where the Hongqiao fell, the light and shadow of the previous thunderbolt also transformed the Hongqiao.

Xiao Hua was overjoyed, and she shook her figure and fell onto the Hongqiao!

"Friends of Daoist wait a minute!" Feng Wu and Huang Tong didn't expect the sudden change to occur. At this time, they woke up and hurriedly spread their wings to Hongqiao!

There was no need for the two clones to approach Hongqiao, and "Kakchacha" was another thunderbolt falling out of thin air, knocking them into the air.

"Friends of Taoism!" Xiao Hua was anxious, and hurriedly raised his hand to catch.

However, without waiting for Xiao Hua to cook and Tao Huang Tong, "Swish!" The Hongqiao, which was hanging quietly, rolled back, leading Xiao Hua to the top of the wild mountain!

"Two fellow daoists, wait a minute!" Xiao Hua hurriedly spread the message, "Poverty Dao will find a way immediately!"

Xiao Hua never finished speaking, his figure has been swept up by Hongqiao on the Great Wild Mountain!

The Hongqiao dissipated, and Xiao Hua appeared to be standing on the top of the great barren mountain.

Half of the wood crystal resembling a rainbow bridge was inserted on a rock on the top of the mountain, and next to the wood crystal was the other half. This half flashed with a rapid flame, as if begging Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua couldn't look around, and first dropped a drop of blood.

Seeing the blood seeping into Qingjing, Xiao Hua's mental arithmetic fell.

But Xiao Hua's heart just settled, and "swish" was suspended again, because Xiao Hua could see clearly that the fallen great barren mountain was leaning on an empty palace.

And the moment I saw the temple, in the unknown place in my mind, the Jingzhuang Godhead actually began to tremble, just as when Yuanri was in the Ten Thousand Flower Heaven Realm.

Xiao Hua didn't fly over in a hurry, but waited for the essence and blood to penetrate into the Qingjing, Xiao Hua grabbed the half of the Qingjing into his body meridians.

At this time, Xiao Hua slowly walked towards the palace, stretching out her arms as she walked.

As Xiao Hua expected, his arms stretched out, and he began to give birth to inexplicable blood. When his arms were dyed blood, he knew what would happen, but his heart still couldn't help shaking, and an inexplicable sorrow spontaneously emerged!

When he reached the incomplete part of the temple, Xiao Hua could no longer enter. There was an inexplicable barrier in front of him. The barrier had an almost supreme aura. Xiao Hua didn't need to explore anything. He raised his **** arms and gently placed it on the barrier. on.

With just a light touch, the barrier disappeared completely, and the familiar fragrance and unforgettable cordiality rushed over. Unlike before, Xiao Hua did not hear the extremely gentle voice this time.

Xiao Hua stepped into the hall, and there was a change of streamer in front of him. Even Xiao Hua, who is now a mixed elementary strength, didn't know what this streamer change was. It was not a law, not a phantom formation, and was closer to the beating of the soul.

The hall in front of him was still not a complete hall, or even a corner of the hall, but the space was several times larger than before, and it covered the center of the hall.

The center of the hall was even more unexpected to Xiao Hua. It was not a pillar, or an altar, but it was actually a door!

Xiao Hua didn't probe the door anxiously, but walked around the hall.

The missing place in the palace can obviously be joined with the Wa Palace where Xiao Hua’s income space is located, but the top of the Wa Palace is still missing.

On one wall of the hall, there was also a hall door, which should lead to the side hall, Xiao Hua walked over.

This gate can be easily passed through, but outside the gate is a veranda. The veranda is broken. Xiao Hua is standing on the veranda. You can see the frozen mountain on the right side of the veranda and some fallen temples. Look at the temple. Yu's appearance should be the Winter Palace that Xiao Hua just visited!

"Oh?" Looking at the Winter Palace, Xiao Hua's heart moved and hurriedly sensed the space. Sure enough, the space can be perceived again at this time.

"That's it..." Xiao Hua squinted his eyes and released his mind to the place of the Winter Palace.

"Swipe" everything around the Winter Palace turned into ice flowers in the mind, and the Winter Palace was faintly shaking. Unfortunately, Xiao Hua still couldn't shake the Winter Palace. It seemed that the wind and snow catalogues and the great barren mountains still couldn't be separated.

Xiao Hua didn't try again. After all, the Wa Palace is much more important than the Winter Palace, and there is a portal in it, I don't know why!

Xiao Hua turned around and returned to the main hall. Without hesitation, he dropped a drop of blood on the floor of the Wa Palace, feeling that the blood was turned into bloodshots spreading in the hall. There was nothing unusual. Xiao Hua was overjoyed and dropped a few more times. Dripping, his face turned pale.

The blood hasn't increased because he set foot in Hunyuan!

After waiting for the delivery of nine drops of blood, Xiao Hua's crystalline godhead began to vibrate, Xiao Hua strode out of the hall door, as before, with **** arms sticking out and falling onto the hall door, releasing his mind and covering the Wa Palace. !

It is a pity that Xiao Hua could not easily succeed this time. Even if he used the power of feeding, the entire Wa Palace was trembling, and Xiao Hua failed to make room for the Wa Palace!

"Damn it!" Xiao Hua closed his hand, looked at the fallen mountain not far away, and the Winter Palace in the distance, and thought to himself, "Could it be this great barren mountain?"

The Dahuang Mountain is not far from the Wa Palace, but there is nothingness in the middle. In the distorted space, no matter whether it is breaking the magic eye or watching, there is no trace of the law. Xiao Hua did not dare to take a risk.

Entering the Wa Palace again, Xiao Hua looked thoughtful at the portal erected in the middle of the hall.

Inexplicable cloud patterns are engraved on the portal, and there are primitive totems between the textures.

This primordial totem is different from what Xiao Hua had seen before. In addition to the scene similar to that of the primordial upper realm, there are actually dragons, monsters, demons, and even looks extremely strange shapes.

However, there is no human race!

Xiao Hua releases Yannian exploration This portal looks like nothingness, Yannian can't detect it; when you open the eyes of the deception method, the portal is located in a halo of superimposed dozens, the halo is entangled, showing a mysterious light knot ; When Xiao Hua shows his vision, a deep, distant atmosphere of space comes from within.

Xiao Hua thought for a while, and simply sat cross-legged in front of the door, and got out of his mind.

"Om~" Xiao Hua looked inwardly, the portal seemed to be overflowing with light, and the faint nine-color light filaments slowly rotated within the outline of the portal. At a glance, there were 133,200 vortices in the portal, each vortex They all reveal different spatial fluctuations, as if there is a smaller portal behind each spatial fluctuation.

"It looks like it is really a gateway~" Xiao Hua felt a little clear, and said secretly, "Could it be that Xi Yu xiyu left here?"

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