Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2557: Chidi, Nangong Shiru

"Haha, this is easy to handle!"

Gu Wei was afraid that Xiao Hua would be invited away by other forces, and now he heard that there was not more than one Songxian going with him. He laughed and said, "I don't just want to go to the Red Cliff Small World, even if he wants to go to school, the old man can agree. "

"Then thank you Master Gu."

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and looked around, ready to go out.


Zuo Zhongyu immediately coughed again and said, "Xiao Hua, at this time, the crowds outside the academy are waiting to see the true face of Wen Heng, the only one in the heavenly court. I think you should be more cautious!"

"Students understand!"

Xiao Hua smiled and replied, "Everything is arranged by Master Gu and Master Zuo!"

Later, Xiao Hua talked about Yinghuo's appearance. Not long after, someone led her over. Gu Wei and Zuo Zhongyu had left long ago. After a few Yuqing immortals took them to the jade cart, Yinghuo winked at Xiao Hua. Said: "Sure enough, Wen Heng, the treatment is different."

"Do you know? As soon as I left the Wufeng Pavilion, someone rushed over, surrounded me and asked if I was Xiao Wenheng!"

"I said I am not, but I met Xiao Wenheng, before I could finish speaking, they immediately picked up the writing notes and said,'A story that a student has to tell Xiao Wenheng', I have to tell me how to meet you , What do you look like..."

"Haha, I laughed to death!!"

Yinghuo clutched her belly and laughed, the anger in Wufeng Pavilion just now seemed to disappear long ago.

"This heartless little girl~"

Xiao Hua smiled, feeling that Yinghuo's personality was somewhat similar to Yue Yichun.

However, it seemed that Yinghuo's background was much more noble than Yue Yichun.

The strength of that voice just now is comparable to Hun Yuan!

If it were not for a ray of distraction, Xiao Hua might not be able to repel it easily!

Xiao Hua was right. In a mysterious place in the heavenly court, a huge flame was condensed into the shape of a book, and it was burning.

The pages of the book seem to be slow, but in fact they are turning quickly. The inexplicable Hongyun is mixed with the outline of the dragon's energy condensed in the pages of the book like red dust.

In the depths of the flame, at the end of the entanglement of light and Xia Cai, there are many palaces and pavilions dotted with each other.

Suddenly, a pavilion exploded, and the flames inside burst out into a human form. Where the human form passed, the space collapsed and Hong Yun shattered.


The human figure stood still, his scarlet eyes looked at one place, and a earth-shaking voice rang from his mouth, "Where is the Hunyuan child who dares to stop our soul?"


The humanoid voice never landed, and there was lightning and thunder in the distance, and a huge chariot galloped from the flames!

The driver was a seven-headed fire dragon, and the driver was a Taiqing Tianxian in a red armor!


The fire dragon was originally looking up to the sky and roaring, but it flew to the front and was shocked by the will of the human form without casting, each of the dragons trembled, not daring to get too close.

Taiqing Tianxian flew out of the car, fell on one knee, and said: "Your Majesty, has Yinghuo ever come back? Erchen is ready to marry her!"

The flame figure looked at Taiqing Tianxian, and said faintly: "Yinghuo never turned back!"

"His Majesty!"

Taiqing Tianxian was stunned for a moment. Although he did not dare to look up, he still asked, "I heard your Majesty that Yinghuo has an agreement with your Majesty. If she wins the Wenheng of this selection, your Majesty..."

Speaking of this, Taiqing Tianxian dare not say any more.

And the flame humanoid coldly said: "I will terminate the engagement with you!!"


"do you have any opinion?"

Taiqing Tianxian trembled and replied in a low voice: "The minister dare not!"


The flame figure snorted coldly, "Nangong Shiru, since I can agree to marry your Nangong family, I can also ruin this marriage contract! It is not your turn to question me!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty~"

The name Nangong Shiru no longer dared to kneel down on one knee. He also knelt down on the other knee and kowtowed and said, "Your majesty calms down. Your majesty has misunderstood. How could the minister question your majesty? The minister just wanted to ask the location of Yingluo, okay. Go and pick her back."


The flame figure struck Nangong Shiru, and then slightly nodded and said, "That's right! If you want to please Yingzhuo, she won't think much, let alone escape."

"If you had been like this, how could Yinghuo go to Qunyu City to participate in the selection?"

"Yinghuo is my favorite junior. It's normal for her to be a little willful. You have to bear it."

"Yes, yes~"

Nangong Shiru repeatedly kowtowed his head and said, "I know, my son will not worry your majesty in the future."


The flame figure waved his hand and said, "Yinghuo has already come out of the Wufeng Pavilion in Qunyu City, but she has not returned to Chi Cheng. As for where she went, you can just ask."

After speaking, the flame figure suddenly disappeared, and the empty flames turned into fiery filaments and dispersed like dust!

"Erchen respectfully send your majesty!"

Nangong Shiru said in a hurry, kowtow.

After waiting for a stick of incense, Nangong Shiru got up and got on the chariot again.


After recognizing the direction, Nangong Shiru raised his hand and patted it, and the seven fire dragons screamed up to the sky, pulling the chariot torn apart like a scroll and went in one direction!


I don’t know how long it took, and a voice rang within the flames, “A little Taiqing, one grade, dare to come and question me. It seems that I have been in retreat during this period of time and made you forget my methods. This time... Take your Nangong clan for surgery!"

Nangong Shiru didn’t know that his inadvertent actions had aroused his majesty’s vigilance, not to mention that his majesty had concealed Xiao Hua’s strength. He was still on the chariot, holding the dragon onion, gritted his teeth and said: "Xiao Hua, one Little Songxian dare to intervene in the heir of the great emperor. I really don’t know that the sky is so great!

"My lord~"

There was a respectful voice from Long and he persuaded it softly, "This Xiao Hua is not easy, the small three yuan of Tianqi’s choice, the only Wenkui of Tianting Mao, and the only article of Tianting Junxuan. Heng, is a genius who hasn't appeared in many years, you are old..."


I don’t know if this voice is not persuaded. The more that Nangong Shiru’s face becomes more hideous, he sneered, "The most indispensable thing in the heavens is genius. Every year, there are more geniuses loyal to my Nangong family than the crucian carp. A Xiao Hua is a shit!"

"After he dared to provoke the Scarlet Emperor, he committed the crime of my Nangong family!"

"If I don't use him, do I have to wait for other families to watch me lively?"

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all the book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, Lianshui Xiuyuan, smelly mosquito, trotting youth, guf8547*5, spruce, busy Old man, eat cold skin in the middle of the night, Nuo Lunxi watch, Zfwz666, ruthless, loritin, black body tease you, Dun Yu, Mr. Huan, return, vanilla flavor, Southern Emperor Beima, once looked forward to the present and so on.

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