Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2533: Qingyue??ingyueyan

   "The third one is Wuyunzhi!"

   Gao Ming said, "It is a fine wine made from the water from Wuyun Stream and mixed with Wuyun fruit. When Qingyueyan is obtained, my dad will definitely use Wuyun syrup to entertain Brother Xiao!"


   Xiao Hua was shocked, and asked, "Qingyueyan?"


   Gaoming nodded and said, "My little brother has lived in Qingyueyan since he was a child."

   "You don't live in Wuyun City, right, do your Gao family live in Qingyueyan?"

   "Brother Xiao~"

   Gao Ming said with a smile, "The Gao family land is naturally in Wuyun City. Qingyueyan is just the place where our Gao family lives."

   "Didn't I tell you? Although our branch is a direct one, it is not the most prominent one!"



   Xiao Hua touched his nose. He really didn't expect that there would be a Qingyueyan in the Heavenly Court, and Gao Ming actually lived in Qingyueyan.

   Qingyueyan is the residence of the Nine Summers of the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, and the place where Nine Summers was born.

   Xiao Hua looked up and down Gao Ming again, almost wanting to use the hand of cause and effect.

"what happened?"

   Gao Ming said strangely, "Brother Xiao knows Qingyueyan?"

   "Yes, I know Qingyueyan!"

   Xiao Hua nodded, "However, that Qingyueyan is in the Mortal Realm."

"is it?"

   Gaoming's eyes lit up and asked, "What does that Qingyueyan look like?"

"I do not know!"

   Xiao Hua replied, "But someone knows!"

   While talking, Xiao Hua took out the Kunlun Mirror and released Jiu Xia.

   "Xiao Lang~"

   Jiuxia looked around and smiled, "Why do you suddenly think of my concubine?"

   "Look at him!"

   Xiao Hua pointed to Gao Ming and said.


   Jiu Xia glanced at Gao Ming and exclaimed, "How does his bloodline resemble his concubine?"

   At this time, Jiu Xia will naturally not show her true face. Gao Ming looked at the ordinary Jiu Xia and asked Xiao Hua strangely, "Is she?"

   Xiao Hua introduced: "She is Xiao Xianlu!"

   Gao Ming was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Brother Gao Ming, I have seen my wife!"

   "Hee hee~"

   Jiu Xia helped Gao Ming and said, "Don't call it so early, you and I should have a deeper blood relationship!"


   Gao Ming rolled his eyes and asked, "Fairy also has a surname Gao?"

   "If I follow my father's surname, I will naturally have a higher surname!"

   Jiuxia replied happily.

   She didn't expect that she could still find the blood of her father in the heaven.


   Gao Ming tentatively asked, "Fairy's father's name? The little brother knows the family tree of the Gao family!"

   "Hee hee~"

   Jiuxia said with a smile, "Don't talk about this first, you first talk about Qingyueyan, Gaojia, or Wuyun City!"


   Gaoming nodded and said, "It's still far from Qingyueyan to the left and right, so I can tell the fairy briefly!"

   "According to my dad, the ancestor of the Gao family was named Yu Yuan. He was an immortal in the early days of Taoism, and he was good at refining tools. There is a saying that is the founding of today's Taoxian world refining."

   Speaking of this, Gao Ming suddenly remembered something. He looked at Xiao Hua and Jiu Xia, who were laughing but silent, and said, "This is what Dad said, I think it's a bit exaggerated!"

   "It's okay, it's okay!"

   Nine Summers pursed his lips and smiled, "I never thought that there is such a long and prominent history in the clan. Even though it may be rumored, it is the deeds of our ancestors. We are not outsiders, so it doesn't hurt to listen."

   Gao Ming smiled and said: "The fairy said that there are too many things about the heroes of my ancestors of the Gao family, one by one, such as the brilliant galaxy, can make me pay respect. I will just say a few key people."

