Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2625: Sake this morning

[网] Seeing the fairy holding the pot poured a glass of green fairy wine for Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua drank it, quite a bit of a wild form, Yu Ju Weng also smiled, although he did not directly ask Xiao Hua more, but Gao Ming went to see Liu Xianren, and he would naturally report the matter one by one, and Liu Xianren would also mention it when he entrusted the Qingyu case.

Therefore, Yu Ju Weng knew that Xiao Hua was much younger than himself, and such bold drinking was exactly what he should have.

So Yu Ju Weng also said loudly: "Come, come, come!"

A cup of Yaokun jade was brewed into the abdomen, and all kinds of swordsmanship penetrated into the bone marrow like homesickness. All three of them had feelings. Jade Bureau Weng looked at the jade liquid and said with emotion: "I have drunk countless alcohol in this life, and the best one is naturally Xiao Xianren. Baying sad heart..."


Qinglian Sword Immortal was a little surprised, and looked at Xiao Hua, "Xiao Xian also has immortal wine that Jade Bureau Weng will respect?"

"Far away in the sky, close in front of you~"

Xiao Hua smiled and pointed to the jade pot in front of Qinglian Jianxian, and said with a smile.

Qinglian Sword Immortal moved his index finger and just about to raise his hand, Yu Juweng stopped him and said, "Your Excellency, let me finish talking."

Insert an app: Perfectly reproduce the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an interchangeable app-Mimi Reading.

"Haha, it's a certain family's fault!"

Qinglian Jianxian laughed and raised his glass and drank, "Please!"

"The most heartburning is naturally the Jiujian wine of six idlers~"

Jade Bureau Weng smiled and said, "As for this yao kun jade brew, it is the most bone-breaking!"

"Like a sword, the cold wind burns the bones and the heart!!"


Xiao Hua also tasted helpless, anxious and unwilling to taste the jade fermented from Yaokun. He raised the bottle and shouted, "A toast to the helplessness of the world!"


Xiao Hua's voice fell to the ground, and the thunderstorms fell across the sky, as if the heavens heard Xiao Hua's voice.


Qinglian Sword Immortal ate a mouthful, raised his finger at the thunderstorm in the sky, and shouted proudly, "God, God, it's you!"

After speaking, Qinglian Sword Immortal took a cup of Baying Heartbroken Liquid, and sang loudly: "There are many injustices, and the sword intent is free. I remember to take the blood before the stone and kill it all in the world."

Xiao Hua naturally has no poetry, he looks at Yu Ju Weng.

Yu Ju Weng looked at Qing Lian Jian Xian and reminded: "Qing Lian, this Ba Ying Heartbroken Liquid is the most sad. Six addicted idlers say that they can't drink often..."


Qinglian Sword Immortal laughed and said, "I can even hurt my heart, but what can I not do? Even if I drink often, what can I do? Such fine wine, such a roar of war drums, not drinking the fine wine of the world, how can this life be Isn't it wasted?"

So Qinglian Jianxian drank several cups in a row!

Xiao Hua was also a little worried, and also said: "This wine contains the water of the Nine Nether Palace, which will hurt the soul..."


Sword Immortal Qinglian laughed again, and said, "You don't have to persuade you, if a certain family listens to persuasion, how can you get drunk into the heavenly court?"


Xiao Hua was puzzled, and Yu Juweng suddenly brightened his eyes and exclaimed, "Qinglian, could it be that you didn't fall back then?"


Qinglian Sword Immortal smiled and said, "It is, it is, that year when I entered the water to catch the moon, I ran into a three-foot horror, and then I got to Deqian Mountain!"

Seeing Qinglian Sword Immortal drinking another glass, Xiao Hua raised his glass and asked Yu Ju Weng in a low voice, "What do you mean? Didn't Qinglian Sword Immortal lift Xia soaring?"

"Hehe, this is also a good story..."

Yu Ju Weng explained, "The Sword Immortal Qinglian spent his later years in the mortal boat, drinking alone in the boat, and the night moon flooded the river. When he was drunk, he caught the moon in the water, and his whereabouts have been unknown since then. Later generations painted the Li Qinglian Crown Tomb. Everyone thought he was drowning, but he didn't know that when he encountered the Sword Slash of Five Injustices, he went straight to the Heavenly Court!"

"Five injustices?"

Xiao Hua raised his brows and smiled, "What is this?"

"Qinglian Sword Immortal is a genius and grandiose, and Ren Xia is humbled. He is well-known for his seven uniqueness and five injustices."

"Qijue is the best of piano, chess, book, painting, poetry, wine, sword!"

"As for the five injustices, haven't you heard Qinglian Jianxian's opening remarks before drinking?"

Yu Ju Weng said meaningfully, "Qinglian is a person of injustice in ancient and modern times!"

