Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2606: Crown Spirit, Yixu


I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was a dragon roar over there, and it seemed that Tyrant had woke up.

Xiao Hua suddenly felt that as a monster or a dragon, he was actually very happy. He slept and ate, ate and slept, what a good practice!


Xiao Hua couldn't help sighing.攫攝攫攝


The voice came from there, seeming to laugh at him, "I can't find a way out, right?"

"How do you know?" 巘戅League of Legends novel 巘戅

Xiao Hua was alert and asked, "Have any dragons been suppressed like this before?"

"How can it be?"

The voice sneered, and said, "What kind of human race is Ge Tian? How many dragon races are worth his action?"

"That is, you idiot, attracted by Lao Tzu's message, it just touched his circling power."

Xiao Hua asked back: "Then how do you know that I am looking for a way to get out of trouble?"

"Isn't this nonsense?"

The voice replied, "When I first came in, I tried to get out every day. I don't know how long it took before I... gave up!"

"You are exactly the same as when I was first suppressed..."

Xiao Hua tentatively asked: "You are the boss!"


The voice was excited, only said one word, and then was silent for a long time, for several hours, then replied, "How did you know? I didn't explain in the message that came out..."


Xiao Hua was shocked, knowing that he would lose too much of his words, so he hurriedly remedied, "Although I don't know who you are, isn't this suppression, this kind of situation, the legendary hegemony?"

"Damn, damn!!"

Ba Xia roared, "Ge Tian, ​​I don't share heaven with you, you suppress Laozi without talking, but also belittle Laozi!!"


Xiao Hua heaved a long sigh of relief, looking like he was going through the confusion before him.


Suddenly, Ba Xia suddenly woke up, and said in surprise, "Can you actually guess that I am Ba Xia??"

"Yeah, yeah~"

Xiao Hua hurriedly agreed, "I also remembered it suddenly."

"Say it~"

Ba Xia seemed to be thinking about something. After a long while, he slowly said, "You are not stupid, you are a bit useful!"

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and said anxiously: "Yes, it's still useful!"

"I have a fart~"

Ba Xia immediately cursed again, "Do you want me to help you escape from here? Don't even think about it, you don't even know what's outside!"

Xiao Hua asked back: "What's outside??"

"Outside there is endless void~~"

Ba Xia sneered, "Even I can't escape, you're a fart!"

Xiao Hua originally wanted to say "I can try", but he swallowed when the words reached his lips. He couldn't be too anxious.

In fact, Xiao Hua has already figured it out. Since the eighty-one circling power elephants can lead to the heaven, he may not be able to use the runes of the red stele, but he is currently pretending to be a dragon!

"Calm, calm,"

Xiao Hua said to herself in her heart, "Don't expose your flaws."

And then, Ba Xia asked some questions about the Dragon Region, how did Xiao Hua know it, or she was talking nonsense, or told about the Dragon Region space.

Ba Xia was sighed, and only said that after being suppressed for so long, the Dragon Region was nothing but wrong.

Xiao Hua felt that he had almost gained Ba Xia’s trust, and was about to try to ask Ba Xia to help him, but Ba Xia sighed first: "Oh, what a pity, if you can go out, with your cleverness, it is Can help me out of trouble!"

"Oh, yes!"

Xiao Hua retreated to advance, and sighed, "Now it's too late to say anything. If you made it clear before, I might not be able to help you outside."


Ba Xia scolded, "Why didn't I say anything, I said I'm going to Guanling! Have you gone to Guanling?"

How did Xiao Hua know what Guan Ling was, but he was eager to say that he didn't go, but as soon as he said what he said, he was clever and changed his words: "Why didn't I go? The problem is, Guan Ling, you said, asked me to find it. Is the crown spirit the same?"

"You said it yourself, the dragon domain has changed so much, who knows when the crown spirit you are talking about is the crown spirit?"

"Ouch, it makes sense!"

Ba Xia woke up, hehe smiled, "It looks like I blamed you, you remember, the crown spirit I said..."

Ba Xia explained the position of Guan Ling and the surrounding situation, and finally said: "You are going out this time, don't remember it wrong, destroy the stone stele inside, and I may come out!"

"It's useless~"

Xiao Hua didn't want to shake his head, "How can I go out?"

"Why can't you go out?"

Ba Xia smiled slightly and said, "Since you can come in, naturally there will be dragons coming again. When they come, as long as they provoke the Xuanqiang Quanxiang, I can try to send you in!"

"Too... so good!!"

Xiao Hua was very excited, but he knew in his heart that when the overlord found out that he was not a dragon, he would probably not send himself out. Of course, Xiao Hua was confident that he would always maintain the appearance of the dragon.


As soon as he turned around, "You must send the Dragon Mantra to ensure that you will go to Guanling and destroy the stele!"

Long Zhenyan is actually Dao Nuo, Xiao Hua thought about it a little, and then started to send the Dragon Mantra, but after saying a few words, he stopped and said: "I can't promise this Long Mantra. I may not have the strength to destroy it. Stele!"


Ba Xia was also worried, and then he thought for a while and said, "In this way, you go to another place called Yixu, and send this place...a dragon the stone tablet..."

After he finished speaking, he asked, "Is this always okay?"

"This is acceptable!"

Xiao Hua replied, "But I will say it after I can return to the Dragon Region!"

"Why so much nonsense!"

The Ba Xia became a little unhappy, and he scolded, "I don't send you back, even if you send a hundred dragon mantras, it's useless!"

Xiao Hua smiled, and sent an extremely rigorous Long Mantra.

"It's almost the same~" 厺厽League of Legends novel yxlmxsw.com厺厽

Ba Xia was happy and said, "I won't treat you badly!"

After that, Ba Xia praised Xiao Hua a few more words, and even said that he would accept Xiao Hua as his cronies, how could Xiao Hua agree?

After Gu left and right talked about him a few words, Xiao Hua tentatively said: "Big... when will the dragon clan trigger the Xuanqiong Quanxiang?"


Ba Xia hesitated, UU reading actually calmed down.

Xiao Hua's heart sank and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

"Don't worry~"

Ba Xia said impatiently, "I'm counting!"

Xiao Hua's heart was cold.

Sure enough, after a long time, Ba Xia said leisurely: "I have seen it twice, this is the third time for you!"

Xiao Hua didn't want to ask any more, and said weakly, "How long?"

"Hundreds of millions of years~"

After he finished speaking, he felt embarrassed and hurriedly comforted: "It's okay, isn't there still me here? Hundreds of millions of years, billions of years are nothing!"

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