Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2565: Interesting facts about the Red Dust Soul

Li Nianxiao thought about it a little, and tentatively explained: "I should be like this. This mist is a strange place, and there are red spirits inside. For the souls, this mist is red dust and everything. , Is the view we see now!"

"What I am asking is, why can I see it too!"

Yinghuo didn't give Li Nianxiao face, and said, "Why are you talking about this?"

"You and I are not physical bodies, but the existence of souls~"

Li Nianxiao frowned and looked at Yinghuo, and continued, "So we are the same as the Red Dust Soul, what we see is what they see."

"Of course, we don't actually see it with our eyes, but the whole soul can touch it!"

"not good!"

Yinghuo's face changed drastically, and she exclaimed, "We can't be contaminated with the red spirits!"

Xiao Hua said next to him: "First of all, you are in a state of spirit, not a physical body, and the red spirit cannot penetrate into your language; secondly, you, the spirit, are self-contained and will not come into contact with the red spirit!"

While talking, melodious singing came from the mountains and forests in the distance.

"My goodness!"

Yinghuo exclaimed, looking at the direction of the mountain forest and exclaimed, "This... can the spirits sing here?"

With that, Yinghuo was about to fly to the forest.

Unfortunately, she didn't move at all.


Xiao Hua said, "You are just an ordinary soul, without any magical powers."


Yinghuo was in a hurry, almost crying, and said, "Then how do we get out..."

It's a pity that she didn't finish her words, she suddenly woke up and smiled to herself: "Yes, Xiao Wenheng, you must have the means!"

Then, Yinghuo ran towards the forest and said as he ran, "Li Nianxiao, come with me to see who is singing!"

Li Nianxiao raised his head and glanced at Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua said irritably, "Isn't it just for you to protect her?"

"Yes, Uncle Master!"

Li Nianxiao responded and hurried to catch up.

Xiao Hua's figure flickered and followed Li Nianxiao like the wind. The space around Xiao Hua was annihilated as Xiao Hua flew.

But fortunately, Xiao Hua flew over, and waves appeared around the annihilated space, and patches of space appeared to repair the annihilation.

This is a space that is lower than the mortal realm, and it is easy to damage and repair.

Yinghuo ran into the forest and saw a woodman singing while chopping wood. She shouted, "Hello, what song are you singing?"


The woodcutter was startled and turned to look at Yinghuo, just about to speak.


This time it was Yinghuo's turn to take a few steps back in fright.

Because although the woodcutter has a face, there are no facial features and seven orifices on his face, only a blur.

"Little girl~"

Seeing Yinghuo retreating, the woodcutter comforted, "Don't be afraid, I am the one who cut wood down the mountain."

"How can I be afraid?"

Yinghuo looked at Li Nianxiao behind her, and said courageously, "I'm just afraid of affecting you to chop wood. By the way, what song are you singing?"

"The Rural Minor has no name~"

The woodcutter explained, "It's just the grandfather's grandfather and their generation. The fire fell from the sky and destroyed the world. The grandfathers used music to mourn the dead!"

"Fire from heaven?"

Yingluo said in surprise, "There is still sky fire here?"


The woodcutter said, "It was a catastrophe that destroyed the heavens and the earth. It is said that it was at night, and suddenly the sky burned up..."

Yinghuo listened, suddenly something was absolutely wrong, wasn't this the fire she had set in the void before?

After that, Yinghuo's face looked a little ugly, and it became extremely unnatural. She absolutely never expected that a ray of flame would cause a catastrophe in this space!

"Look at it~"

The woodcutter pointed to the distant plain and said, "There is a legacy of catastrophe, and till now there is still no grass!"

"Oh oh~"

Yingzhuo's eyes rolled and said, "Let's go and see!"

Xiao Hua knew that Yinghuo was deliberately evading, and he didn't say anything, but still followed Yinghuo and Li Nianxiao.

To Xiao Hua's expectation, Yinghuo actually ran to the scorched-earth plain and watched for a long time without speaking.

"Is there a town?"

Yingluo looked at something vague in the distance and asked.

"Where do I know!"

Xiao Hua replied with a smile, "You won't go and see it yourself?"

Yinghuo stopped talking back, and walked towards the spot.

Yinghuo guessed right or wrong.

There are traces of people here, but not a town, it should be a village.

It's just that everyone here is unclear, and looks a little bit oozing.

" it the same as the ordinary world?"

Yinghuo turned for a long time, feeling a little tired, she whispered to Li Nianxiao.


Li Nianxiao nodded and said, "Although it is not large in scale, it is really very similar to the village of Mortal Realm."

In fact, Li Nianxiao was born in the Ten Thousand Demon Realm, in the realm of cultivation, how does he know the real mortal realm village?

Xiao Hua wanted to correct it, but after thinking about it for a moment, he still shut up.

Li Nianxiao continued: "Look, these people should have been transformed by the Red Dust souls, and their every move is exactly the same as the mortals in the Red Dust. This shows that they were born out of the red dust in the heaven..."

Yinghuo also nodded in agreement: "You are right, how about called the Red Dust Soul? Although they exist for a short time..."


Speaking of this, Yinghuo suddenly exclaimed, "Xiao Wenheng, we won't be like these red spirits, will we fall soon?"

"will not!"

Xiao Hua replied, "You are eternal existence here!"

"That's good, that's good~"

Yinghuo patted her chest and let out a long sigh.

Strangely, Li Nianxiao glanced at Yinghuo, then hurriedly looked away.

Yinghuo didn't pay attention, she looked at the distance again and said, "Go, there are many people there, go and see!"

There were more than a dozen people in the place that Yinghuo pointed out, and in the center was a thin young man.

The young man was kneeling on the ground and kowtow to the people around him, begging: "Dear folks and elders, my old father is very ill. UU Read has no money to see a doctor, so please reach out for help."

"One copper plate is not too small, and ten copper plates are not too many. I will keep these accounts down, and I will use this life to pay back the money."

"I won't pay it for the rest of my life, so I will let my children and grandchildren pay it..."

Yingluo was confused and asked in a low voice, "What is a copper plate?"

"The copper plate is the jade coin of the common world!"

Xiao Hua replied, "The Mortal Realm needs a doctor's copper sheet to see a doctor, otherwise they won't see a doctor!"

Watching the young man kowtow, Yinghuo whispered: "Xiao...Xiao Wenheng, how about you help his father treat his illness?"

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all the book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, Lianshui Xiuyuan, smelly mosquito, trotting youth, guf8547*5, spruce, busy Old man, eat cold skin in the middle of the night, Nuo Lunxi watch, Zfwz666, ruthless, loritin, black body tease you, Dun Yu, Mr. Huan, return, vanilla flavor, Southern Emperor Beima, used to look forward to the present, do not smoke a day, etc. </div>

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