Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2699: Killing intent

"Don't worry~"

The Emperor said with a smile, "Zhaoming Qitianlu, who can't even wait for me, is absolutely impossible to cheat!"

After all, Zhaoming Qitianlu big thorns flew in, his figure fell into the center of the hall, and he sang a big fat man in a decent way and said: "Little old man has seen all the great emperors!"

"Zhaoming, you have worked hard~"

The Emperor raised his hand with a smile, and said, "My six selections of the heavenly revelation are all up to you to worry about."

"This is what the little old man should do~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu said with a smile.

"You old man~"

Hei Di curled his lips and said, "Don't delay any longer, I'll be here as you said, and after waiting for you for a hundred days, you should always reveal the answer? Otherwise, I will let the Heicheng students tear down your bones! "


Zhaoming Qitianlu smiled slightly, raised his hand in the air a little bit, a language of light and shadow came out of thin air, and said, "Look, you great emperors, this is Xiao Hua's first language when he participated in the contest..."

Afterwards, the changes in Xiao Hua's language, and even the peculiarities of the human flowers were revealed in front of the five emperors!

Seeing that Xiao Hua's flower is the world of the red spirit soul, and there are 70 million petals outside, and even contains the law of time, even the five emperors are stunned! !

"This... what does Xiao Hua think?"

Red Emperor held his forehead with a hand and smiled, "This kind of cultivation is too whimsical, right?"

"Fantasy is still secondary~"

Although Qingdi's expression is not clear, his tone is obviously abnormal. He said, "The point is, whether it is a language or a literary flower, he completely uses my heavenly Confucianism to cultivate, and there is no trace of Taoism at all!"

After speaking, the Qing Emperor looked at the Quartet and said: "I am not without a clone. With my knowledge and cultivation techniques, which clone can reach the height of Xiao Hua's clone of Confucianism?"

"Not bad~"

Red Emperor nodded and said, "Don't talk about the clone, even if I wait, who can cultivate such a literary flower? I am extremely curious now, how Xiao Hua did it!"


The emperor thought for a while and asked, "Are there traces of Xiao Hua's practice?"

"The great emperor~"

Zhaoming Qi Tianlu smiled and said, "The little old man is only responsible for the selection of the apocalypse, and no matter what the secret technique is, now the little old man has to ask the great emperors, the little old man will change the basic test rules and give Xiao Hua three hundred and six Eleven credits, is it correct and fair?"


The emperor nodded without hesitation, "Zhaoming's move is really wise, far beyond what I thought. I will make an order to sue Huangcheng students!"

"That's good!"

Zhaoming Qitianlu smiled, "That little old man has resigned!"

"Where is Xiao Hua now?"

Qingdi couldn't help asking.

"Naturally it is a long exam~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu replied, "But where he is, I forgive the young man, I can't say it clearly, this is the foundation of the young man, goodbye!"

After talking about Zhaoming Qitianlu, he flew away.

"Several imperial brothers~"

Qing Di looked at the other great emperors and said, “I think Xiao Hua’s affairs are big or small, and the path of cultivation he has taken is extremely limited to me. Let’s not say who can control the time Hong Yun, It is the condensed flower of the Red Dust Soul Spirit World, which blocks all the heavenly Confucian Immortals!"

"What does the emperor brother mean?"

Chi Di was a little puzzled.

"Siu Hua's thing is small, it is Xiao Hua's own unique way to cultivate the unusual three flowers~"

The Qing emperor said word by word, "Xiao Hua's matter is big, that is, his cultivation may mislead me, and ruin a lot of outstanding students!!"


The emperor waved his hand, "The emperor is a little alarmist!"

"I'm waiting for the five emperors to gather here~"

The Qing Emperor said lightly, "It is enough to prove that Xiao Hua's affairs are not small, and the words about the younger brothers have already been said. No matter what the emperor brother thinks, what he does is his own business, goodbye!"

After speaking, the Qing Emperor turned into a blue light.

"Xiao Hua should be killed!"

The Red Emperor also said, turned and flew away.

Hei Di and Bai Di looked at each other and raised their hands together to bid farewell.

"Kill Xiao Hua?"

Looking at the empty Yaopu Hall, the Emperor of Heaven sneered, and said inwardly, "That's my son-in-law, how can I start?"

"Furthermore, Xiao Hua's cultivation method has no meaning to ordinary Confucianism, and has an impact on my cultivation, but it is difficult to elaborate. Do you think I don't know your plan? You must already have it in your heart. After receiving the income, each one will return to the enlightenment income, right?"

"It's just that Xiao Hua has never been to Huangcheng, and I can't be too eager, otherwise they will see the clues."

"Let's wait for him to come to Huangcheng, I want to see what kind of exercises he can use to cultivate such a shocking human flower!"

Xiao Hua naturally did not expect that his own practice would have caused the Wufang Great Emperor’s killing intent. He just watched Zhaoming Qitianlu write a line of words and smiled: "The little student has passed the basic test now. Did you take the long exam?"


Zhaoming Qitianlu waved his hand, and dozens of identical palace gates appeared in front of his head and said, "You choose one to go in!"


Xiao Hua was dumbfounded, and said, "Isn't the long exam a test that you are good at?"


Zhaoming Qitianlu pointed to Gongmenfen and said, "These are the places where the trials leading to literary imperialism, literary prohibition, and cultural implements are located. You have to look for things that can be used inside, draw out the results of the trial, and then call me out. Identification!"

Xiao Hua's eyes lit up and asked, "You won't take away the results of the trial?"


Zhaoming Qitianlu shook his head and said, "Those are your own."

"Are there other students in this trial?"

"Of course~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu gave him a blank look, and replied, "Moreover, there are limited things to test!"

"Which one is to sacrifice the elixir?"

Xiao Hua already had a plan in his mind, and asked, "Is there a pill and immortal grass in it?"


Zhaoming Qitianlu pointed to a palace gate and said, "There is everything inside, but you have to find everything yourself!"


Xiao Hua, who always likes to take advantage, smiled, and did not hesitate to choose the gate of the elixir.

Xiao Hua has been in contact with various secret techniques such as Wen Jiao and Wen Zhen since he went to, but to the contrary, he rarely encountered weapons and alchemy.

Needless to say about refining tools, Xiao Hua has the Lotus Refining Cang Secret Art, and the world's tools can be sacrificed, but the Heavenly Court’s refining method Xiao Hua didn't particularly care.

What Xiao Hua wanted to understand was the alchemy method of Heavenly Court.

On this Spring Festival, I wish you all the best.

I would like to thank the following fairy friends for their infinite support to the cultivation of gods, and thank all book friends for their perseverance. They are: singing bird, smelly mosquito, guf8547*5, busy old man, ruthless, loritin, shield imperial, return, vanilla Wei, Southern Emperor Beima, Stupid Taoist, Proud Shenzhou, I used to look forward to the present, ordinary rice grains, Ran, two butterflies in summer, Shanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, shrimp plus fire, Zfw*6, simple book friends, Feng, eating Liangpi in the middle of the night, Fang Moumou, Moule, Li Jian, stocks rising every day, Mu Shi and so on.

The sixth day of the new year...

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