Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2390: Moon 1 said:

"Don't, don't!" Xiao Hua hurriedly waved his hand. "You should keep the head for yourself, it's useless if I take it!"

"Hehe" Yue Yichun was a little unhappy at first, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face, and said, "My flying orchid is open, let me take you to see!"

Of course, the flower in the mouth of a jade master is not a flower, but a jade.

Yue Yichun opened up a piece of jade garden, and among the clouds and mist, thirty-six orchids of different colors and attributes, but the same shape, rose in the clouds, the wind blows, the orchids sway, and the sun shines on the crystal clear. On the petals, graceful female fairies flew out, dancing with the orchids, making Xiao Hua a little dumbfounded.

"how about it?"

Yue Yichun said proudly, "How does this Flying Orchid compare with your Huo Yin Mei?"

"Pretty, so beautiful!" Xiao Hua said with a thumbs up, "It looks better than it really is!"

"That is!" Yue Yichun ostentatiously, "This is the secret method I used in the Top Grade Shuyu Jue, which makes the flowers look the same!"

"Oh," Xiao Hua turned and looked at Yue Yichun, wonderingly, "I'm talking about those female fairies..."

Yue Yichun's face flushed red, and only after a long while he roared, "Go away!"

Xiao Hua thought for a moment, and stepped on rolling black clouds, and flew for a while near the mountains.

He could already see that there was a heavy cultural prohibition around this mountain, which separated the mountains from the surroundings. The innate aura of this mountain was extremely strong and should be related to the cultural prohibition.

And there are more than 100 jade gardens on the mountains, most of which are planted with jade.

As for those pavilions, only the central pavilion showed signs of residents, and the others were empty.

Yue Yichun's annoyance was inexplicable, and she went quickly. Before Xiao Hua could finish looking around, she was already standing in a pavilion and calling Xiao Hua.

"Xiao Hua~" After Xiao Hua flew down, Yue Yichun pointed to the pavilion, and said a few jade gardens around him, "This is where you grow jade."

Then he swiped his finger in the air, a water pattern surrounded the pavilion and the jade garden, and said fiercely: "Didn't you say that men and women are incompatible with each other? You can only move within this range. Outside this range, animals are inferior! Humph~"

After speaking, Yue Yichun raised her head and flew away.

"I said, Sister Yue~" Xiao Hua looked at Yue Yichun and smiled, "You have to show me how to grow jade. If you can't come, how can I grow?"

"Who said I can't come anymore?"

Yue Yichun said triumphantly, "That line was drawn for you, not for me!"

"Okay!" Xiao Hua shrugged, "You have the final say. Also, when will you point me to the top grade Shuyu Jue?"

"There is Yan Ruyu in the book, and the golden house in the book~" Yue Yichun looked at Xiao Hua and said, hating iron but not steel, "Is it still for me?"

After speaking, Yue Yichun sang an unknown song and left without shaking his head.

"This little girl!" Xiao Hua smiled looking at Yue Yichun's back.

There are many scrolls in the pavilion. Xiao Hua looked through it and found that it was much richer than the scrolls of Fuyu Mountain Villa. There were not only Shuyu Jue, but also exercises, and even the making of law cards and coupons.

Xiao Hua knew the Lv Tie from "Hong Bao Wen Yun Zhang", but did not know the voucher. After reading it, he understood that this Lv Tie was very different from the one in "Hong Bao Wen Yun Zhang", and should be the same as Dao Xianjie. The talisman is similar, while the legal coupons are a bunch of legal posts condensed together in a special way.

As for the condensed paintings of law cards and vouchers, in addition to jade 琾, there are also paper and silk, and there are even jade 琾 condensing methods on the bookshelf.

Xiao Hua was overjoyed. These were not in the "Hongbao Wenyun Zhang", so he took a book on the condensing method of jade 琾 and read it with gusto.

"Weird~" In another pavilion, Yue Yichun sat on a jade chair casually, looking at a mirror that emerged from the clouds and mist in the distance. It was Xiao Hua reading in the mirror. She said to herself, "He Didn’t you come to look for Shuyu Jue? Why don't you look at the ready-made Shuyu Jue, what is the condensing method of breaking the jade?

After watching for a long while, Xiao Hua didn't mean to put down the scroll. Yue Yichun brushed his hand as he wanted, and the cloud rolled and covered the mirror. He pouted: "The Patriarch didn't say anything. What do I do? No? Is it the Shuyu Jue? That is, the Lan family treats it as a treasure. Who cares about it for other immortals?"

