Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2356: Dishan Flocculation Technique

Xiao Hua was overjoyed, knowing that he had entered the alley.

   can wait to get the valley level of time, and I don’t know how long it has passed.

   Although the valley is level, the valley still circulates, so Xiao Hua still cannot get out of the valley.

   Xiao Hua is not in a hurry, because he has seen criss-cross valleys before.


   During the practice, the cycle of the valley of time suddenly broke, and at the same time, from the place of the break, countless phantoms of the valley fold and give birth. This is the valley phantoms criss-crossed, looking like a maze.

   However, at the same time as this break, Xiao Hua once again sensed the figure he had left in these valleys!

   Xiao Hua was ecstatic in her heart, knowing that this was an excellent opportunity for her to practice the Dishan Breathing Technique.

Immediately, Xiao Hua didn’t even look at it at all, but just spurred his figure and was intoxicated in the training of the Dishan Breathing Technique. He flew into the valley when he saw the phantom of the valley. He didn’t dare to fly backwards or forward. Time light and shadow fell. Into his body, the profound understanding fell into the soul.

   I don’t know if there is time in the Valley of Time, and Xiao Hua can’t perceive it either. When the Dishan Respiration Technique is practiced to the extreme, Xiao Hua’s figure is strangely still in the Valley of Time!

The stillness seems to be instant, and it also seems to be ten thousand years, even one hundred thousand years, millions of years, and when he moves again, the same phantom flies out, this phantom flies into one of the time valleys, and this phantom is here again In the valley is flying, and at the same time it is urging a new dishan flocculation!

   Xiao Hua's body is still still, as if a phantom was born just after moving.

   This stillness is also unpredictable, it seems instantaneous, it also seems ten thousand years, even one hundred thousand years, millions of years, and when he moves again, it is another phantom, which flies into another time valley...

   So and so, after the 132 million phantoms are born, Xiao Hua's body will not move!

   There are only one hundred and thirty-three thousand two hundred phantoms in the valley at all times to practice the divine change technique!

   I don't know how long, this one hundred million, three thousand two hundred phantoms also began to stop moving one by one.

   When all the phantoms stopped moving, Xiao Hua's body suddenly laughed: "Haha, that's it!"

   Immediately, when Xiao Hua's body moved again, the phantom in the valley of time began to fly, and the phantom in this valley actually began to dim. In the valley, Xiao Hua's figure also flew back with the phantom created by the law of time.

Seeing the phantom flying back, Xiao Hua was deeply moved. He knew clearly that this was the valley closest to the official valley time among all the time valleys. The most fundamental task of practicing the Fuzzy Technique is to distinguish the beginning of time. If it hadn’t been for the shadows to be sent out before, and these shadows were spread over most of the time valleys, how could he distinguish the sequence of the time valleys where the 13200 flocculent shadows were just released?

   If you can't distinguish the chronological order of the time valley, you will not be able to successfully practice the Flocculation Technique!

Although Xiao Hua only released tens of millions of shadows, there is actually a lot of time when the valley has no shadows, but based on the time sensitivity of those shadows to the time valley, it is easy to distinguish the valley where the shadows change in the remaining time. Chronological order!

   Along with the flocculation and shadows flying down, a time valley disappears, or it is superimposed on the time valley where Xiao Hua's body is located!

  The flocculent shadows flew back one by one, and the time valley gradually became thinner.

  Because of the existence of the shadow figure, Xiao Hua had no obstacles at all when choosing the avatar.

   When the valley disappeared all the time, a valley appeared before Xiao Hua's eyes!

   There are bones in the valley!

   I don’t know how many human races and monster races have fallen here!


   Xiao Hua laughed, still urging Dishan Xuchang Jue to fall into it. He knew that this was a real valley!

There is no shadow in the valley, and all the demon grass that was picked up on the rock wall of the mountain is gone. The holes in the surrounding area that were previously pierced with the wishful stick are all flowing with water. Xiao Hua, who has initially mastered the Dishan Flocculation Technique, knows that this is his own. In the elapsed time valley, the valley that is the most backward in time, and all the traces left in the valley of time before him, all exist in this true valley.

   And beside the spring where Xingguang Shenshui was first discovered, there will definitely not be the existence of the dried up Amakusa!

