Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2591: Taiqing Tianxian Gu Chi

With that said, Nangong Shiru raised her hand and took out a bronze dragon sculpture. At this time, the eyes of the dragon sculpture were blood red. It was obviously that Nangong Shiru had already been refined with blood sacrifice.

Nangong Shiru looked at it and threw it into the circling dragon vortex.


The dragon carving fell into the dragon's energy, making the sound of dragon roar, and then it rose rapidly. The previous eighty dragons also roared and pounced on the dragon carving, one by one merged into it.

And as the dragon sculpts the dragon, on the head of the dragon, a face becomes more and more clear. Isn't it the Nangong Shiru?

However, before the Nangong Shiru on this dragon sculpture was fully formed, "buzzing~" there was a roar in the depths of the Red Cliff Little Heaven.

"Uncle Master~"

Li Nianxiao was overjoyed and hurriedly looked into the distance and whispered.

However, amidst the roar, the small heaven realm, which looked like a broken scroll, began to slowly turn around. In a page-like space, several Taiqing Tianxians flew out in embarrassment, and the young man Xiao Hua had seen before.


As soon as the young man flew out, he immediately looked at the eighty dragons on the edge of the Red Cliff Little Heaven, and exclaimed, "Who dares to open the Longjing?"

"Damn it!"

Behind the young man was a brawny man with a yellowish face. He had a more violent temper. He didn't wait for the young man to say. He immediately took shape, threw himself at the dragon, and shouted loudly, "Dare to make trouble in the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm, this I don't want to live anymore! If so, let Grandpa send you to the underworld!"

As he said, the strong man raised his hand and took out a picture scroll. After being urged by Wen Li, the picture scroll was unfolded.

On the scroll is a picture of a hundred swords, where the clouds are surging, there are a hundred sword lights flying out.

Hundreds of sword lights interacted with each other, and quickly turned into ten thousand ways, sturdily pounced on one of the dragon energy.

It's a pity that before the sword light approached the dragon qi, bursts of "pap papa" bursts came from the sword light, the pieces of the sword light shattered, and there were only dozens of them before the dragon qi was gained!

Moreover, the light of these swords was dim, and even a little mournful, and he did not dare to step forward!

"Yao Yu~"

The young man smiled and said, "This place is no longer an ordinary heaven. You and I are not stable in Confucianism. Why do you still want to use cultural instruments to paint rhyme?"

"Gu Chi is right!"

Another young girl pursed her lips and echoed, "This is actually a Dragon Realm. If I want to get out of trouble, I still need to face it hard!"

With that said, the young girl patted her waist and actually took out a machete!

The brawny man named Yao Yu collected the picture scroll casually. He didn't put the eighty dragon qi in his eyes, and seemed to be even more angry and disturbed his cultivation.

He looked at the machete in the girl's hand and exaggeratedly exclaimed: "Oh my God!"

"Shu Yi, is this your weapon?"

"Are you going to scare me to death?"


The young girl named Shuyi waved the machete, and the shadows of the knives fell in the air, splitting the dragon Qi and even the space!

Then he said proudly: "Is it useful to scare you to death? Let's watch me split the space confinement!"


The other Taiqing celestial immortals also snorted coldly, each took out their weapons and flew to the edge covered by the dragon energy.

Celestial Confucianism is still somewhat different from Taoist immortals. Their weapons are born out of the mortal world, and 18 weapons of knife, fork, sword and halberd are possible.

Of course, the inner middle is still dominated by swords.

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Everyone was more and more frightened, because the dragon aura was so horrifying that even Taiqing Tianxian had to release Sanhua to resist the dragon aura.

In that case, their Confucian bodies trembled crazily, and a golden cloud gushing out of their bodies, blooming like a dragon's light and shadow.

Everyone looked at each other, their eyes were bitter.

Dragon Qi is always a great tonic to Confucianism, but the strong dragon Qi has become a poison.

Especially in the area covered by Dragon Qi, Tianting Hongyun is already meager, and Taiqing Tianxian is also struggling!

"I want to see~"

Shuyi gritted her teeth and said, "Who is making trouble!"

The brawny Yao Yu also echoed: "Out of Red Cliff, I must pull his muscles and peel him~"

Only Gu Chi has been looking at the eighty dragons in all directions without saying much. At this time, he said meaningfully: "I am afraid that this matter is not as simple as the literary friends think. There are often traces of dragons around this small red cliff. Because of the existence of Longjing!"

"And know that there are eighty-one in Longjing, and how many literary friends?"


Shu Yi exclaimed, "Nine-nine-nine-eighty-one Longjing? Why are there so many!"


Gu Chi focused his head and said, "Even if it is a young student, I saw this number from the ancestral shrine of my Gu family a few days ago. As for the location of these dragon wells, there is no record in the ancestor..."

As he said, Gu Chi raised his hand and pointed, "Look, everyone, there are 80 dragons around now, naturally someone has opened 80 dragon wells!"

"The location of these Longjings is unknown to the young man. The visitor actually knows it, and it can be opened easily. It is so visible that the identity of the visitor is not simple!"

Yao Yu frowned and asked, "The question is, what does he want to do when opening Longjing?"

"No matter so much!"

Shuyi was obviously hot-tempered, she said coldly, "Go out first!"

When everyone flew to the edge, the strong dragon aura, like a choking fragrance, rushed straight into the Confucian body of everyone.

In front of everyone, a nearly physical barrier stood in the air. The color of the barrier was golden, with dragon scale-like textures on the surface, and within the barrier, there were many roaming dragons shaking their heads and screaming at everyone!

"I'm coming~"

Shuyi's eyes flashed with a peachy halo, she looked for a moment, raised her machete in both hands, and yelled.


The machete slashed, and the wailing sound of "Aoao" within the dragon Qi sounded, and the space was annihilated. The machete and the raised knife shadow were tens of thousands of feet long.


The machete rushed into the barrier and immediately split the dragon pattern, and even the dragons were split in half.

Looking at the shadow of the knife, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com barrier was torn and sunlight came in. Shu Yi let out a long sigh and said, "I was too careful to wait. The Longjing was opened, but the imprisonment is still weak. Go and call the low-level immortals..."

It's a pity that before Shuyi's words were finished, there was another huge shock within the Dragon Qi, and then, a huge pale golden light arc drew towards Shuyi like a whip.

Shuyi didn't notice, the arc of light had already crossed the sky to knock down her machete, and the remaining power was undiminished, hitting Shuyi's body directly.

"Be careful!"

Gu Chi is more careful than everyone else. He really knows how powerful this Red Cliff Little Heaven is, so seeing the arc of light hit Shuyi, he immediately flew out, and just before the arc fell on Shuyi’s body, he took her away Grab it under the arc of light.


The arc of light fell through, and it was still drawn down, countless dragon patterns and spaces were wiped out by the arc of light!

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