Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2682: Aggressive

"Brother Dong~"

Xi Mujing immediately transmitted her voice and said, "Fenghua didn't come, and Liu Yuqutang was replaced, but Liu Yuqutang's strength is obviously not as good as Fenghua. According to the previous information, he has the mid-level strength of the nine palaces."

"I haven't seen you in the 20th century. The top level is also a high-level 9th ​​house. This time we should be absolutely sure that you can't really..."

"I got it~"

Yin Dong was a little upset. Before Xi Mujing finished speaking, he interrupted and said, "Everything goes according to plan. Let's see what the Liu family said first. If we can't agree, we will do it."

Xi Mujing glanced at Yin Dong, but did not speak any more.

The stupid Taoist and others followed Xi Mujing, carefully guarded, the light path directly penetrated the spiral outline, when it flew to the edge of the spiral, a cloud of light fell like rain, covering everyone.

Xi Mujing turned sideways and said, "This is forbidden to explore the immortal, you don't need to resist."

"What to investigate the immortal forbidden?"

Liu Yanyi asked alertly.

"Didn't you ask us not to bring the team?"

Xi Mujing smiled and groaned, "We have to see if you bring the team too!"

Liu Yanyi hesitated a little, Liu Zhifei raised his hand when he saw this, and Jin Guang protected himself, the stupid Taoist and Liu Yanyi.

Xiaguang was blocked by golden light and could not fall.

Xi Mujing and Yin Dong did not move, Ren Xiaguang fell on them.

Xiaguang was like water, flowing from the two of them, and after a while it dripped onto the path of light.

"Liu Zhifei~"

Xi Mujing looked at the golden light on the heads of the three of them, and said lightly, "Our husband and I have already passed the expedition through the immortal forbidden. It's up to you. If we don't want to explore, we don't need to talk anymore.

Liu Zhifei looked at the stupid Taoist, raised his hand and grabbed it, the golden light disappeared, and the glow fell on the three of them immediately.


The stupid Taoist felt the Xiaguang sweep over his body, and his body was cold for a while, and his heart suddenly hung. There was a star in his body, and You Lao, Fenghua and others were in the star!

At the same time, Liu Yanyi's heart also mentioned her throat, and prayed in her heart: "Xiao Da Xianying, Xiao Da Xianying, it's up to you!"

Fortunately, the sunshine is still there, like water falling, and it doesn't stop at all!

"I'm going~"

Liu Yanyi was overjoyed in her heart, "Xiao Daxianying is too powerful, right? This kind of exploration of the immortal ban can't detect the space fairy he gave me?"

Xiao Hua gave Liu Yanyi the yinluo fairy ware that Xiao Hua personally condensed in the space. The rank is beyond Liu Yanyi's imagination!

As for the Liu Family's Xing Huatian, of course it is also a special existence, and it is impossible to be detected by a simple immortal forbidden like Xi Mujing.

Seeing that the exploration was fruitless, Xi Mujing turned and followed Yin Dong into the spiral.

Seeing that Xi Mujing and Yin disappeared, the stupid Taoist said: "I'm first~"

"Be careful, uncle~"

Liu Yanyi reminded, "Xi Mujing and the others no longer regard us as old friends!"

"I know~"

The stupid man agreed and flew into the spiral.

As soon as he entered the spiral, the dumb Taoist was stunned, because the situation inside was completely different from what he had previously thought.

But seeing that this is a valley-like space, large tracts of spatial ripples are condensed like mountains and rocks, and there is the sound of "rumbling" in the space, the sound is like a storm like a sea tide, waves Shock the dumb people's hearing.

However, the stupid man took a closer look, and there was nothing in the space that caused the sound.

Behind the stupid Taoist, Liu Zhifei and Liu Yanyi also flew in, and they also looked around inexplicably.

"Don't watch~"

Xi Mu said calmly, "This voice is a gathering of voices from the inner circle within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, that is to say, the voice can only come in, not out, this place is more powerful than any silent immortal ban in the fairy world!"

"I'm interested~"

Liu Zhifei nodded and said.

"Don't be careful~"

Xi Mujing sarcastically said, "Otherwise, the details of Brother Dong and I will be exposed!"


Liu Yanyi took a few steps forward and said, "If you say so, let's get to the point!"

"Okay, you can say it~"

Xi Mujing's mouth grew disdainful, and she looked at Liu Yanyi and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I have to ask first,"

Liu Yanyi asked, "Xi Mujing, did you reveal my whereabouts?"

Seeing that his face was torn apart, Xi Mujing nodded and said, "Yes~"

"Why did you harm me?"

Liu Yanyi was still young, she was already prepared in her heart, but she couldn't help but ask back when she heard it firsthand.

"Why did I do this, don't you know it yourself?"

Xi Mujing said lightly, "I left the floating picture for Rong'er, but now?"


Liu Yanyi laughed loudly and said, "The Xi family's people are just like that!"

"You want to leave the floating picture to Feng Rong'er, but does Feng Rong'er have the ability to take it?"

"Not to mention how messy and bad the previous floating map was."

"Simply speaking of the scale of the floating map, after I arrived at the floating map, the floating map was ten times larger than before..."

Speaking of this, Liu Yanyi stopped suddenly and looked at Xi Mujing with a smile: "I understand, what is left to Feng Rong'er, you can't control the floating map, right?"

"Whatever you say!"

Xi Mujing was a little impatient and waved her hand, "There is no room for two tigers on the left and right. It seems that it is for the sake of the ancient family. If you withdraw from the floating map, I can forget the past and assume that nothing has happened."


Liu Yanyi nodded and said, "You are right. This is what I want to say. A mountain does not tolerate two tigers, Xi Mujing, it is for the sake of the ancient family. If you withdraw from the floating map, I can forget the past and assume that nothing has happened. ."

Don't talk about Xi Mujing, even if Yin Dong heard this, he couldn't help frowning. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com secretly cursed in his heart: "Yellow-mouthed kid!"


Sure enough, Xi Mujing also smiled angrily, and said, "Yellow mouth boy, do you know what you are talking about?"

"The floating map was created by my husband and wife, and it was the hard work of my husband and wife. How could we give up to others?"

Liu Yanyi retorted and said, "Of course I know what I'm talking about?"

"I also know that you created it, but you don't look at it yourself. What does the floating map look like now?"

"Do you know what the floating map should look like? Are you confident that you can manage the floating map well?"

"Don't think that by being a demon commander, you can be the master of the floating map!"

"I tell you, the floating map will be a hundred times stronger in my hands than it is now!"

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The fourth day of the Lunar New Year, I wish you all a good year of the Ox and all the best.

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