"Things cannot sound when they are flat, soundless in wood, or screaming in the wind. Silent water or screaming in the wind. It jumps, or excites, it tends, or stems, it boils, or burns. The silence of gold and stone, or the sound of a strike. The same is true for people's words, and those who have no choice will speak later. Their songs also have thoughts, and their crying have cherishment. Anyone who speaks out of their mouths has a flattery! "


Before Yu Ju Weng finished speaking, Qing Lian Sword Immortal laughed again. There were five wine bottles under his wave. He raised his hand and pointed a cup of Ba Ying sad liquid into the entrance. Then Qing Lian Sword Immortal drew out a bow. But seeing the golden light of this bow, with strange textures all over it.

The Qinglian sword fairy opened his bow to shoot the sun, and Chunlei shouted: "If the sky is uneven, the arrow shoots it. I have a six-jun bow to shoot the sun!"


The bowstring trembled and a golden light rushed out and shot straight into the sky thunder.

"Boom boom boom~"

When the golden light passes, the thunder avoids retreating, creating a clear sky full of thousands of miles! !

"it is good!!"

Xiao Hua's eyes gave birth to admiration, and he toasted: "Cheers to the unevenness of the sky, my arrow shoots!"

The three of them drank a drink, and the sword fairy Qinglian raised a flag again, but saw that the flag was pure white, and there were many white magpies on it. When the sword fairy waved his hand, the flag flew out. The magpie flew out and covered the earth, and the Qinglian Sword Immortal said: "If the ground is uneven, the flag will roll. I have a white magpie flag too easy!"

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

Even Yu Ju Weng couldn't help but stroke his palm.

Afterwards, Qinglian Jianxian said a cup, and a cup revealed a treasure, exactly:

"If there is any injustice, the sword will cut it, and I will have a three-footed sword;

If there is an injustice, then you will be drunk, and I have a drunk moon feather goblet;

If the heart is uneven, then the piano and the drum, I have the Luoxia Wuxian Qin. "

Until the end, Qinglian Sword Immortal raised his head and screamed: "I drive a hundred thousand to grind the sword across the world, who dares to fight, who can fight!"

Xiao Hua was fascinated, and followed Yu Ju Weng to accompany five cups!

Xiao Hua gradually became drunk, and Yu Juweng also stood up, holding a sword with green water and blue smoke, walking into the thunder, dancing the sword while singing:

"The world is a big dream, and life has been cool in autumn.

The wind and leaves have been mingled in the corridor at night. Look at the brow.

Low wines often worry about fewer customers, and moonlights are often hindered by clouds.

Who is alone in the Mid-Autumn Festival. Looking sadly north. Xijiangyue·A big dream in the world, Su Shi)

"Haha, haha~"

Sword Immortal Qinglian shook his head and laughed, "Your Excellency is a wonderful poem, but its momentum is too weak! Come, come, and listen to a song from a certain family"

After speaking, Qinglian Sword Immortal once again took out the Jinghong three-foot sword and chanted:

"Laughing hard, laughing hard. You don’t see the song as a hook, the ancients knew you and the prince. You didn’t see the straight as a string, the ancients knew you were dead. So Zhang Yi only lost three inches of tongue, so Su Qin didn’t cultivate Erqingtian ..."

I have to say that Qinglian Jianxian’s poems are more suitable for sword intent. The Jinghong three-foot sword gives birth to sword rhyme. The poems fall in mid-air and turn into poetry rhyme. The poetry rhyme and sword rhyme dance together, smashing the surrounding thunder!

"...If you don't know the king today, how can you be better than a feint!"

When the last sentence was sung, there was a thunderous sound all around, and the world was shaking, applauding the essence of human civilization.

"The sword of the green lotus is arrogant and unrestrained. It is open and horizontal, and the changes are super sudden, and the thunder and lightning are too fast. I can't make it~"

Yu Ju Weng raised his glass and sighed: "The genius of Qinglian is indulging in leisure, and the crowd is full of haze. His poetry is hazy and embroidered in his heart. I can't match it! Only wine, I can match it!!!"

"Haha, haha~"

Qinglian Sword Immortal's shape and corpse have reached the extreme, his clothes are not neat, and he doesn't even say humble words. He just toasts, "Come on, today I have wine and today I am drunk!"

Yuju Weng didn't care about these at all, UU reading toasted.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Hua shrugged, feeling a bit like a superfluous person.

He wants to drink but not enough, but talent is not talented, the other man Yuju Weng took out poetry and was ridiculed by Qinglian Jianxian. He didn't have poetry, I was afraid that he might not even be said of it!

However, Xiao Hua also understood that the Qinglian Sword Immortal was the only heavenly court, and so was the Jade Bureau Weng. They were the elites of the human race, the stars of civilization, and they could afford this embarrassment!

The ensuing embarrassment was as Xiao Hua thought, a poem by Qinglian Jianxian, a poem by Yujuweng, two people dance swords and drink, and the female fairy holding a pot is good to say. If you can pour two people, Xiao Hua can only drink dry. !

Feeling the rush of alcohol, Xiao Hua vowed not to do such silly things again!

I don't know how long it took, the thunder dissipated, the sun was falling, and Qinglian Sword Immortal was singing, Xiao Hua suddenly raised his brows and looked in one direction.

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