Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2652: College Forbidden Area

[Net] Xiao Hualue thought about it, sending out a figure to follow the white fox, and he still said: "The students are a little show off, but after listening to Junior Brother Fang Zhuo, I feel a little bit, and only then can I use the secret technique to help you classmates!"

"I will wait for Xiao Wenheng~"

More than 3,000 college students, especially those 108, felt refreshed and clear-cut, as if they could easily read through any text, and understood the importance of it. They looked at each other and couldn’t help getting together. All bowed and thanked.

"Don't dare~"

Xiao Hua also raised his hand in courtesy, "I will wait for a thousand years to go to the British elections together. The thousand years are long, but they can be used to study and practice and are very short. The time is like an arrow, and I will start working hard now."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly raised his brows, raised his hand and patted his top door, "boom" and rushed out, condensing the human flower, but in the depth of the human flower, a colored pen bloomed with the light of civilization!

Just make a full set of play, Xiao Hua simply turned the light of civilization into colored pens and let it out to bluff people!

Sure enough, although the students have different learning, natural recitation and cultivation are different, but in the weak light of civilization, they have learned 30% more than usual.


Xiao Hua laughed loudly and said, "This is when Xiao Mou won Wenheng, Zhaoming Qi Tianlu gave the colored pen, Xiao Mou did not dare to hide private, share it with all living things!"

In this way, although Xiao Hua didn't say much, all the students and even Gu Li and Gu Chi thought that Xiao Hua's secret technique was bestowed by Zhaoming Qi Tianlu, so there is no doubt about him.

The so-called light of civilization can be passed down from generation to generation. It means that Xiao Hua used the light of civilization to assist all living beings in cultivation, and the reading of all living beings also feeds back the light of civilization. The Red Dust Soul Spirit world within it also began to be enlightened.


Xiao Hua didn't expect that his unintentional actions would still be so effective, and he felt overjoyed.

But he didn't dare to show off in particular, and he took it back within half an hour after releasing the flower, saying only that his strength and realm were still shallow and could not last.

Naturally, apart from being grateful or grateful, all living beings worked their own way, and all the rhymes still gathered along the literary circle towards Xiao Hua.

Looking at Fang Zhuo and Kou Qi, although they are as dedicated and hard-working as the others, after all, the two people get a lot more money than the others.

"Fine, nothing~"

Xiao Hua smiled. Although he didn't like Kouqi, he still said secretly, "Isn't this just fate?"

After speaking, Xiao Hua waved to Gu Li.

Gu Li hurried over, Xiao Hua gave a few words in a low voice, and Gu Li ordered the court judge to arrange the disciples who had just been sensitive to the light-containing secret technique into different pavilions, and then Xiao Hua slightly added them. Thinking, simply sent the dream mirage butterfly, leaving his body in the pavilion, his mind was out of his mind.

"Xiao...Xiao Wenheng??"

When Gu Li and Gu Chi saw Xiao Hua's spirit and Confucianism flying out, they were a little stunned. They looked at each other and cried tentatively.

"Old man Xiao Xianren~"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Xiao Wenheng is accompanying the students of the Tianyuan Academy to warm up the book, and he will return your cause and effect!"

As they said, Xiao Huachong and the two said again: "Xiao's previous reciting Secret Art, how many points do you wait to remember?"

Gu Chi didn't dare to neglect and respectfully said: "The juniors remember 50%!"

"Junior only remembers 30%~" Gu Li replied with some shame.

"Don't blame you for this~"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "This is Xiao's realization, it's good for you to understand it."


Xiao Hua looked around and said, "Since Xiao wants to leave the "Bright Days Transformation Secret Art" in the Tianyuan, he can simply build the secret technique that was passed down into the secret realm. Only those who can realize success in the secret realm can comprehend it. How is the heavenly book?"

Gu Chi and Gu Li were overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed again to salute: "Thanks to Xiao Xian, the younger generation, who is generous!"

"You're welcome~"

Xiao Hua said, looking at a spot where the white fox was hovering, and asked, "Where is it?"


When Gu Chi and Gu Li saw the white fox, their expressions changed slightly...


Xiao Hua saw that the two were the same, and asked with a smile, "Is there any hidden secret in the Tianyuan?"

"It's not an unspeakable secret~"

Gu Chi smiled bitterly, "This is something that happened many years ago. If it hadn't been mentioned by Xiao Xian, the younger generation would have forgotten it."

"Can Xiao take a look?"

Xiao Hua asked.


Gu Li also accompanied a smiling face, and said, "Although that place is a forbidden place in my Tianyuan, and the disciples of the academy are not allowed to approach it, the ban on the seal is not particularly high-level, and the seniors should know it at a glance."


Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "Xiao certainly has some curiosity, but if he is forced to do so, he will not be allowed to snoop."

Gu Li and Gu Chi looked at each other, and Gu Chi nodded and said, "In that case, the younger generation will accompany the senior on a trip, and by the way, tell the older generation this long story..."

After speaking, Gu Chi took the lead and flew the two to the edge of the academy.

The light and darkness of the academy at this time were obvious, and the page-like space where Xiao Hua was ignited with dim light, as if on fire; although the other pages of the scroll were overflowing with clouds, they were all covered by shadows, and among these shadows, there was an edge. Fluorescence echoes with the gleam of burning light, but there are chains on the fluorescence, which is not particularly clear.

Gu Chi held a pen in his hand and wrote the text while flying. The text fell in the air, turning into a path of celestial celery, passing through the space of the book pages. This is where the other disciples of the academy Wenshu practiced.

In the space of these pages, the disciples may either recite, dance swords, or retreat, each with their own learning. Xiao Hua nodded his head when he saw it, knowing that the Tianyuan was definitely not worthy.

When he reached the book page space bound by the chain, Gu Chi stopped. He took a closer look and found that some of the inscriptions on the Minglu chain were pierced by the flashing light, and the flaws were more and more. The dim light leaked out, and the flicker continued to crush the rest of the chain.


Gu Chi also looked at this dim light, then at the burning book pages in the distance, and said in a low voice, "Did you realize that there is a broad daylight tactic here?"


Xiao Hua shook his head flatly and said, "Here shouldn't be broad daylight tactics, but more important things."

Gu Chi didn't know what Xiao Hua said was the more important thing, and motioned to Gu Li to open the chain.

After Gu Liyun's pen like wrote the text, seven or forty-nine inscription chains turned into armour inscriptions and fell around.


The pages of the book spread, like a door opened, and the outlines of tree-shaped flames flew out of the space.

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all the book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield royal, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang Moumou, Moule, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The New Year’s Eve is coming, and the Seven Days of New Year’s Eve as usual kicks off. Let’s watch Xiao Hua and Wu Danqing's first battle!

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