Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2383: 蓍shi tortoise, sky burnt fan and jade?jie

"Haha, this void is similar to Taoxiu’s Yuanshen Suspension Void. At this stage, I am afraid that it is the highest realm of Confucianism in the heavens. It is similar to Hunyuan. As for the other four condensed paintings, this Hongbao can be seen. Development~"

"Explore the hidden, the hook is deep and far-reaching, in order to determine the good and bad of the world, and the one who is the best in the world, the tortoise is most important. The tortoise is the object painted by Hongbao in the early days."

"The tortoise of the ten friends, one is the **** turtle, the second is the spirit turtle, the third is the tortoise, the fourth is the treasure tortoise, the fifth is the tortoise, the sixth is the tortoise, the seven is the mountain tortoise, the eight is the Ze tortoise, and the nine is the water turtle. , Ten said fire tortoises. These ten friends of tortoises are supposed to be the condensed paintings of Taikoo Tianting Hongbao."

"Tianchen Hongfan on silk, Tian burnt. It is an ancient painting by Tianting Hongbao. The incomplete section in Hongbao's rhyme chapter can not tell the time. As the name suggests, it is the ancient silk book?"

"And Yuzhe, is the thing currently painted by Tianting Hongbao..."

At this point, Xiao Hua was stunned. He couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "Damn, since this Hongbao Wenyun Zhang is a thing of the beginning, how can he know the Hongbao of the ancient, ancient, and even the heavens now?"

Xiao Hua looked back again, and it took a long while before he smiled and said: "Pan Dao understands that this thing is certainly a thing from the beginning, but it was obtained by the Confucianism of the heavens. It contains not only the previous content, but also It records what the Confucian cultivator gained and comprehend that fell in the Huaijiang Heavenly Realm! Just like the earliest record about immortal artifacts obtained by the poor Dao in Yunmengze, the true and false are more or less recorded and supplemented. "

Knowing this, Xiao Hua looked down again: "The jade 琾, the jade, and the jade Dagui! The shape of paper and silk screams in the wind."

"Pan Dao understands. Pang Dao asked Yao Xuan before, what is the use of the jade he planted? It seems that this jade is also one of the functions of jade!"

"It's a pity that this thing is incomplete, and there is no complete method of cultivating Hongbao. Only the introduction of the glimpse of light and shadows is the same. The fallen great scholar took it with him and did not pass it to his disciples!"

"Well, in addition to Hongbao, there are conjugated characters and Lütie. The conjugated characters are the superimposed inscriptions of A!"

"It's weird, the A inscription can also be superimposed?"

Xiao Hua's mind became more and more amazed as he looked at it, he had never thought of superimposing the A inscription to use.

After reading it, Xiao Hua smiled heartily and said: "It's interesting. This is only unexpected, not impossible. Stacking some similar meanings of A inscriptions can produce more synergy, and some of the opposite meanings A stack of inscriptions can produce a peculiar effect similar to the balance of yin and yang."

"Also, if more A inscriptions cannot be easily superimposed, you can use the Lü Tie to condense the A inscription on the Lü Tie. As for the Lü Tie, it is also a jade."

"Of course, Lü Tie is not a simple combination of characters, but also can condense the literary array. But I did not involve too much in this Hongbao essay rhyme. It seems that the great scholar did not put these contents in his eyes at all, only Combination is the right way in his eyes, right!"

"Huh? It's the practice of combining Chinese characters, the method of making jade 琾, and even the art of condensing paintings of ancient law posts. Yes, yes, this is what the poor Dao needs!"

"Unfortunately, without Tianchen Hongfan silk, it really can't be perfect."

In fact, "Hongbao Wenyun Zhang" contains a lot of records of fit characters, Lü Tie, Hongbao, Yuqiang, Tianchen Hongfanbo and even Wenyun, but these are nothing in the eyes of Hun Yuan like Xiao Hua.

I don't know, after Xiao Hua thought about these things as a waste of time to see and realize, he was deeply attracted by these Confucian wisdom.

Zhou Tianhongyun, the goal of the Heavenly Confucian Immortal, is the same as the Three Thousand Avenue, any one of them is enough for Xiao Hua to enlighten him for a lifetime.

Especially Hun Yuan Xiao Hua, his vision and understanding are extraordinary. When he combines his current pregnancy, embryo formation, and even budding and branching, etc., Xiao Hua suddenly found that his vision was widened. Another avenue appeared.

It was as if he suddenly entered the dark universe in Daxinghe.

So, for the next 200,000 years, Xiao Hua only read "Hongbao Wenyun Zhang", and he was surprised to find that 200,000 years was not enough.

