Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2668: The scruples of the Nangong family

"So you sent troops directly to Hongya through Zhujingtongyou?"

Nangongxun scolded, "How did your brain grow? That is the Emperor's Yellow City. You are just sending people. You dare to send a team. Do you want the Five Fang Great Emperor to destroy my Nangong family?"

Although Elder Cheng's face was blue and red, he still said: "Xian Xian did not use the Jie Chong team? How can the old man send a team to deal with his Jie Chong team?"

"The problem is~"

Nangongxun sneered and asked, "Where is Xiao Xian? Where is the Jie Chong team??"

"You sent a team to besiege Hongya. You didn't even see Xiao Hua's shadow, and you didn't even get a piece of hair from his Jie Chong team. Instead, the Emperor Chi and the Emperor were reprimanded..."

Elder Cheng was speechless.

Nangongxun looked at Elder Cheng, and after a while, he slowly said, "Elder Cheng, I know that you are testing the attitude of His Majesty Crimson, and you are also sending a handle to the Emperor, wanting my Nangong family to escape. A sudden catastrophe..."

Elder Cheng was startled, he glanced at Nangongxun, and opened his mouth not knowing what to say.

Because in his impression, Nangong Xun has always been self-employed and acted unscrupulously. Nangong Shiru is only three points arrogant. Who would think that Nangong Xun actually saw his foresight!


A smile appeared at the corner of Nangongxun's mouth, and he said faintly, "Could it be that I am so unbearable in the eyes of Elder Cheng? You can't even see your layout?"

"The old man is guilty~"

Elder Cheng didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly fell on one knee and said, "The old man should have sent a message to the Patriarch when he was in retreat."

"Okay, okay~"

Nangongxun helped Elder Cheng and said, "I don't know your plan? You want to take the responsibility on yourself. Even if your Majesty Crimson is held accountable, I can still use the reason of retreat~"

"Thank you for your understanding~"

Elder Cheng took a serious look at Nangongxun again, and said carefully, "The old slave will definitely show all his plans to the Patriarch in the future."

"Well, just understand where I am angry!"

Nangongxun said faintly, "You sent troops this seems to be a faint move, but the intention is far-reaching. One showed the attitude of my Nangong family and saved my face, and the other called the Emperor's reprimand and weakened the Chi Emperor. Your majesty’s punishment, but I’m a bit naive, why do you know that as long as the Emperor scolds, His Majesty Crimson must not be furious?"

"For Patriarch, this matter is very simple to say..."

Elder Cheng said slightly, "The five emperors govern the five cities. How can they be in harmony with each other like brothers? What the emperor wants to do, the other four emperors are out of line, that is Dismantle each other!"

"The old slave team went over and looked dangerous, but the number of the team is small, and it does not pose any threat. The Emperor cannot be angry, but he will definitely show his attitude."

"Since the Emperor has reprimanded my Nangong family, His Majesty Chidi may not be able to hold on to his face. Your Majesty may think, why should my Akagi team make your Emperor reprimand? So your majesty's punishment may change."


Nangong-hoon sighed when he heard this, and said leisurely, "Elder Cheng, you still take it for granted. How do you know that the Emperor will be reprimanded? How can the Emperor not know the number of teams you send?"

"Isn't there Xiao Hua and Xiao Wenheng?"

Elder Cheng asked confidently, "The only Wenheng in the Heavenly Court, let's make it clear that we are going to find Xiao Wenheng to give up his anger. Isn't he upholding him as the emperor? He doesn't say anything. Doesn't it chill the hearts of all the scholars who participated in the election of the apocalypse!"

"Well, this is also a reason!"

Nangongxun did not refute, but said, "But I don't think things are so simple."


Hearing this, Elder Cheng also showed puzzlement on his face and said, "According to the old slave's thoughts, my Nangong family's team will be driven away by the Emperor's team, and the Emperor and His Majesty will send people to the Red Ya search, after all, one is Xiao Hua and Xiao Wenheng, and the other is his heir Yingluo! But unfortunately, neither of the two majesty moved, making the second monk confused!"

"It's actually very simple~"

Nangongxun smiled and said, "On the surface, Shiru caused a catastrophe, but the root cause is that Yingluo did not follow the way of women, and first eloped with people. Shiru just lost his reason, and his majesty lost his face. How could he go with a big fan Looking for confusion?"

"The other thing is that the Red Cliff Little Heavenly Realm involves the disappearance of Saint Ge Tian, ​​Xiao Hua, and the eighty-one dragon wells are related to the Saint. The Emperor knows the secrets inside. He is not sure about it, so naturally he will not take action."


Elder Cheng was taken aback and asked inconceivably, "Red Cliff Little Heaven actually involves Saint Ge Tian? This..."

Then the elder Cheng was stunned and said, "It's no wonder that since Xiao Hua has fallen into the layout of the saint, he has no hope, so the Emperor simply ignored it."

"Not bad~"

Nangongxun then gritted his teeth to look at Nangong Zixu, and said viciously, "This is why I want to punish this dog minion. The saint's handwriting, even the five emperors dare not act, he did not stop Shiru, but used it instead. With the authority of my Nangong family, I found a secret book from the Tiangong library and sent it to Shiru. Isn't this a sorrow or something?"

Of course Elder Cheng knows that Nangong Shiru is domineering, how can Nangong Zixu stop what he wants to do?

Elder Cheng was about to say a few good things for Nangong Zixu, Nangongxun spouted a red fire from his mouth and nose and fell on Nangong Zixu's impersonal body, coldly said: "Since you are so loyal, then accompany Shiru. Let's get lost together!"


Nangong Zixu wailed in the red fire, struggling to make a stick of incense, and his body shape turned into wisps of smoke and disappeared.

Elder Cheng was a little bit shy, but he remained calm.

Watching the light smoke disappear, Nangong Xun said with a cold tone: "The disaster Shiru caused this time is far from simple as you thought, and the marriage between my Nangong family and your Majesty is definitely not what you think... smooth sailing! "

"I sometimes think about it, where is Xiao Hua courageous and dare to go to Hongya with Yingluo? Is there a shadow of your majesty behind this?"


Elder Cheng took a deep breath and looked at Nangongxun inconceivably, "You... are you sure?"

"How can there be evidence for your Majesty's actions?"

Nangongxun sneered again. UU read and said, "But after the geese took a picture, after thinking carefully, how could you not see any clues?"

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The second day of the new year, I wish you all a good year of the Ox and all the best.

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