Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2690: British election begins

"Simply put~"

Gu Wei is very clear about what Xiao Hua thinks. He explained, "The rules for the selection of the British, the selection of the talents and the selection of the wise are different from the primary three selections that Master Xiao previously participated in. Knowledge, in the junior year, two tests and one risk."

"The so-called two tests are the basic test and the long test. The basic test is the basic test, which is similar to the junior grade selected from this level, and it examines the quality of the students; the long test is the specialty test, similar to the junior grade selected from the special level."

"However, this special test requires a lot of advanced levels and a much wider range. As long as the students are good at literary arrays, literary imperials, text implements, elixir, etc., they can be refined."

"The so-called one risk is the brave test, because this brave test is a few rounds of fighting, there is no life and death limit, so many students will die in the brave test, so it is called a brave test."

"Furthermore, the rules of the two exams are relatively fixed. The rules of the brave exam are different every time. Sometimes they are very strange. It is also the most troublesome and unsure of all students. This is also the second reason why it is called dangerous! "


After Gu Wei explained for a while, Xiao Hua suddenly asked: "No, I remember that the selection of the wise and the selection are concentrated in the five cities. Why is the selection of the wise selection in your Xiayun Festival going to the holy relics?"

This is actually a discrepancy between the message given by Wenqu and the message of the Simon family. Xiao Hua hadn't noticed before, but now he found it after comparing it.

"Oh, it's like this~"

Gu Wei hurriedly explained, "The information that Master Xiao received is also correct, but that was the old practice. The previous virtuous elections and wise elections were all placed in the tower of heaven and earth."

"Heaven and Earth Tower has 108 floors, the first 30 floors are used by Xianxuan, and the back is used by Ruixuan."

"But with the general increase in the strength of the Celestial Confucianism, even the winner of the British election is eligible to enter the Heaven and Earth Tower. The first 30 floors of the Earth Tower on that day can no longer meet the needs of the virtuous election, so the final wise election has gradually changed from The upper floors of the Heaven and Earth Tower have been transferred to the Ruins of the Holy Spirit.

"Of course, whether Ruixuan is to be transferred depends on the strength of the Taiqing Tianxian participating in the election of Apocalypse. This must be decided by Zhaoming Qitianlu. Therefore, the information that Master Xiao received is a bit old and can't be considered wrong."

Xiao Hua rubbed his nose and smiled bitterly, and said, "The rules of bravery for the junior election were also set by Zhaoming Qitian Record?"


Gu Wei knew that Xiao Hua had seen the Zhaoming Qitian Record, so he also smiled and said, "Master Xiao said that this time Master Xiao will participate, and the disciples have a hunch that this courageous rule must be unexpected!"

Gu Li nodded next to him, and interjected: "The more weird, the more reasonable to Master Xiao, this disciple is not worried."

"I'm afraid Zhaoming Qitianlu will feel uncomfortable seeing Master Xiao~"

Gu Wei joked, "The last time Master Xiao recorded a problem for Zhaoming Qitian!"

"It's more troublesome this time~"

Xiao Hua held his forehead with one hand.

"How to say?"

Gu Wei and Gu Li asked in unison.

"You will know this when the time comes~"

The literary flower that contains time Hongyun is Xiao Hua's secret, how could he tell others?


Gu Li was happy, rubbed his hands, and said, "That disciple is waiting for good news!"

Of course Gu Li was happy. The more powerful Xiao Hua was, the more sure he would fight with Huangcheng Academy's invitation.


Xiao Hua finally asked, "From the point of view of the rules, the five forbidden places are supposedly only related to courage..."

"Oh, Master Xiao wants to ask this~"

Gu Li didn't wait for Xiao Hua to finish, and hurriedly explained, "The disciple can explain to Master Xiao, you must have discovered it too? There are a lot of gambling fights in Heavenly Court. This is different from Dao Immortal Realm. Why?"

"It's because the junior election is different from Dao Xianjie, there is no fight, and all the students who have lost are not convinced."

"When the junior election came, the participants were all three Qing Confucian immortals. The methods were natural and brilliant. No one wanted to lose without comparison. So everyone's goal was very clear. They were brave enough to take the test, to make a **** road, and to gain a real reputation. Go..."


Speaking of this, Gu Li suddenly woke up and hurriedly said with a smile, "Master Xiao, the disciple said that you are not old, you are always well deserved!"

"No problem~"

Xiao Hua smiled and waved his hand, "Xiao doesn't care about this, and Xiao is not asking this."

Gu Li was embarrassed, and said with a smile: "Sorry, Master Xiao, what do you always want to know?"

"Xiao wants to know how to get the Six Jade Token!"

Gu Li was stunned and blurted out: "After Xiao Master wins the Kunhuan Forbidden Area, there will be five forbidden areas to compete for hegemony. At that time, the five forbidden areas will gather and fight, and Xiao Master will naturally get other tokens!"

"Master Xiao!"

Gu Wei woke up and whispered, "You always said that you got six tokens?"


Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Do you know any tricks?"


Gu Wei replied almost without thinking, "The disciple never knew the secret of the sixth token Cangbi!"

Xiao Hua didn't have any surprises with Gu Wei's answer, and it was impossible for Gu Wei to know things that even the Simon family did not know.

However, Gu Wei suddenly brightened his eyes and said in a low voice, "Master Xiao, others may not have a chance, but Master Xiao will definitely have a chance!"

"Zhaoming Qitianlu!"

Xiao Hua understood the situation and said in a low voice, "Surely he knows?"

"The disciple is not sure if he knows~"

Gu Wei smiled and nodded, "But if anyone knows, it's him!"

Afterwards, Gu Wei talked a lot with Xiao Hua and Gu Li before leaving.

Seeing Xiao Hua preparing to take six tokens, Gu Li was both happy and scared, because taking six tokens meant that Xiao Hua must enter the five forbidden lands for hegemony. Since entering the five forbidden lands for hegemony, the Tianshu Academy must be able to win. Huangcheng Academy is naturally too dangerous.

However, Gu Li was unable to control Xiao Hua, so he also left and hurriedly went to visit Kou Qi, Fang Zhuo and others, hoping that they would have unexpected results.

Different from Xiao Hua’s leisure time, in Xuhuangcheng, other students who participated in the British election are not nervous. After all, the British election is a junior election, which is completely different from the five forbidden places in the five cities of heaven. If you are good enough, immediately It's a little exciting to think about it.


Xiao Hua is practicing cross-legged, UU reading www. uukanshu. com heard a bell ringing in its ears, and there was a clamor like a tidal wave outside the pavilion.

Xiao Hua opened his eyes and looked out the window, with a smile on his mouth, and said in secret: "The one-time election in a thousand years is a grand event in the heavens, just like the New Year in the ordinary world. This is the breath of prosperity and prosperity of the human race. The Heavenly Court is far inferior!"

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang XX, XX Le, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

It's the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. I wish you all a good year of the Ox and all the best.

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