Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2501: Almost exposed

"Xiu Shen Wai Chuan Xianjie Chapter (

Xiao Hua curled his lips, knowing that this was a prohibition in the heavenly court, and only allowed the immortal with a physical body to take the scrolls from the bookshelf, and suddenly his plan to move a large number of jade scrolls into the heavenly space was abandoned.

Except for the shadows, only forty-nine fairy infants and Liu Yanyu can send scrolls into space.

Xiao Hua did not dare to disturb Liu Yanyu for fear of overturning the jealous jar, so he let the fairies come out.

Today's fairy infants are no different from ordinary Hunyuan Immortals. They can easily take out the scrolls from the bookshelf, but when they send them into the space, they find again that the scrolls cannot be entered.

Xiao Hua hurriedly tried it himself, and the result was the same.

"Fine, nothing!"

Xiao Hua waved his hand to let the Fairy Infants return to the space, knowing that the scrolls here are all forbidden to prevent them from being taken away. He might have the strength to break it, but the gains outweigh the losses, and there is no need.

Afterwards, Xiao Hua concentrated on reading.

But even so, Xiao Hua still found that not all the books were developed for him, and he couldn't produce six of the ten books.

Xiao Hua understood that this should have something to do with Gao Ming's token.

Xiao Hua's original plan for the left and right has been shattered. Now he is just killing time, so he doesn't care about it, just look around and flip through it.

About a month later, Xiao Hua was picking up a thin book from a bookshelf.

As soon as Xiao Hua's finger touched the book, "brushing" the book gave out a thin light, and thirty-six clouds spouted from it.

However, this book is as heavy as a mountain, just like the ones that could not be explored before.

Xiao Hua raised his hand, the clouds on the booklet disappeared, and the thin light went out like a candle.

After so many times, Xiao Hua squeezed his chin and said in secret: "It's weird!"

After that, Xiao Hua closed his eyes slightly, pinched his fingers lightly, and the hand of cause and effect moved.

When the shadow of a pair of big hands touched the book, "Om", a faint red line unexpectedly rushed out and fell straight into the void!

"Blue Rain?!"

Xiao Hua suddenly realized that this was a trace left by Lan Yu, which was for the master of the Shangqing Palace.

Bringing Zhou Xiaoming's cause and effect can naturally trigger some clues.

Xiao Hua thought for a while, and sent Zhou Xiaoming out. Sure enough, Zhou Xiaoming was in a coma, but he had just appeared in the Golden Room, and the booklet immediately flew into Zhou Xiaoming's eyebrows!

"I go!"

Xiao Hua was not surprised by the disappearance of the book, he was surprised by Lan Yu's methods.

Even Qunyu, who can't do anything, can Lan Yu leave clues to his reincarnation?

For the first time, Xiao Hua felt: The fall and reincarnation of Blue Rain is definitely not as simple as he thought!

While Xiao Hua was surprised, Li He was standing in front of Wufeng Pavilion in Fuyu City, watching the Pangran Tower surrounded by Xiayun, frowning and saying, "Some of the master’s layout in Wufeng Pavilion has also been triggered, that is, triggering The people in Xuanpu's layout entered the Wufeng Pavilion, and there were only a few immortals from Xuanpu to Fuyu City. Even if the surrounding areas of Xuanpu were added, the surrounding area of ​​Fuyu City would be no more than tens of thousands."

"As for those who can enter the Five Phoenix Pavilion, it is even rarer. This is easier!"

With that said, Li He waved his big sleeves and took out a jade plate, looked closely, frowned, and whispered, "Xiao Hua?"

"That Lan family's foreign surname cast jade master?"

"No... unlikely, right?"

"However, judging from the current situation, only he meets the requirements!"

"Oh, he actually got the blog post! My god, even the master, didn’t get the post back then?"

Li He's expression changed slightly, and in the Wufeng Pavilion, a cloud of Qingyun rose into the sky, and on it stood an old man with white beard and hair.

Seeing Li He, the old man said angrily: "Li He child, do you dare to come to Wufeng Pavilion?"


Li He saw the old man with a wonderful face and laughed, "I'm here, what's the matter?"

After that, Li He gave birth to Yunxia and flew towards the distance!

He also shouted: "Old Zhaoming, you are here to beat me!"

The old man named Zhaoming was so angry that he raised his hands, and a scroll came out. The scroll was on the pavilion, the academy, and even faintly looming steps like a moat.

The scroll flew across the sky to cover Li He.

"Old Zhaoming, do you dare to be true?"

Li He's figure was banned, not feeling ashamed, and with a low growl, his figure turned into a disc.

The disc emits a light yellow glow, like the sun.

Under the disk stood twelve fairies, six men and six women.

The male fairy is pointing to the sky with his left hand and holding an arrow in his right hand; the six female fairies represent Liu Ding, and the female fairy is pointing to the ground with the right hand and holding the pot in the left hand.

As soon as the disc appeared, it cut through the scroll and rushed out.

Li He turned into a figure and yelled at the scroll: "Lao Zhaoming, I will never end with you!"

"Come, come~"

The old man's figure flew down the scroll, and the scroll rose again, turning into heaven and earth to pounce on Li He, shouting, "I'm just about to end with you!"

Li He said that, but his figure was not slow, he had already fled to the horizon.

Seeing that the old man couldn't catch up, he didn't go far, cruising in the air for a while, and flew back to Wufeng Pavilion again.


Seeing Zhaoming's figure disappear, Li He stood in the middle of the sky with his eyeballs ticking around. He whispered, "How could Lao Zhaoming get to Fuyu City?"

"If he is there, how could anyone discover the master's layout?"

"Could it be that Xiao Hua, Zhao Ming did it?"

"Damn it! I thought I had discovered the truth, but I didn't expect it to be a trap laid by Zhaoming. If I were not careful, I am afraid it has fallen into his hands!"

"This Zhaoming old man, I don't want to find a way to clean up you!"

Li He cursed and left.

The old man named Zhaoming also fell into the pavilion of Wufeng Pavilion. He looked at the place Xiao Hua had walked before, gritted his teeth and said: "I said, how could there be a strange appearance in Wufeng Pavilion, and I couldn’t notice it after I arrived. , It turned out that Li He was doing tricks!"

"What does he want to do after sneaking into Wufeng Pavilion?"

Xiao Hua had been exposed, but the truth was concealed by misunderstandings.

Xiao Hua naturally didn't know this, his mind shook, and he immediately fell into the space, turning into a jade inscription Xiao Hua to look at Zhou Xiaoming's eyebrows.

After the book entered Zhou Xiaoming's soul, it turned into a hot light and shadow, the mysterious rotation of the light and shadow, and weird fluctuations fell into Zhou Xiaoming's soul.

And under the influence of fluctuations, Zhou Xiaoming's spirit has undergone changes that even Xiao Hua cannot detect.

"how is this possible?"

Even Xiao Hua couldn't believe his eyes. He had just felt that the fall of Lan Yu was not as simple as he thought. Looking at it now, he suddenly felt that Lan Yu’s strength was not as unbearable as he thought. !

"Could it be that Lan Yu had already cultivated to a level not inferior to Xiao Mou before she fell?"

"Otherwise, how could his reincarnated body be the master of the Shangqing Palace?"

"Listening to Xinxin, the masters of the Sanqing Palace all have origins, and each of them is not inferior to the masters of Wenqu Palace. Their origins do not even matter to Emperor Chen Xian. How could they be in harmony?"

Suddenly, Xiao Hua felt self-stressed.

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