Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2627: Ximen Li and Ximen Rong

   A few months later, the jade car flew back to Qunyu City, Xiao Hua said goodbye, and returned to look for the West Gate Fengyun.

   Ximen Fengyun saw Xiao Hua return as promised, and was overjoyed. He hurried out to greet him and opened a banquet.

   Xiao Hua is having a headache, how can I agree?

   Ximen Fengyun obeyed Xiao Hua's words, and asked Xiao Hua to take a retreat for the time being, and he immediately contacted the owner of the family to ask Xiao Hua to go to Lanting.

   Seeing that Ximen Fengyun was about to leave, Xiao Hua called him and asked, "Is there a place called Sangzikou Mountain in Tianting?"

   "Sangzi Gengshan?"

   Ximen Fengyun was taken aback, he thought for a moment and shook his head and said, "Senior, what is the allusion or special about this Sangzighan Mountain? For example, Hongya, there is the love of Taiqing Tianxian, and the strange scenery of Red Cliff..."

   "I don't know~"

   Xiao Hua could only shake his head.

   "This is difficult~"

   Ximen Fengyun accompanied with a smile, "The five major cities in Heaven, far surpassing the realm of Dao Xianjie, just a name..."

   Xiao Hua sneered, "I can't handle even this little thing. How can I make Xiaom rest assured to cooperate with your Simon family?"

   "Yes, yes, juniors understand!"

   Ximen Fengyun was taken aback, thinking it was Xiao Hua’s test, and hurriedly said, “This junior will inform the Patriarch and ask him to immediately send the Patriarch’s order for the disciples of the clan to inspect!"


   Xiao Hua replied casually, as if carelessly, but he had already frowned secretly.

  Because the Luoyi Business League has not been able to find out the location of this Sangzig Mountain for several months, it is obviously not a good place to find!

   Within half a day, Ximen Fengyun came over, and respectfully asks Xiao Hua to set foot on the orchid path again.

   When Xiao Hua entered Lanjingtongyou from Qunyucheng, it was full of sunshine, but when he came out from Lanjingtongyou to Lanting, it was full of wind and snow.

   The snow covered the sky, even in mid-air, the outline of a huge orchid was covered by snow.

   Seeing silky clouds piling up in the outline of the orchid, like snowflakes falling in the sky, Ximen, the head of the Ximen family, smiled.

   Ximenghan is a middle-aged man who is as gentle as a jade, with a white face and no beard. Standing in the air is no different from ordinary heavenly Confucian immortals, and there is even snow falling on him.

   Ximen was wearing a brocade robe, which was embroidered with orchids of the largest number of days.

   These orchids are of different sizes. Although they look exactly the same, as long as you use the technique of clearing your eyes, you can immediately see that the three hundred and sixty orchids are all different!

   This difference is not a simple graphic difference, but a difference in Hongyun contained in it!

   It is precisely because of the different Hongyun that the snow flakes fall on the brocade robe, and the condensed shape of each snow flake is different.

Seeing Ximen with joy, a young man with a golden crown next to him frowned and said, "Grandfather Ancestor is just a Hunyuan from the Taoist Immortal Realm. Even if the Confucian cultivator takes the title of Wen Kui, is it worthy of you to be so solemn? Come and meet him personally? "

   "Rong Er~"

Ximen glanced at the condensing Xiayun, thought for a moment, turned his head and said to the young man, "Although you have just returned from experience, you don't understand the ins and outs of this matter, but you think I let you come over to welcome a Taoist immortal. Is Hun Yuan that simple?"

   Just as the young man was about to defend himself, Ximen sullenly scolded, "Kneel down!"

   "Grandpa Grandpa~"

   Ximen was shocked, he couldn't think that Ximen had such a big temper!

   "Kneel down!!"

  Ximian ignored him and still scolded.

   Ximenrong didn't dare to neglect, so he knelt down immediately.

   Ximen said earnestly and earnestly: "Rong Er, since I let you over, I naturally have a reason to let you over."

   "Grandpa Grandpa~"

   Ximen Rong said aggrieved, "You have always said that if you have anything you don't understand, you can ask questions!"


   Ximen sneered, "If you ask sincerely, why can't I hear it?"

   "Do you frown for that again?"

   "Isn't it just disdain in my heart? Don't you think you should come to meet a Taoist immortal?"

   "Since you show disdain on your face, it means that you don't agree with my approach and ideas in your heart!"

   Simon Rong was shocked and kowtow hurriedly: "Grandpa Grandpa, I dare not, I dare not!"

   "You dare not now~"

   Ximen said slowly, "But you will dare to do it in the future!"


   Ximen was crying without tears, he just asked casually, and slightly expressed his dissatisfaction with Xueye's coming out. Why did he give himself such a big charge?

   "Nangong Shiru must be like you~"

  Ximian said, "He didn't feel arrogant, did he think that way?"

   "Nangong Shiru?"

   Ximen was puzzled, and hurriedly said, "Grandpa Grandpa, how can Nangong Shiru compare to a child?"

   "He can't compare with you!"

   Ximen looked at Xi Menrong and said, "He is dead!"


   Ximen Rong was shocked, and exclaimed, "Nangong Shiru is not going to talk to Your Majesty Crimson..."

  Ximeng interrupted Ximen Rong's words, and said coldly, "That was all eight thousand years ago. You have been traveling all the time, maybe you don't know about it!"

   "Nangong Shiru was killed by the Hunyuan you were about to pick up!!"

"How can it be?"

   Ximen Rong was even more puzzled, and said anxiously, "It's been eight thousand years, how can the Nangong family not take revenge? Anyway, this is also the face of the Nangong family! Even Daoxian Hunyuan, they have to do it!"


   Ximen smiled, and said, "Even if the Nangong family doesn't do anything, what about your Majesty the Red Emperor? Yinghuo has not returned to Chicheng!!!


   Ximen Rong groaned and said, "Grandpa Grandpa, these things are so strange!!"


  Ximian still smiled and said, "I am also very strange!"

   "But when I heard a word from the emperor, I understood!"

   "Nangong Shiru was attacked and killed by Xiao Hua in the Red Cliff Xiaotian realm. There is the Huangcheng city area. The emperor ordered the death of Nangong Shiru to be treated fairly and justly!"

"How can it be?"

   Simon couldn’t bear to say again, UU reading www. "Where is fairness and justice in the world?"


   Ximen nodded and said, "I am also very curious, why the emperor would say such a sentence, this is clearly protecting Xiao Hua!!"

   As he said, Ximen's cold voice turned around and said, "Since you are someone who even the emperor has to protect, what right do you have to not meet in the snowy night?"


   Ximen Rong took a long breath, and said sincerely, "My child is wrong!"

   "Get up~"

   Ximen's breath is still faint, "There is no one else near me, so don't worry!"

   "I don't worry about my child~"

  Ximeng Rong smiled and said, "It is a blessing for the child to be able to be taught by grandpa."


   Before Simon Rong could finish speaking, the outline of the orchid covered with snow in mid-air buzzed...

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