After speaking, Yue Yichun squeezed his chin again, looked out of the pavilion, thoughtfully, and said, “The Blue Eagle’s matter is also strange. Up to now, the clan hasn’t given an explanation. Is it true that the Blue Eagle is really for A spot selected by Apocalypse killed Lanyu? He is not a fine work of the Du family??"

"Ouch~" At this point, Yue Yichun suddenly jumped up, glanced at Xiao Hua's pavilion inexplicably, and whispered, "Could it be something found in the clan? Send this Xiao Hua to watch me??"

"No, no, it's impossible~" Yue Yichun's face changed slightly, and his eyes turned sharply, "I found it by accident when I was looking for jade. I didn't tell anyone. And it was just some cultivation techniques. There is nothing special, it is impossible for the clan to know."

"Furthermore, with Xiao Hua's strength, he is only a Mo Immortal now, it is impossible to follow my movements!"

After finishing speaking, Yue Yichun felt uneasy, she simply shook her figure, and flew to the pavilion where Xiao Hua was again, carefully inspecting it.

Of course Xiao Hua was unintentionally exploring, but Yue Yichun first used writing instruments, and now he came in person. How could Xiao Hua not know?

"Not so much!"

Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry, looked at the scroll and said, "Didn't you say that there is Yan Ruyu in the book? I haven't found it yet, so you just searched it again and again?"

Xiao Hua had no ghost in her heart, and naturally she was not afraid of Yue Yichun's inspection. After watching for half an hour, Yue Yichun turned back bored.

But as soon as she flew out of the water mark, she immediately turned around to reveal her figure and said, "Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua!"

"Come on~" Xiao Hua directed the scroll and flew out of the pavilion and said, "Sister Yue, what is your order?"

Yue Yichun said irritably, "Plant jade, plant jade, plant jade~"

"This... Is it planting now?" Xiao Hua scratched his head, "Sister, don't you give me some advice?"

"You don't plant it, how can I give directions?"

With that said, Yue Yichun took Xiao Hua to a place where he found a jade garden, and raised his hand to lift the rock and said, "Plant it!"

"I have no jade species!"

"You don't even have a jade seed?" Yue Yichun muttered, throwing a jade seed casually, and said, "Why are you a jade master!"

Xiao Hua put the jade seed into the jade pit, then stretched out his hand and said, "The thing of the five elements?"

"Why don't you have anything?" Yue Yichun said anxiously, "Could it be that you are here to eat and drink for nothing?"

"I really don't have anything!" Xiao Hua shrugged, "Every time I plant jade, someone will send me a kit, and it contains everything."

"I'm really going to eat mine and drink mine!" Yue Yichun stomped her feet, but when she was about to get the kit, suddenly thought of something, her eyes rolled, "By the way, Ye Zu didn't let me point you. Shuyu Jue? Today I will teach you a method that does not use the Five Elements. This is the secret technique in the top-grade Shuyu Jue!"

Looking at the smile at the corner of Yue Yichun's mouth, Xiao Hua knew that this was Yue Yichun's stingy, and he was reluctant to give herself the Five Elements.

Sure enough, Yue Yichun added: "If you can't learn, you can't get embryos, don't blame me!"

After speaking, Yue Yichun threw Xiao Hua a Xiayun Festival and said, "Look!"

Xiao Hua took the Xiayun Festival and deliberately asked, "Isn't Ye Zu saying that he can't teach, he can only explain?"

"Yes!" Yue Yichun said crookedly, "Although it is the original text of Shu Yu Jue, I have added four words before it. If you don't believe me, take a look!"

Xiao Hua looked at it and almost smiled on the spot with her belly. U U Reading

The four words are "Yue Yichun said:"

The secret technique of the Lan Jia Shuyu Jue is indeed a unique way. It draws the five qi from the chest of the jade master, draws the innate qi down with his own strength, and forms the five element qi for cultivating jade seeds.

This is somewhat similar to Xiao Hua's five-color sacred fire.

Xiao Hua deliberately said after reading, "Sister Yue, this is troublesome. Xiaosheng's five qi is sprouting, and there is no way to cultivate jade seeds!"

"That's your business!" Yue Yichun shrugged and replied gleefully.

Xiao Hua turned around and asked, "Can you use other methods?"

"You... do you have other ways?" Yue Yichun was stunned, and shook his head a moment later, "Of course!"

It's time for you to see your real strength!

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