Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2551: Gu Jiongshi, the fifth generation of Zhuang Bi

   "Dingling bell~"

   As soon as the voice of the middle-aged beautiful woman landed, a bell rang in the bamboo forest in the distance, and a handsome young man flew out in a hurry.

   The young man wore a cyan shirt with two white jade bells around his waist. The bells made a crisp sound every few steps.

   The young man flew in front of the middle-aged beautiful woman, blinked his eyes and gestured with both hands.

   This young man is naturally the Gu Yanshi of the middle-aged beautiful woman, but he looks like a dumb man!

   Dumbs are common in the commonplace, how can there be heaven?

   "It's so hard~"

  The middle-aged beautiful woman took a look at Gu Yanshi in disgust, and cursed, "Why are you still not dead?"

   "It doesn't matter if you can't speak, you can't even learn voice transmission and ventriloquism, it's a waste!"

   Gu Yanshi was in a hurry, made gestures quickly, and pointed to the bamboo forest in the distance, as if he was defending.

   "I know how to fiddle with flowers and plants every day. How many jade coins is it worth?"

   "I really don't know how the old man fell in love with you, so he asked Yu Niang to marry you!"

   After finishing speaking, the middle-aged beautiful woman pointed outside the door and said, "Fengxu is about to be closed, don't you hurry up?"

   "If you buy less Wenzhi, see if I don't drive you out of our Xu family!"

   Gu Yanshi patted himself on the forehead, as if he had awakened, and hurriedly flew outside, but after flying halfway back, he returned, and stretched out his hand pitifully.

   "It's a waste~"

  The middle-aged beautiful woman yelled again, "Our Xu family doesn't know how many sins they have committed, but they recruited you, the door-to-door son-in-law, and won't even earn jade coins!!"

   Talking, the middle-aged beautiful woman took out a kit and threw it to Gu Yanshi, and immediately rushed into the pavilion and shouted: "Yu Niang, are you hurry up?"

   "Master Shen arrived at the Qionghua Building a long time ago and is waiting for you!"

   "Alright, mother~"

   A young woman with a glamorous figure and picturesque brows flew out of the building, responding with a hint of excitement on her face.

   Gu Yanshi originally flew out, but stopped again at this time, he watched the young woman fly back, and gestured with both hands: "Yuniang, why are you going?"

   The young woman named Yu Niang has long been accustomed to Gu Yanshi's sign language and replied without thinking, "You are dumb and not deaf."

   "Did you not hear what mother said?"

   "Go to Qiongyu Tower?"

   "Go and see Lord Shen Yu Shen!"

   Gu Yanshi was anxious, and gestured: "Why are you going to see Shen Yu? It's still in Qiongyu Tower!"

   "You trash~"

   Yu Niang glanced at Gu Yanshi contemptuously, and sneered, "Our Xu family’s Zhanhong business alliance is at stake. If I don’t go to the Shen family, can I still find you?"

   "A **** who only waits for flowers and plants all day, what can I expect from you??"

   "If Grandpa insisted, how could I marry you this trash?"

While talking, Yu Niang’s mother flew over and looked at Gu Junshi and said to Yu Niang: "Yu Niang, hurry up and let him go. The old man on the left and right has passed away, and you haven’t made up with him in these years, mother. I am looking for a new relationship for you!"

   "By the way, Master Shen doesn't seem to be married yet. If you like it, my mother can help you test it out after meeting!"


   In front of Gu Yanshi, Yu Niang nodded shyly, and did not regard Gu Yanshi as her husband.


   Gu Yanshi hurriedly said, "What happened to the Zhanhong Business League? I can help you through the difficulties!"

   "Besides, Yu Niang is still my wife, how can you take her to a blind date?"


   Yu Niangniang waved her hand anger, and a beam of Xia Cai was born, which turned into a whip and drew it directly on Gu Yanshi.

   Gu Yanshi was tumbling in mid-air with an embarrassing stature, and flew out thousands of feet directly.

   "Go to Fengxu, there is nothing wrong with you here!"

   Niang Niang sneered, "When the time agreed with the old man arrives, you can get out of Xu's house for the old woman as soon as possible, where will you die?"

   Gu Yueshi clenched his fists tightly, and wanted to go back to defend something, but watched Yu Niang follow her on the colorful clouds and went happily.

   He didn't bother to say anything, turned around and flew away.

   Fengxu is the market. Gu Yanshi looked at the place where the Xia Cai was spread in the distance. Just as soon as a cup of tea flew out, a white jade-faced Songxian burst out of the diagonal thorn.

   The Songxian bowed when he saw Gu Yan Shina, crying and said: "Second Young Master, do you remember me? I am Gu Shan, you will always save Gu's family!"

   "The Patriarch has already said that as long as you save Gu's family, you will be returned to the clan immediately!"

   Gu Yanshi is not even Fengxian, but facing this Songxian, his face is as usual, and he raised his hand and said, "When they drove me out of Gu's house, who said a word for me?"

   "Do you think of me now?"

   "What can I do again??"

   "I'm just a **** waiting for flowers and plants!"

   After speaking, Gu Yanshi flew away without looking back.

   However, he just flew thousands of miles away, and the Songxian came over again, and said with a smile: "Second son, you don't know, the fairy grass you bought that year finally bloomed, and it was bought by Xuhuang Building for a big price."

   "Isn't that good?"

   Gu Yanshi said in an angry stroke, "Back then, you said that I misappropriated the family jade coin, but you didn't know that the jade coin was my own!"

   "Yes, yes~"

   Songxian explained, "The patriarch already knew that he was wrong and punished the third uncle heavily."

"In the end what happened?"

   Gu Yanshi thought for a while, and asked, "The patriarch is actually willing to punish his most beloved third uncle?"

   "That rainy night flower~"

   Song Xian was overjoyed and said hurriedly, "After being bought by Xuhuanglou, it only opened once, and it will not bloom again. Under the shame of Xuhuanglou, he blames my Gu family for deceiving them and destroys my Gu family!"

   "Second Young Master, after all, you are also the elder of the Gu family, can you watch the Gu family be destroyed?"

With that said, Song Xian took out a kit and stuffed it to Gu Zhushidao, "This is what the Patriarch asked me to bring to the Second Young Master. The jade coins in it are what the Second Young Master deserves. The Patriarch only asks the Second Young Master to take care of his old love. When will he return? Save Gu's family once!"

   Song Xian turned and flew away.

   Gu Yanshi couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't promise anything.

   But when I opened it, Gu Yanshi's eyes were straight, and there were so many bright jade coins inside, which made Gu Yanshi's eyes blurred.

   "Oh, why should I have known so long ago!"

   Gu Yanshi sneered in his heart, UU reading received the tips and flew to the Fengxu of Xia Cai Rujin.

   "Xu's son-in-law is here~"

   As soon as Gu Yanshi flew close, several Fengxians had already covered their mouths and laughed, "I don't know what kind of grass he will buy today!"

   Say goodbye to 2020, no matter what you lose or gain, 2020 is finally over.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all the book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, Lianshui Xiuyuan, smelly mosquito, trotting youth, guf8547*5, spruce, busy Old man, eat cold skin in the middle of the night, Nuo Lunxi watch, Zfwz666, ruthless, loritin, black body tease you, Dun Yu, Mr. Huan, return, vanilla flavor, Southern Emperor Beima, once looked forward to the present and so on.

   2021 has arrived, and fellow Taoists still have to face life positively.

   Tanhua’s mission is to complete the fairy world chapter perfectly, and I hope you will continue to support you.

  Of course, the best gift for everyone in the New Year is to add more, please accept it.

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