Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2654: Love tragedy

[网] Afterwards, Gu Li continued: "Faced with the warrant from the court, Du Xiaoxiao did not defend or resist. Instead, he chose to marry a disciple of the Gu family."

"On the day of Du Xiaoxiao's wedding, Lan Yu committed suicide under the Concentric Tree, and the blood will stain the Concentric Tree!"

"And Du Xiaoxiao didn't know how to poison everyone who attended the wedding banquet, including the hospital, and came to commit suicide under the Tongxin Tree alone!"

"Later I learned that the Gu family's disciple used Lan Yu's life as a threat to persecute Du Xiaoxiao. Du Xiaoxiao had long been vengeful, but Lan Yu didn't know it, and committed suicide first. Du Xiaoxiao saw his lover die and didn't want to live alone!"

"The weird thing is that the blood of the two people stains the concentric tree. No matter what means, there is no way to wash their blood. When the moon is full, the concentric tree often makes the sound of ghosts crying."

"This incident caused the reputation of the Tianyuan Academy to drop to the extreme. The Patriarch had no choice but to dismiss the female fairies of the Academy, and then did not recruit female fairies, and even sent people to move the concentric tree away..."

"However, the moment someone approaches the Concentric Tree, the Concentric Tree will ooze blood, and no matter what the cultivation level, the people who are close will have heartaches like twists and sadness. Therefore, no one can move the Concentric Tree away. The concentric tree is left as a warning, and the space of the academy where the concentric tree is located is sealed, and disciples of the academy are strictly prohibited from approaching."

"To be honest, the younger generation in this place came to see it when they took over the academy, and never came again. However, the concentric tree that the younger generation saw looked different from the academy's records. Half of the concentric tree withered, and the blood stains had disappeared... "

With that, Gu Li looked at Gu Chi.

Gu Chi also nodded and said, "It was already like this when I took over the academy. No one knows when the changes happened!"


Xiao Hua sighed, looked at the concentric tree whose fluorescence was getting weaker and weaker, and said, "This tree is probably related to one of Xiao's disciples. Xiao begs the two courtyard teachers. Can I borrow this tree from Xiao?"


Gu Chi and Gu Li were shocked. They looked at each other and asked in a low voice, "How does Xian Xian want to borrow?"

"Xiao is also not sure~"

Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "The worst possible thing is that this concentric tree is destroyed."

"Senior, please do whatever it takes~"

Gu Chi said first, "This academy space is already closed, and this concentric tree has long been forgotten by the Gu family. If it can help seniors, it can be regarded as my Tianyuan repaying seniors a little love."

Xiao Hua nodded and sent Zhou Xiaoming out.


As soon as Zhou Xiaoming's figure appeared, the concentric trees tremble immediately, and dots of blood leaked from the other half of the branches that had never withered.

As blood stains appeared, the other half of the concentric tree began to wither.


There was wind rolling, blowing on the blood and fluorescence, the blood with cyan light dots drifting out of the wind, condensing into a bleak human form in the air.

The human form is blue and red, and the appearance is unclear. While the human form is intact, the concentric tree "brushes" it into powder and floats in the wind.

Gu Li and Gu Chi couldn't close their mouths in amazement.

On the contrary, Xiao Hua, in addition to staring at the blood-colored human figure, was also paying attention to the white fox. Jiu Xia whispered at this time: "Xiao Lang, this is an ordinary white fox, but the tree has the breath of Qingqiu Mountain. Just attracted it."

Xiao Hua nodded, preparing to raise his hand and point to the scarlet figure.

I don't know, there is no need for Xiao Hua to do anything, the blood-colored human figure floats towards the comatose Zhou Xiaoming.

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and waited for Zhou Xiaoming to wake up.

Unfortunately, after the blood-colored human figure fell into Zhou Xiaoming's eyebrows, hemorrhaging flames appeared on the eyebrows. As the flames burned Zhou Xiaoming's face showed pain, his eyes turned sharply, and he even stretched out his hands to cover his chest, but he didn't open his eyes.

After waiting for a stick of incense, Zhou Xiaoming's eyes slowly stopped turning, and he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but Xiao Hua could understand that Zhou Xiaoming didn't say anything at all, everything was just the reaction of the scarlet human form falling into the soul. .

"The two courtyards are right~"

Xiao Hua thought for a while, then turned to Gu Li and Gu Chi and said, "Xiao wants to stay here alone for a while, okay?"

"Yes, you can~"

Gu Chi and Gu Li just woke up like a dream, and hurriedly said, "The younger generation will leave now."

After the two left, Jiu Xia showed his figure.

When the white fox saw Jiu Xia, he immediately walked over with his tail wagging, with his front paws crawling on the ground, as if to meet him.


Jiu Xia looked at the white fox, pointed at Xiao Hua and smiled, "You have some aura, but unfortunately you are wrong. This is the Holy Lord."

The white fox seemed to understand it, but it tilted its head to see that Xiao Hua did not come forward.

"It looks like you still have no chance!"

Jiuxia's eyes rolled, and the **** flicked lightly, and a little blue light fell on the center of the white fox's eyebrows.


The whole body of the white fox was immediately lit by the blue light, and then he screamed and rolled underground.

As it rolled, the white fox gradually transformed, and the last pretty woman emerged from the blue light.

The woman looked at herself up and down in surprise, unable to believe her eyes.

However, the human form only lasted for a few breaths, and the woman fell on the ground and turned into a white fox again.

However, this time the white fox has already added spirituality, in addition to bowing to Jiu Xia, he also nodded to Xiao Hua.

"Go, go~"

Jiuxia waved his hand, and the white fox jumped and ran away happily. I don't know if he ran out to practice, or went to find Fang Zhuo to show off. Xiao Hua seemed to have seen another wonderful relationship in the future.

After the white fox left, Jiuxia's eyes flashed blue, and he looked at the **** flames of Zhou Xiaoming's eyebrows. After a while, he said, "Xiao Lang, your disciple is still intact, but now compared with before, there are a few more inexplicable things. , This thing is similar to a blood curse, and it is related to some secret techniques in my Qingqiu Mountain line. These secret techniques should be the aid of the Linking of Qi Art..."


Xiao Hua nodded and said, "These secret techniques are building dreams, helping Zhou Xiaoming restore some memories of previous lives, and some previous insights will appear. The secret techniques of the dream ancestors are likely to come from here."

"Hehe, isn't Xiao Lang going to see what Zhou Xiaoming is dreaming about?"

Jiu Xia smiled, UU reading www. "So you can find a way to wake him up?"


Today, Xiao Hua is also well versed in the way of dreams. "Zhou Xiaoming's dream is his past life. If I venture into it will not only affect his absorption, but also cause the deviation of his past life memory, which is not worthwhile!"

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all the book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield royal, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang Moumou, Moule, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

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