Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2666: Fragrance



Gu Chi and Gu Li looked at each other, their eyes were full of joy, and they were obviously in line with what they wanted!

"That's it~"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "Xiao is now ready to set up an array, and Gu Chi can stay for enlightenment."

"Yes, Master Xiao~"

Gu Li promised to fly out of Luxiang Garden, and Gu Chi stood by side respectfully.

After Xiao Hua took Gu Chi and looked at the entire Luxiangyuan space again, he said to Gu Cheng: "Xiao has created thirty-two illusions, of which only one corresponds to your cultivation, so Xiao first created this illusion. If you have any questions, you can ask immediately, don't be as cautious as before!"

The broad daylight tactics of the Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm directly mirror the spirit of Confucianism. This method is effective, but the starting point is too high. Only Taiqing Tianxian can comprehend. The thirty-two characters that he had enlightened were divided into thirty-two illusions.

With the previous experience of the Morning Light Secret Realm, it would be a bit of effort for Xiao Hua to deploy this secret realm.

It’s just that Xiao Hua explained to Gu Chi while casting the spell during the first stage of illusion. It was a lot slower. According to Gu Chi, he was too Qingxian. He was taught by Xiao Hua, but it took more than ten years. Completely comprehend his broad daylight tactics!

After that, Gu Chi practiced and Xiao Hua deployed, and it took more than a hundred years!


Finally, Xiao Hua looked at the thirty-two halos of different colors that were essentially similar to the Morning Light Secret Realm, clapped his hands, and laughed, "Practice makes perfect, really!"

Xiao Hua knew that the thirty-two halos seemed scattered, but in fact, the Gu family disciples would fall into one world when they came in. In their eyes, this was the thirty-two world!

When they fly out of any heavenly realm, they will have the qualifications to comprehend the Gu Family Book of Heaven.

"What is the Gu Family Book of Heaven?"

Xiao Hua said, urging her figure to fly towards the crystal clear drops of water.

Not unexpectedly to Xiao Hua's expectations, Xiao Hua Yuefei's water droplets grew larger and larger, and by the end, Xiao Hua's head had become a vast sea of ​​stars.

In the sea of ​​stars, hundreds of millions of stars are extinguished, there is the outline of Luxiangyuan, and there is a trend of universe transformation!

Xiao Hua is very familiar with this changing trend, and it is exactly the catalog of the five masters he cultivated in his mind!

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua held his forehead with a hand and smiled, "No wonder the Gu family disciples can't comprehend this heavenly book! This...this is clearly the Taiji Guiyuanlu, if it weren't for Xiao Mou's strength, how could it be possible to comprehend it?"

"This thing should be a violent thing in the Tianshu Academy!"

At this time, how could Xiao Hua not know that this heavenly book was obtained by Gu Shiming, the ancestor of the Gu family, who learned from Luxiang's catalog of the Five Tais?

In other words, Gu Shiming had Xiao Hua's current strength back then, and this level of strength was still attacked and killed by Fang Qing and two other unknown masters!

Xiao Hua thought about it a little, and bowed and said: "Shi Mingzu, the younger Xiao Hua thank you again."

After talking about Xiao Hua sitting cross-legged, the soul of the soul still turned into a statue of the mind and Confucian, and he began to urge Tai Chi to return to the Yuan record!

As Xiao Hua's figure stretched and merged with the surrounding stars, the entire starry sky began to tremble, and the words appeared on the stars, and after the words appeared, they began to dance or collide in the starry sky like stars. Or rotating, obscure waves are produced at every impact.

I don't know how long it took, the words began to condense, turning into words, and the inexplicable light and darkness rushed into Xiao Hua's body along with the fluctuations, and Xiao Hua's Tai Chi Gui Yuanlu was running uncontrollably.

Xiao Hua was surprised and delighted, he knew that this was Gu Shiming's real knowledge of Luxiang, and it was nothing more than an elixir to his own Confucianism!

The surprise that Gu Shiming left Xiao Hua didn't stop there. When all the words and sentences were formed, the entire starry sky turned into a scroll. As the scroll slowly turned, hundreds of millions of fragrant clouds gathered around, and within each cloud, there was a star's shadow. , It's not the stars condensed on the fairy grass all over the space in Luxiang Garden!

When the clouds gathered together, they condensed into a drop of water like a scroll!

Fragrant dew? !

When Xiao Hua saw this drop of water, a text appeared in his mind, which was what Gu Shiming left.


Xiao Hua looked at the drop of water and laughed, "This is the real elixir!"

"It turns out that since Gu Shiming got Luxiang, he has not been able to comprehend it well. His old man read the books to find a helping hand in cultivation. Gu Shiming called this sweet dew!"

"The entire Luxiang Garden was actually built to condense the essence of the heavens and the earth. In addition to the celestial books, the biggest role of this Luxiang Pond is to generate fragrance!"

"The crystal clear drops that Xiao saw were actually images of incense dew!"

Xiao Hua's image of Confucian Mind and Spirit is now seriously injured, and he is most suitable for taking this fragrance. But when Xiao Hua took the fragrance and prepared to take it according to the book of heaven, he moved in his heart and took out the Qingyu case!

Previously, Jade Bureau Weng once said that this object can evoke the power of stars and the aura of specific realms. It can also be placed in magic weapons and mirrored to produce exactly the same magic weapons. Although this magic weapon can only be used once, it is enough to explain the mirror image of the Qingyu case. force.

Since this fragrance is the stars and the essence of heaven and earth, it stands to reason that the Qingyu case should be able to mirror exactly the same fragrance.

Xiao Hua urged the sapphire case and sent the incense dew into the corresponding space, while still comprehending the heavenly book.

A hundred years later, Xiao Hua's Tai Chi Gui Yuanlu practice entered the ninth level, and at this time the pace of practice began to slow down.

Xiao Hua looked at the Qingyu case, and as expected, a drop of almost identical fragrance was condensing!

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and concentrated on practicing again. It was another hundred years. Xiao Hua had completely absorbed what Gu Shiming had left, and his Tai Chi Gui Yuanlu had reached the ninth level.

Xiao Hua knew that at this point in his cultivation, he should be as strong as Gu Shiming back then.

It is said that Xiao Hua has already gained a lot, but Xiao Hua slowly condensed his human form, and with some regret, he looked at the huge shimmering scar inside the statue of Mind Confucian.

This injury is really troublesome. Xiao Hua originally wanted to use the light containing secret technique to repair it, but Wu Danqing's light containing secret technique was significantly higher than his own. Xiao Hua's light containing mystery technique could not expel the slight light from this scar.

The practice of Tai Chi Gui Yuan Lu can expel the glimmer, but it has little effect.

Finally, Xiao Hua's mind and Confucianism stood up with his hand holding his hand and looked around, and once again respectfully saluted, and said to the starry sky: "The younger generation Xiao Hua has the grace of the Ming Zu, UU reading here again thanks!"

Xiao Hua calculated it. At this time, it was more than six hundred years before the opening of the Tianshu Academy. After he came out of Luxiangchi, he simply sacrificed Linquan Gaoyitu and brought his body and sapphire case to the green willow forest!

Xiao Hua still left his body in the forest, and the image of Confucian spirits brought the sapphire case to the front of Luliu.

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The second day of the new year, I wish you all a good year of the Ox and all the best.

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