Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2715: The 9th Hongyun-Overlay


Xiao Hua's questions about the students, as far as the basics involved in alchemy are concerned, are endless, and while pointing millions of students to make alchemy, he calmly alchemy, still releases a handwriting and a rhyme every year.

There are more and more immortal grasses in the porcelain jars. After the golden liquid Yuliquan was put in, Professor Xiao Hua wrote two "water" characters, and after the earth sun red heart grass was put in, Xiao Hua wrote two "fire" characters, Yutian Yaoxiang After the fruit fell, there were two more "earth" characters.

As for Jiyun Crane-shaped Grass, Guojingyun Mountain Grass, Yin-Dry Tong Tian Grass, and Rebirth Incense each correspond to "wind, rain, thunder and lightning", it does not need to go into detail. The sentient beings in front of the Ochre Palace worshipped and looked forward to their clothes, and their eyes flashed excited , Waiting for the third blush.

"Big Brother~"

Feng Yong's excited immortal body trembled. He turned his head to look at Fengxi and exclaimed, "Your eyes are great, this Mrs. Xiao Wenheng is too powerful, I really didn't expect that this kind of alchemy method is an unspoken secret. Ah, he was so selfless in public..."

Feng Xi didn't dare to let Feng Yong look back, and hurriedly raised his hand to pat Feng Yong on the back of his neck, and said in a low voice, "Concentrate, eighty-one ways of refining pill, Master Xiao just taught 18 of them, and there are many more behind. ."

"Yes, yes~"

Feng Yong didn't doubt that he was there, and nodded repeatedly, concentrating on acquainted with the handwriting, and taking care of Danding.

It has been 18 years now, and Fengxi’s whole body has reached the second kind of strange fragrance. He knows that this is a sign that after one petal of his own flower is annihilated, the second petal is beginning to become muddy and withering. The three decays of heaven and man are different, the three flowers wither will dissipate the fragrance of the flowers before they disappear.

When the silkworms die, the silk will be exhausted, and the torch will turn into gray and tears will begin to dry!

Thinking of this, Feng Xi felt a little moist in his eyes. He really wanted to watch his younger brother set foot on the Heavenly Immortal, willing to be his stepping stone, but God did not give him a chance, and even his humble hope would be stifled.


Xiao Hua looked at the nine kinds of fairy grass and fairy fruit in the porcelain jar had been purified, looked around, coughed slightly.


Millions of eyes gathered on Xiao Hua at once, and all the students knew that after more than a year, Xiao Hua was about to release a new handwriting.

Sure enough, Xiao Hua said loudly: "All living beings, ordinary alchemy is nothing more than pure liquid, holding alchemy, melting alchemy, condensing alchemy, laden; or purifying, melting alchemy, pregnant alchemy, bidan, etc., previously taught by Xiao It can correspond to pure liquid or purification, and now there are another eighteen rhymes that can correspond to Bao Dan or Condensed Dan, wait and see carefully..."

With that said, Xiao Hua wrote another "gold"!

"I... my goodness~"

Seeing the same Jia inscription actually being played with so many words by Xiao Hua, Zhao Bo exclaimed in his heart. Like other students, he hurriedly focused on memory and kept writing and drawing in Chinese.

However, what Zhao Bo differs from others is that he did not take out the pill cauldron, but desperately to write something in the Xiayun Festival. It seems really as he said, he is not refined in alchemy, and Xiao Hua's pill can not be realized in a short time. !

In this way, for seventy-two consecutive years, Xiao Hua wrote one word every year. At the end of the day, around the porcelain jar before everyone’s eyes, there were already seventy-two rosy colors roaring around the porcelain jar; above the light curtain , Seventy-two Dao Hongyun is condensed into a cloud knot, within the cloud knot, 1.9 colors spread the darkness like a heaven and earth, shining like stars.

In the seventy-third year, Xiao Hua raised his hand again. Without waiting for him to speak, all the students immediately stopped discussing and looked into the air, waiting for Xiao Hua to write the ninth "gold" character!

Xiao Hua looked at the people and said, "Actually, there is no ninth golden character in the nine-fold alchemy method of Heavenly Court Nine Rhymes..."


As soon as Xiao Hua said this, everyone was relieved, not knowing whether it was disappointment or what, Zhao Bo smiled next to him: "Fortunately, there is no such ninth'gold' character, Xiao Wenheng, you may not know, this half a year Come on, I have been thinking about what this ninth handwriting is and how to write it, but I can’t figure it out after racking my brains. It seems that the previous eight handwritings have written this Jinxinghongyun evolution to a complete success!"

Xiao Hua smiled, Dao was speechless. His "Materia Medica" was obtained from the porcelain pot ocher, and there was no handwriting at all. The reason why he could write 72 handwritings was due to his own accumulation of Confucianism. The ninth It's not that Xiao Hua doesn't know it, but he can't write it!

And even if he writes it out, these students with only the strength of Yuqing people will not be able to learn!

Xiao Hua could only find a new way.

"But what~"

Xiao Hua went on to say, "The ninth stage of Jiuyun is the key to alchemy. It is necessary for condensing alchemy and laden, so Xiao created the ninth "golden" character!"

With that said, Xiao Hua once again wrote the word "gold" in midair. This word "gold" looks very complicated and completely different from the previous eight "gold" characters, but if you look carefully, the word "gold" There are also traces of the previous eight "gold" characters.

"He... fits together????"

There are more than one million students who know what to buy. Xiao Hua just stopped, and many students have already exclaimed incrediblely, "Master Xiao, this is a typographic word!!!"

"Not bad~"

Xiao Hua smiled and said, "This is a fit character!"

"Master Xiao, Master Xiao..."

The crowd became restless, and more students said anxiously, "What is a ligature?"

Xiao Hua waved his hand and said: "You should not be anxious, Xiao Mou actually wrote this combined'gold' character. Naturally, he wants to teach you how to write this combined character. Of course, this is only a long exam in English selection. More, Xiao Mou only talks about the combination of nine rhymes!"

Immediately, Xiao Hua said: "In short, the combined characters are superimposed A inscriptions. Why should they be superimposed?"

"A stack of inscriptions with similar meanings can produce more synergy..."

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"...And the superposition of some inscriptions with opposite meanings can produce a peculiar effect similar to the balance of yin and yang..."

"...Some literary bans and literary formations can also be superimposed, and the combined characters after superimposition can be drawn on Linggui, Shipengzhigui, Tianchen Hongfanbo, Yulian, and Void..."

Xiao Hua briefly explained the records of the combined characters in the "Hongbao Wenyun Zhang". UU reading finally pointed to the combined "gold" character and said: "Wait and think, I will wait for the elixir to refine here, It should be condensed pill. The so-called'condensation' means consummation, condensing. The condensing of all the elixir of heaven has the charm of yin and yang, which emphasizes fusion, and the fusion lacks the meaning of consummation; wait and see, my own "Jin'", the eight "gold" characters are superimposed. Each of these eight characters has its own red rhyme. Wouldn't they condense more red rhyme and perfection?

"Master Xiao~"

A student asked excitedly, "Then...what about Yin Yang Hongyun?"


Xiao Hua is a little bit, and the word "gold" is separated, two by two in pairs, standing in the square!

"I... my goodness!"

The student exclaimed, "Master Xiao, you...your combined character is... a superposition of four combined characters?"

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