   Even Xiao Hua knows that the true valley is different for everyone, and for the same person who enters at different times...different.

   No one will step into the same valley.

  If time is a river, and now Xiao Hua has stepped into the right river, all he has to do is to follow the flow in this river!

   In fact, Xiao Hua also wanted to turn around and fly upside down, but in the Dishan Sudden Change Art, Xiao Hua felt as if there was a Fudo King suppressing him behind him, and he could not turn around anyway.

   In an instant, Xiao Hua understood that if he wanted to turn around, he had to stop the mountain and stay still! And if you want to urge the Teshan Faction, you can only move forward!

   Tieshan does not move tactics, is it just that way? ? Xiao Hua didn't know.

But when he looked at the stone wall, the water of the Starlight Divine Water that had been hit with the wishful stick in the past was slightly exhausted, and Xiao Hua’s mouth was smiling. He knew that even the Starlight Divine Water, which was eloquent in time, was His own tens of millions of shadows are almost exhausted!

   "Roar~" When passing by a three-linked locust tree branch, Xiao Hua could see that the locust tree roared and turned into a half-man, half-horse monster, and roared at it.

   Of course, the monster beasts today are extremely fast, but they no longer have the weirdness before. Xiao Hua laughed and grabbed the iron rod to fight the monster beast!

   The monster beast is naturally not Xiao Hua's opponent. It flew upside down in horror, but suddenly disappeared after flying over a thousand miles. When I looked again, it had fallen to the previous place, still turning into a tree branch!

   "Haha, that's it!"

   Xiao Hua could see it clearly, he laughed, and still urged Dishan Xuchang to fly forward, and at the same time, he still released his shadow.

   The shadow followed Xiao Hua and flew towards, sweeping the monster grass and other things around the rock.

   As for the white bones in the valley, and the things left around the white bones, Xiao Hua also collected all the shadows and bodies. It is safe to enter the earth. How could the compassionate Xiao Hua let these white bones stay here?

   I don't know how long the real valley is. Xiao Huafei hasn't seen the end for a long time, but Xiao Hua is sure that he is approaching the end of the valley.

   Because the surrounding scenery is not repeated, there are always bones in front of the head, and the monsters that appear from time to time are getting more and more powerful.

   Xiao Hua actually wanted to stay behind and continue to collect the Starlight Divine Water, but after trying, he found that his own shadow could only move forward just like himself, and after he flew over, the shadow could not stay behind him.

   Xiao Hua didn't worry about it either. The Dishan Flocculation Art didn't stop in this true valley, and it was still advancing slowly. The power of flocculation brought about by the 13200 flocculation clones was evolving.

   Xiao Hua even felt that the shadow technique that he had just reached the bottleneck had already broken through. As long as he practiced a little, he would definitely be able to get 132 million shadows!


   From far away, there was a deafening dragon roar. UU read www.uukā and the golden light that he had seen before had already dyed the sky. Xiao Hua knew that the valley would eventually fly to the end.

Sure enough, the valley turned a bend, and it was facing a brilliant sun. In the sun, there was a winding light trace connecting the sky and the earth. This light trace was interrupted in front of Xiao Hua, and there was only a huge monster hand dancing pair. Hammer looked at Xiao Hua viciously.

   Seeing Xiao Hua flying out of the light purple halo, the monster beast without a word, its four hoofs stepped out, the space vibrated, and its twin hammers leaped towards Xiao Hua.

   The power of this monster beast was only seen in Xiao Hua's life. He didn't dare to neglect, and just about to use the power of the law, the body of the monster beast was as fast as lightning.

  Xiao Hua understood that he had never cultivated great success in the Dishan Xuchang Jue, and urging other supernatural powers would affect the law of time, so he thought a little and immediately danced the wishful stick.


   The demon beast's double hammers shot down, not only with heavy strength, but also with wind thunder and purple electricity, which is extremely arrogant.

   "Good job!"

   Xiao Hua danced the wishful stick, cast the four-stroke stick method, star boiling, and fight with the monsters!

Between the sides, Xiao Hua looked around in distraction. It seemed that there was no sky and no earth around, but there was still a barrier-like outline. Inside this outline was a thick locust tree. The locust tree was a three-chain branch, supporting the entire outline. open.

   There are yellow Sophora japonica flowers on the Sophora branch, and I don’t know where they fall!

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