Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2594: 2 coins


Yao Yu didn't want to fly upside down, and said in horror: "Second-Rank Heavenly Immortal! This...this dragon has the second-Rank Heavenly Immortal strength!!


While talking, Yao Yu's sword light had already fallen.

At this time, Yao Yu didn't want to hurt the enemy, he just wanted to block the dragon's Jiong for a moment, so that he could escape calmly!

It's a pity, even if it is Yao Yu's simple wish, Dragon Jiong will not give him a chance to realize it!

Let’s not talk about the number of sword lights that pierce the dragon’s body. The sword light has been scattered by the heavy dragon power, and there is no way to form it; just say that the long sword body pierces the dragon power and pierces the dragon body. Except for some sparks, there is no way to hurt the dragon Jiong, which is enough to make Yao Yu's heart dead.

Ignoring the long sword, the dragon Jiong raised his claws, tearing through the space, and grabbing Yao Yu's vest.

Under the dragon's claws, Yao Yu couldn't move his body, forcing him to raise his hand and pat his head.


Three flowers gush out, and the clouds pour down like a waterfall, forming flowers and chains around Yao Yu.


However, when the dragon's claws grabbed it, the three flowers had just condensed out, and immediately burst, and even the chains were turned into nothingness!


Yao Yu ran away in a hurry, but was caught up by the giant dragon Jiong, and grabbed his heart with one claw!


The giant dragon Jiong watched Yao Yu's corpse fall, and was bitten by the dragons around it. It only swallowed Yao Yu's heart in its mouth and chewed.

Even Taiqing Tianxian Yao Yu was killed, how can other immortals be spared?

Thousands of dragons brought by the giant dragon Jiong plunged into the crowd, biting them, screaming and crying for help for a while!


"Help, help~"

Hearing these voices, Li Nianxiao, who was standing at the end of the immortals, looked at Yinghuo and couldn't help but whispered: "Hongya has finished watching, you... won't you go back?"

Yinghuo turned a deaf ear to the miserable situation in front of her, she asked a little strangely: "Red Cliff is finished, but I don't want to go back now, I...I...I want to stay here more!"


Seeing a female fairy torn to pieces by the dragon clan, Li Nianxiao finally gritted her teeth and urged, "If you stay here for a while, more fairy will fall!"

"When they fall, they fall?"

Yinghuo looked up in the distance, still not caring, "Who has never died since ancient times?"

"Besides, what does their death have to do with me? If I leave, they won't die?"

Li Nianxiao really didn't understand why Yinghuo couldn't understand. He anxiously said, "Yes, Nangong Shiru wanted you to go back, so he did this. As long as you leave, he will definitely stop!"

"you are wrong!"

Yinghuo looked at Li Nianxiao and shook his head, "Nangong Shiru is demonstrating, and it is your senior brother and Xiao Wenheng that he is going to kill..."

"Yes, Uncle Master~~"

Li Nianxiao suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly turned his head to Xiao Huaying and said, "Uncle Master, can you always take action?"

It is a pity that Xiao Hua's shadow body is not a clone, nor is it a fairy infant. The shadow body only looked at Li Nianxiao and did not answer.

"Xiao Wenheng??"

Yinghuo looked around strangely and whispered, "He came out?"


Li Nianxiao's tone became a little cold, he didn't understand what Yinghuo thought, after all, as long as he went out, Nangong Shiru might stop!

Yinghuo can save the lives of hundreds of thousands of immortals!

Seeing that Li Nianxiao's expression was wrong, Yinghuo sighed and said, "Li Nianxiao, I...I just want to stay here for a while. Is this wrong?"

"Or what's wrong?"

"I really don't understand what you think, you actually want to drive me away!!"


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Li Nianxiao opened his mouth, not knowing how to explain it.


Yinghuo shook her head and said, "Although I don't understand what you think, but you want me to go, then... I'll go!"

After speaking, Yinghuo bit her lip and turned and slowly flew towards the place where the dragon race was raging in front of her head.

While walking around, she whispered: "This should be a good day for years to come..."

Hearing this, Li Nianxiao felt a pain in his heart and said loudly: "Wait, I have something for you~"

At the same time, Yinghuo also seemed to have a sense of understanding. After stopping, you turned your head and said: "By the way, I have something for you..."


Immediately, both of them looked at each other a little bit naively, and said together again, "What are you going to give me?"


Li Nianxiao took a deep breath and raised his fisted right hand.

Upon seeing this, Yingluo burst into a blush, and also raised her right hand, the snow-white catkin still has a thread of fire on it, but the white fingers are also clenched together!

The two fists touched and spread out at the same time, two identical copper coins appeared in front of them!


The two whispered, looked at each other, and exclaimed, ""

The hearts of the two are already hot at this time, and they already understand each other's intentions.

All the things in the world of the Red Dust Soul were just what they thought, and there was no way to bring them out.

Since they each took exactly the same copper coins, then... they had separately asked Xiao Hua in private, and Xiao Hua had condensed two identical copper coins for them.



It seemed that they wanted to plead or explain, the two spoke at the same time, but their eyes met each other, and they both hurriedly said in a panic, " speak first!"

After a moment of silence, Li Nianxiao said first: "You go first, I...I will find a way~~"

"How can it be?"

Although Li Nianxiao didn't say what he wanted to do, Yinghuo immediately understood what he was thinking, and a bitterness appeared on his face immediately, and he shook his head decisively, "I'm leaving, then I'm leaving, you don't have to think about..."


Without waiting for Yinghuan to finish her words, Longjing was near in the distance, and the vibration regenerated, and the sudden change occurred!

Yinghuo and Li Nian were shocked and hurriedly looked up.

However, in the center of the earth where dozens of dragon gas were sprayed, three hills trembled violently. The rocks and the land were annihilated in the trembling, and then there were clusters of black and white clouds spraying out!


Just a few breaths, one of the clouds, like a dragon, rushed directly into the sky, condensing into black and white flowers in mid-air.

And within the twisted rays of light, countless immortal soldiers will fly out in formation!


Looking at the fairy soldier, Yinghuo let out a cold snort, curled his lips and said, "Finally, it's here!"

Li Nianxiao went in without knowing it, and hurriedly asked: "Are these to pick you up?"


Yinghuo dismissed it and said, "How could I be picked up? This is the land of Huang Cheng. If it is not necessary, Your Majesty will not send soldiers to come."

"They are warriors guarding the borders of the two worlds!"

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