"It seems that this Hongbao Wenyun Zhang is not as simple as the poor Dao thought!"

Xiao Hua sensed the movement of the figure outside, flew out from the green willow, sensed the rhyme of the bronze beads in his hand, and smiled, "There is rhyme in this thing, no wonder the fallen Confucian fairy will always carry him. "

Xiao Hua's mind returned to his body, and the language of Zhongdantian was still forming embryos.

At this time, Xiao Hua knew that the condensed language could not be said to be "Tao", but rather "Rhyme". Xiao Hua felt this "Rhyme" in his mind, knowing that the rhyme was still born, not complete, and seemed to need it. time.

Xiao Hua was not in a hurry. He had to stay in the Lan family for ten thousand years. Putting it in Linquan's Gaoyi Tu was 20 million years long. This was enough for Xiao Hua to cultivate his prose to a certain level.

Xiao Hua came out of Linquan Gaoyi's map. In the jade garden, seventy-two jade pieces were mature.

However, Xiao Hua didn't take a closer look, because outside the Immortal Forbidden, there were already several Confucian scholars guarding the jade garden, and even a mirror-like cultural instrument was explored.

This is also the reason why the shadow body informed Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua frowned, and just about to fly out, a Confucian who was guarding the sky also had a displeased face. He said to the Confucian who was offering a mirror: "Lan Cheng, Xiao Hua is not here, how can you explore the jade garden at will? ?"

"Cough cough~" Lan Cheng's skin was dark and he was wearing a light cyan outfit. He was a little embarrassed. He hurriedly put away the mirror and said, "Lan Mo, didn't I want to see his jade in advance? Ye Zu said to Xiao Hua. It must be rare in the sky, I am not curious!"

Lan Mo is a slender, white-faced Confucianist. Next to him is a short, fat, yellow-faced Confucianist. He also smiled and said, "Lan Cheng, if you and I visit Xiao Hua, there should be a visitor. Looks like, don't explore anymore."

"Yes," the Confucian Confucian named Lan Cheng smiled, hurriedly flew up, and looked into the distance and said, "Yao Xuan, don't we have sent him a message before? Why haven't we seen him?"

It was a Confucian who looked simple and honest who had not spoken. He said at this time: "When I come over to visit, naturally it depends on the time of the family. Don't worry, don't worry!"

The Confucianist's voice had just landed, "Woo" a cloud of clouds flew in the distance, Yao Xuan was sweating profusely and bowed and said, "Sir, sorry, I have returned to the station to pay the jade. I received Lan Cheng. After the senior brother Yan Shu, he immediately handed over with the rotating senior uncle, delaying time, and let the seniors wait for the niche to sue the crime."

"Where, where!" The four Confucian cultivators didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly came over to see the ceremony, and said, "It was we who came without notice. It was my fault to disturb the delivery of Jade Jade."

After a few people exchanged greetings, Yao Xuan tentatively asked: "Do some seniors want to observe Xiao Hua's Yupu?"

"Yeah!" Lan Cheng is obviously familiar with Yao Xuan, he whispered, "Did you not ask for Shuyu Jue from me last time? When Ye Zu inspected, he scolded me for the bad quality of the Hun jade. I was not convinced, and rebutted a few words. His old man just ordered the matter vaguely. I was taken aback and hurriedly pleaded guilty. I didn’t know that Ye Zu didn’t say much, he just said, “There must be a **** My teacher! I thought you were in the eyes of Ye Zufa, but I didn't know it was Xiao Hua who was with you!"

(Hun beautiful jade. UU reading "Jiyun·Ping Hun": "Hun, beautiful jade.")

"Yes!" Lan Mo, who was tall and lanky, also said with a mournful face, "Ye Zu also reprimanded me during the inspection a year ago. After talking about it, I didn't want to make progress. Who do you think I provoke?"

"Brothers~" Yao Xuan also became anxious, and said in a low voice, "I haven't seen Xiao Hua for 500 years. When he planted jade, he usually banned it..."

Hearing this, Xiao Hua was too embarrassed to hide anymore. He waved his hand, and the clouds rolled over the Immortal Forbidden, which looked similar to Wen Forbidden.

"Xiao Hua is out!" Yao Xuan exclaimed, exulting upon seeing this.

Xiao Hua flew out to look around, and said, "I don't know how many literary friends have arrived, but the xiaosheng has missed a long way to welcome him, and I hope to forgive me!"

"Where, where!" Lan Mo hurried forward and said with a smile, "It's us who came on the door, come, Yao Xuan, help us introduce it!"

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