   "The second is the ancestor, whose name is Benrong. The so-called ancestor is my Gao family because this ancestor created the prosperity of the family in the realm of Confucianism."

"This great ancestor is famous because his old man followed the northern black emperor to slay demons and exterminate demons in the dry desert world, and became famous in the battle of capturing and killing demonic emperor Yin in Dongguo. Now there is a place called Hulao, which is him. The place where the old man fought against the demon Emperor Yin."


"The third is the declining ancestor, whose name is Jixing. The so-called declining ancestor refers to the Gao family's involvement in a great battle after this ancestor, which led to the fall of the Gao family's top combat power. The Gao family has since declined and the population is thin, and thus moved around. "

"As for the fourth person, the name refers to the ancestor, the name is Qi Pei. The so-called ancestor refers to the ancestor of the painting. This ancestor is a branch of the Gao family who migrated to Wuyun City. The ancestor of the refers to the ancestor of the finger painting, and his friend Bi Hong Zhang Wei created the Wuyun Tower."

   "Since then, the Gao family, Bi family, and Zhang family are not only the Five Cloud Towers, but also the top families in Five Clouds City."

   Hearing this, Xiao Hua was stunned, and said, "It turns out that Gao Jiajia is the founding family of Wuyunlou, Gao Ming, you have a lot of origin!"

   Gaoming smiled bitterly, and waved his hand: "Brother Xiao joked. My Gao family opened branches and leaves in Wuyun City. I don't know how many disciples there are. The younger brother has long since disappeared."


   Jiu Xia stared at Gao Ming with a pair of wonderful eyes, and asked, "Who is your father?"

   "My father's name is Yu E,"

   Gaoming answered honestly, "His old man is considered an ordinary person in the clan."

   After finishing speaking, Gao Ming asked, "Where are the fathers of the fairy?"

   Jiu Xia looked at this Songxian who was somewhat related to herself, bit her lip, and said, "My father's name is Ji Di..."

   said, Jiu Xia took a closer look at the brilliant reaction.

   How can I know that Gao Ming looked blank, as if he had never heard the name.

   Sure enough, Gao Ming thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Gao's family tree does not have this name. What about the name of the fairy grandfather?"

"I do not know!"

   Jiu Xia shook her head, "I haven't met my father, only my mother said."

   "Fairy don't be sad~"

   Gao Ming comforted, "As long as it is of our Gao family's blood, we only need to go to the ancestral hall to verify it, and we will definitely find relatives!"

   Jiu Xia smiled, and said: "The blood relationship is long gone, but I feel melancholy every time I think about it. Now that I have Xiao Lang to accompany me, I have long since made up for regrets, but I don't have to really look for anything."

   Xiao Hua smiled and stretched out and held Jiu Xia's hand.

   Gao Ming looked at it and pouted.

   is another ten days, UU reading www. In the distance of, a light green like bamboo shoots after a rain suddenly appeared before my eyes.

   When you fix your eyes, the pale blue turns into a piece of blue rock. The blue rock is like a mountain, and there are pavilions, bamboo forests, pools, stone caves, and even thatched halls and qin platforms.

   When the body shape fell, the blue rock turned into a majestic mountain range, and the eyes were covered with varying degrees of coverage, green plums like forests, green bamboos like the sea, the sound of bamboo waves, and the sound of wind whistling.

   Jiuxia looked at a cyan giant peak on the ground in the distance, and groaned unconsciously:

  "Slanting the moon and half the river, every Jiren walks alone.

   Sorrowful and miserable at dusk, poetic into the Qing Dynasty.

   The bird pecks the broken poplar, and the insects hang lightly.

   Qingyue After this dream, who will tell the truth! "


   Gao Ming was shocked, looking at Jiu Xia and shouting: "Have you... Have you been to Qingyue Lingyan?"

   "This is a verse engraved in Qingyue Lingyan!!!"


   Jiuxia shook his head and said, "This is a love poem my father wrote to my mother!"

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