Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2678: Grievance


The stupid Taoist ignored her, and continued: "The disciple realized the four levels of Xuanhen, and the Patriarch imparted the palmprint of the Nine Dragon Seal to the disciple. He also gave the phantom of the Great Seal that the second brother had obtained from the Yunyuan Xiaotian. To the disciple..."

"Look, see~"

Fenghua couldn't help but said again, "The phantom of the Great Emperor's Seal was brought back by knowing the wrong!"

"Second daughter-in-law~"

The old man frowned and said, "Can't you just listen to the fourth one?"


Liu Yanyi also curled his lips and said, "If you want to talk about the Great Emperor's Seal, it was also found by Xiao Da Xianying!"

"Shut up~"

Fenghua scolded Liu Yanyi and said, "When adults speak, how can there be any reason for children to interrupt?"

"...The disciples practiced the control of the Nine Dragon Seal based on what the Patriarch said, as well as the shadow of the Great Seal of the Great Emperor~"

The stupid Taoist continued, "...Before Yan Yu recruited his relatives, the Patriarch took his disciples to Xinghuatian to meet with 81 Supreme Masters, who controlled Xinghuatian and explained everything in the clan... …"

Fenghua is anxious. What the stupid Taoist said is clearly the inheritance of the Patriarch, but she opened her mouth and saw the stern look of the old man, lest she might be self-defeating, hurriedly kicked Liu Zhifei.

Liu Zhifei was bitter at this time. He always thought he was the inheritance of the Patriarch, and tried his best to lead the tribe to fight. He didn't know that the Patriarch had already handed the inheritance to the stupid Taoist. It was false to say that he had no complaints in his heart.

However, unwilling in his heart, the Patriarch's stay, the whereabouts and life and death of the Liu family made him unable to say anything for a while.

"...The Chaotianque changed drastically. When the Liujia formation collapsed, the Patriarch ordered the disciples to enter Xinghuatian,"

The stupid Taoist said, "and put this Nine Dragon Seal in the hands of the disciples before sealing Xing Huatian, and let the disciples take the Nine Dragon Seal to Xiao Hua..." (Chapter 2159 Liujia Great Formation)

Hearing this, the old man said: "Fourth, that is to say, the Patriarch did not say to give the Patriarch to Xiao Hua, but to give the Nine Dragon Seal to Xiao Hua, right?"


The stupid Taoist nodded and said, "The time is too rushed. The Patriarch only said to bring the Nine Dragon Seal to Xiao Hua, but didn't say anything else!"

"Since then, the disciple has been cultivating in Xinghuatian, and until recently, Xinghuatian had a **** birth. The disciple urged the Nine Dragon Seal and found that it was a warning sign of the Liu family's bloodline, so the disciple immediately performed the secret technique and rushed here..."

"Have you heard?"

Old You Old faintly charged Fenghua and said, "If the fourth child is interested in the position of Patriarch, why bother to say so much? He just said that the Patriarch gave him the position of Patriarch.

Fenghua's face flushed, but she still insisted on arguing: "Xiao Hua is Yan Yu's son-in-law, and it is the right way to hand the Nine Dragon Seal to Zhifei!"


Elder You resolutely opposed, "Since the Patriarch asked the fourth child to cultivate the complete Purple Moon Golden Sun Profound Mark Art, and handed over Xing Huatian and Nine Dragon Seal to him, there is naturally a reason for the Patriarch."

Even Old You You asked Liu Zhifei sternly: "Second, what do you think?"


Liu Zhifei was a little discouraged, and opened his mouth not knowing how to express his unwillingness and disappointment.


Liu Yanyi pursed his lips and smiled, "Isn't this the test of the Patriarch?"

"As long as you take the Liu family disciples to stand firm in the fairy world, even if it is Xiao Da Xianying, how could he not give the Nine Dragon Seal to Daddy?"

"Also, Xiao Hua is a sister-in-law, how could his elbow turn outward?"

"Don't worry about it!"


Liu Zhifei let out a long sigh, with a smile on his face, bowed to the stupid Taoist, and said, "Fourth, second brother, thank you for all the Liu family disciples, thank you for everything you have done for the Liu family!"

"Second brother, you are polite~"

Although the stupid man knew that Liu Zhifei had something in his words, he didn't want to care about it, and hurriedly bowed and said, "This is what the little brother should do."


Elder You looked at the disciples of Zhanzhou, and asked tentatively, "Fourth old man, is Xing Huatian a space fairy?"


The stupid Taoist nodded and said, "Xinghuatian is the space opened up by the Nine Dragon Seal. It was previously placed in Chaotian Que, but now I am taking it by my side."

"Can you practice inside?"

"Of course I can. I cultivated inside."


Elder You looked at Liu Zhifei, and said, "Second, can we let our disciples from the Liu family come out of the fairy weapon and practice in Xinghuatian?"


Liu Zhifei didn't want to nod, but when he just said a word, Fenghua hurriedly said, "Zhifei, I'm afraid this is not good!"


Liu Zhifei was stunned for a moment, and he had also just said two words, and he suddenly realized.

When the Liu family disciple entered Xinghuatian, wouldn't he be controlled by a stupid Taoist?

Wouldn't he be immediately emptied?


Liu Zhifei hurriedly changed his words and said, "We have to go to the border of Buddhism. We must encounter some trouble during the period. Keep the team disciples just in case!"

The stupid Taoist knew this result long ago, so he didn't mention it at first.

Fenghua changed his conversation and asked Liu Yanyi: "Yi'er, why do you have to go to Xuanming to celebrate the sky and find the team?"

"Mother, remember Xi Mujing?"

Liu Yanyi thought for a while and asked cautiously.

"Xi Mujing?"

Fenghua's expression changed, and he looked at Liu Zhifei.

The avatar of Xi Mujing in Chi La Lonely counted against Liu Yanyu, Liu Zhifei and the stupid Taoist were both hit, if it weren't for the detoxification pills that Xiao Hua left for Liu Yanyu, it would have caused a big mistake.

At this time Liu Zhifei took Liu Yanyu back to Chaotianque and told Fenghua about the matter.

"what's happenin?"

The stupid man also asked.

"Xi Mujing should be the creator of Float!"

Liu Yanyi said, "Bai Su'er and Xi Xuan are her cronies, and the child suspects that today's affairs should be Xi Mujing's instructions!"


Liu Zhifei gritted his teeth and said, "Xi Mujing is no longer the Xi Mujing of her early years. She has a grudge against the Xi family and the Liu family. This kind of thing should be done by her!"

Old You Old was puzzled and frowned: "Second, what is going on? Xi Mujing and Yin Dong...have they disappeared long ago?"

"Let the fourth child talk about the ins and outs of the matter~"

Liu Zhifei couldn't speak himself, UU reading www. said to the stupid Taoist.

"Quickly say, quickly, fourth uncle~"

Liu Yanyi became curious, and exclaimed, "I also want to know why she wants to kill me!"

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The fourth day of the Lunar New Year, I wish you all a good year of the Ox and all the best.

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