Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2608: 132 million Qingyun


At this moment, Xiao Hua couldn't help getting up again, bowing to the sky and saluting, and said: "Thank God, thank God, Xiao finally understands!"

What did Xiao Hua understand?

Needless to say, this Qingyun Daoge is not only a magical power similar to Tianbao Daoge, but also a cultivation method between Qitian Zhaoshi Jue and Hunyuanqi Xuzhang.

Now that there is the jade planting technique and the Qitian Zhaoshi art of inheriting the former, and the Hunyuanqi Vulture Zhang of the latter, Xiao Hua is no longer a flower in the moon mirror when he cultivates Qingyun Taoge.

After planting jade, Xiao Hua tried to connect with Qing Yun's Taoist practice, and let the red spirits join in the singing...

There is no need to elaborate on all the attempts. Since the direction of cultivation has been checked, it is only a matter of time before getting on the right track.

About a thousand years later, when the first word of the Taoist Song of De Qingyun was really sung by Xiao Hua again, the wind and cloud thundered, and there seemed to be an invisible paintbrush in the green willow forest, and the flower bone of Xiao Hua that was more iron tree than iron tree was spotted. colour!

"My goodness!"

Xiao Hua exclaimed again, "Is it the first to paint in five colors?"

If Huaguduo can speak, he must answer: "Congratulations, you got it right!"

After that, Xiao Hua continued to practice. As the five colors were born, the five colors did not condense into Qingyun, but rendered a petal on the flower bone, but the petals were still as picturesque and did not have any agility.

"No, no~"

Xiao Hua frowned slightly, and he vaguely felt that the petals were still lacking.

After all, in the territory of Hongya Xiaotian, the five-color Qingyun is gushing out of the Miaotian and Juezhen days mapped by the red stele. That is not a painting!

"How can I make this painting smart? Turn it into Qingyun?"

It was also that Xiao Hua had accumulated rich enough, and he immediately thought of the finger paintings of the Gao family!

It was another ten years of comprehension and revision. Xiao Hua integrated the duo book space of finger painting into Qingyun Taoge, and after an unknown number of attempts, finger painting was painted over and over on the petals, and finally, around the petals Finally gave birth to a strand of breath!


Xiao Hua laughed, and said, "This is how hard work will pay off!"

Immediately afterwards, more auras were born, and the petals like pictures were finally full and agile!

And watching the qi surging, what is the difference between the whole petal and Qing Yun? ?

What makes Xiao Hua most happy is that within the flower bones of Sanhua, the world of the Red Dust Soul is more mature and multiplies, and it is no different from his previous guess.

In other words, if Xiao Hua went through the process and waited for the completion of the sword-forging secret technique and the light-containing secret technique, he might not be able to reach such a state, because the first layer of Qingyun Taoge is the second layer of the light-containing secret technique Sun Moon Emperor Hua Secret Art .

But from the current point of view, Xiao Hua directly used Qingyun Taoge to accelerate the blooming of Sanhua from the outside, which can be described as doing both inside and outside with half the effort!

After the first petal was born, the other petals were no more. Xiao Hua spent millions of years condensing 80 petals.

When the eighty petals condensed, Xiao Hua encountered a problem again.

There are eighty words in Qingyun Daoge, and the cultivation of Qingyun Daoge is completed here; however, Xiao Hua clearly knows that Qingyun has ninety-nine eighty-one.

So, how is the 81st petal engraved, the same as before? Or Dzogchen? ?

Without eighty-first petals, or more than eighty-one petals, can Qingyun move?

If Qingyun can't be activated, can the Chibei be activated?

Xiao Hua thought for a long time, but never dared to try the eighty-first petal.

However, when Xiao Hua used the technique of seeing and coming and saw the red spirit world divided into one hundred and thirty-two hundred within the flower bone flower, Xiao Hua smiled knowingly, and said in secret: "One hundred and three thousand two hundred, it's not right. Is it one hundred twenty five thousand and forty eighty?"

"Qing Yun Dao Song puts nine and nine into one as its top priority, but Xiao Hua's Ninghua does not necessarily have to be nine and nine into one!"

"Xiao will still cultivate Yuan Xu Wu Qi in the future, this one hundred million, three thousand two hundred is not correct to Yuan Xu Wu Qi?"

After that, Xiao Hua no longer hesitated, and continued to sing the Qingyun Taoist song to condense the second group of 80 petals!

At this time, there is no need for comprehension and experimentation to practice anymore. It is directly to repeat the previous exercises, so Xiao Hua watched for a while, seeing the error, simply staying behind, and once again escaped.

Xiao Hua entered into the green willows and practiced Taiji Gui Yuanlu again.

After practicing in this way for 12 million years, the Tai Chi Gui Yuanlu entered the sixth level. Xiao Hua suddenly raised his brows and looked into the distance in surprise. He really did not expect that his Huagu Duo, which contained the law of time, was actually in the thousands. Ninghua is complete within ten thousand years.

Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect, so he hurried out of the tree hole and came to the green willow forest.

In fact, the time in the Green Willow Forest is not the same as the time in the Green Willow Tree Cave. Xiao Hua spent 12 million years in mind, while the Xiao Hua body in the Green Willow Forest only spent 10 million years.

Xiao Hua's mind fell into the flesh and examined it carefully, but it was found that Huagu Duo had "born" 133,200 petals. These petals were in the shape of a five-color cloud, and they were laid out in the image of the world of red dust and spirits within the Huagudu.

Xiao Hua took a deep breath, instead of using the familiar Hun Yuan Qi Xu Zhang Qing Xu Jue, but first sang Qing Yun Dao Song.

In fact, there is no need to sing deliberately. Xiao Hua's heart moved at will. I don’t know how many times the Qingyun Taoist song that has been sung has been sung in the flower bone. Seeing that, on the flower bone, the petals of the flower bones have five-colored air filaments, and they condense into Qingyun , 133,200 Qingyun began to swell, Xiao Hua raised his hand and patted his door.


Ordinary Confucian sages appeared where the three flowers were. One hundred and thirty-two hundred Qingyun gushed out to protect Xiao Hua. Various golden lamps, golden lotus, Yingluo, and weeping beads fell from the Qingyun, like water dripping from the eaves. There is a steady stream.

The momentum and shock are exactly the same as Xiao Hua in the territory of Hongya Xiaotian back then!

"If so~"

Xiao Hua is satisfied, UU reading "It should be able to motivate the red monument!"

After receiving Qingyun, Xiao Hua was going to try to use the Qingxu Chi Qi chapter of the Qingxu Jue. This was when he suddenly discovered that there was no trace of innate aura in Luliu Lin.

Xiao Hua was shocked. He hurriedly explored Lin Quan's Gao Yitu, only to find that the illusion on the first and second levels had completely disappeared and turned into some dry outlines.

Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry. His more than ten million years of cultivation had exhausted Lin Quan Gao Yitu's innate aura. No longer able to practice, he could only quit Lin Quan Gao Yitu and try to get out of trouble.

Xiao Hua thought about it a little, and raised his hand in the air with a wave, the figures of two stone tablets appeared in the air, Xiao Hua's finger clicked, and other figures appeared one after another...

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