Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2662: 1 punch to move the world

The moment the light appeared, the sky and the earth suddenly went dark, and when the light came on in the blink of an eye, all the light was taken away by the light!

In particular, the light seemed to be a little bit bright, but when Xiao Hua squinted his eyes, the light had already turned into torrents.

Everywhere the light goes, whether it is the sun, the moon, the stars, even the mountains and rivers, are reflected, and the stars of all colors, the sun and the moon, and even the mountains and rivers and other brilliance are rushing up high in the sky, following the bright confluence.

Even the Secret Realm of Morning Light built by Xiao Hua is now shining, and there is a steady stream of brilliance flowing into the light!

This light is overwhelming, afraid that it will be hundreds of millions of miles long?


The light rolled up to the front and stopped abruptly. The light in the sky seemed to have life, and all sighed.

With this sigh, an unmatched will emerged from the countless threads of light and fell on Xiao Hua who was standing in the air!

At this time, Xiao Hua is still a Confucian figure of mind, the light is too abrupt, and he has no time to return his mind!


Xiao Hua sneered in the face of the will of heaven and earth, raised his hand and patted his forehead, "Om~" was also a little bright and shining, and then Xiao Hua's figure swelled like a cloud.

Under the Tai Chi Gui Yuan Lu, Xiao Hua's whole figure seemed to be slow with the light on the eyebrows, but the actual rotation was extremely fast, and soon a Tai Chi-like outline of Universe stood in front of Wuxi's will!

"I... my goodness!!"

Gu Chi and Gu Li were frightened first by the will of heaven and earth, and then when they saw Xiao Hua Tai Chi Universe, they also gave birth to a heart of worship like ants. Only then did they know how boundless Xiao Hua is!


Among the billions of light threads, hundreds of millions of strange voices sounded, "It turns out that it is Dao Xian Hun Yuan. No wonder you have the power to steal my inheritance. Since you have found the tree with the same energy, you must already know the secrets of the tree, and you also know that the same energy is connected. It’s important to me, I’ll give you a chance to give me the same spirit..."

Xiao Hua was a little angry, because this will was too persecuting. Although the shining light was blocked by his Tai Chi Universe, it seemed that the two were quite distinct, but Xiao Hua knew that if he hadn't pushed it with all his strength, this Guangming would have already lost it. Tai Chi lit!


Xiao Hua couldn't finish speaking in that voice, and snorted coldly, "Your Excellency, who? Knowing that I already know the mystery of the same spirit, why didn't I dare to give my name by name!"


Hundreds of millions of voices laughed, and the whole world was shaking, and then the light gathered towards the center like breathing. Although the outline of a human figure who couldn't see his appearance but was as strong as a stone was condensed, billions of voices turned into one. , Said, "You don't deserve to know who I am! It's just a Daoist immortal, dare to come to my heavenly court to be arrogant?"


Seeing the human form brightly condensed, Xiao Hua laughed. His figure was also condensed, but he was different from the human form bright, he was the human form Tai Chi Universe!

Xiao Hua stood still, and said coldly: "What's wrong with Heaven? Heaven is not the Heaven of Human Race?"

"Don't talk about the heavens, even the Seven Realms are as arrogant below!"

"Yes, yes, some way~"

The bright humanoid looked at Xiao Hua's Universe humanoid, and he nodded slightly, "I underestimated you, but you are a bit arrogant!"

"No more dumb puzzles~"

Xiao Hua was a little impatient and said, "Who are you?"

"My name is Wu Danqing~"

Contrary to Xiao Hua's expectation, the bright humanoid actually answered honestly and asked, "What about you?"

"Under Xiao Xianren!"

Xiao Hua replied, "It seems that the same Qi Lianzhishu of Tianshu Academy is related to Wu Daoyou!"

"Now that you know, you should give me what belongs to me~"

Wu Danqing was also a little impatient, and said, "My patience is limited!"


How could Xiao Hua hand Zhou Xiaoming to Wu Danqing? He shook his head and said, "He is Brother Xiao..."


As soon as I heard this, the flames of the bright humanoid body suddenly rose ten thousand feet!

Wu Danqing said sharply: "It's clearly mine, what's yours!"

"It seems, if you don't show you some color, you don't know how good someone Wu is!"

After speaking, the bright humanoid raised his right hand and clenched his five fingers~

Xiao Hua could understand that during this grasp, the heaven and the earth corresponded to Hongyun, and all the light was held in his hands. Xiao Hua's heart was shaken. He did not dare to neglect at all. He also lifted his right hand and grasped five fingers. ~" Only the hand of the universe urged.

At this time, Xiao Hua's hand was not a physical manifestation of the universe, but in this grasp, he actually grasped all the laws and luck of all things within hundreds of millions of miles.

"Come, come~"

Wu Danqing slammed a punch and shouted, "Let's take Wu a certain punch!"

The sky and the earth roared, the sun and the moon were dark, and the west was pitch black. Everything was smashed against Xiao Hua with this fist!

"Good job~"

Xiao Hua was also a little eager to try, he hadn't seen such an opponent in a long time, he yelled, and punched out!

But seeing the universe paled, the stars were powerless, and the east where Xiao Hua was in chaos, the power of all souls was concentrated in Xiao Hua's fist.


Two punches in one place, giving birth to a bolt of thunder, bright!

A thunderbolt-shaped crack emerged from Xiao Hua's right arm, directly tearing Xiao Hua's Tai Chi Zhou Yu's figure in half!

"Haha, Xiao Xianren is nothing but that~"

Wu Danqing laughed wildly, but before his laughter landed, "Boom boom boom~" There was a crackling sound in his bright figure, and another bright figure turned a sword into the crack, piercing the bright figure's heart!

"Xiao Xianren, you~~"

Wu Danqing was frightened and angry again, and exclaimed, "You actually incorporate the method of sword-making into the secret technique of containing light??"

With Wu Danqing's hoarse voice, the bright figure was also split in half by Jianguang!

"Ten Thousand Fas into the Sect, don't you understand?"

Within Guangming Feijian, another Xiao Hua's voice sounded coldly.


Wu Danqing's voice turned into billions again, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Xian, you steal my anger, and bad things about me, I will never end with you..."

"Who stole your ties of anger!"

Xiao Hua's figure slowly gathered, UU reading said, "That is Xiao's disciple..."

It's a pity that Xiao Hua's words haven't been finished yet, the light and shadow of the radiant human figure dimmed rapidly before a few breaths, and the will of the day and earth disappeared like a low tide.

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The second day of the new year, I wish you all a good year of the Ox and all the best.

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