Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2717: The elixir that can bring Confucianism back to life with just one scent


   Zhaoming Qitian recorded an irritable path, "The brave test has started, why are you still walking outside!"

   Then, Zhaoming Qitianlu said to Xiao Hua: "I really didn't get that elixir. You can refine the 9th-grade elixir, and the 9th-grade elixir can only produce eight at most..."

   "It's okay, it's okay~"

   Xiao Hua said with a smile, "That elixir should be regarded as a niche filial piety to seniors!"

   "I really didn't take it!"

   Zhaoming Qitianlu was almost crying.

   However, Xiao Hua didn’t have time to tell him more. He raised a hand and took a nine-return pill, and handed it to Feng Yong, "Give him this? I’m not sure if it works..."


   Fengyong stood up with a "suddenly" noise, staring at the nine-color elixir in Xiao Hua's hand with his eyes beaming, and stammered.

   "Try it for now~"

   Xiao Hua himself is not clear.


   Fengyong took the nine back to the **** pill and said gratefully, "If I can save my elder brother, Xiao Wenheng, Xiaosheng would like to be Xiao Wenheng's book boy in this life, no, the ninth generation is a slave!"


   Xiao Hua said with a smile, "Xiaosheng and Fengxi are friends, and saving him is also Xiaosheng's duty."

   Fengyong did not dare to delay any more, and hurriedly took the nine back to the **** pill, and was about to send it into Fengxi's mouth.

However, I didn’t wait for the entrance of the nine-return **** pill. Only the scent of the nine-return **** pill fell into Fengxi’s nose and mouth, "brush~", and nine lotus flowers were born around Fengxi’s body surface. Dao's innate energy came out of thin air and directly rammed into Fengxi's body.

   Feeling something strange in the body, vitality emerges like young bamboo shoots after the rain, Fengxi hurriedly shouted: "Slow!!!"

   "What's wrong, brother?"

   Fengyong couldn't wait to put Jiuhui Shendan into his elder brother's mouth. Seeing Fengxi halt, he said anxiously, "Your priority now is to take the elixir!"

   "No, no need to take it~"

   Fengxi raised his hand to block Feng Yong, and said in a low voice, "I only need to smell Danxiang!"

   Talking, Feng Xi grabbed Feng Yong's hand, and took a deep breath toward the Jiuhui Shendan.

   "Boom~", as the pill incense entered the body, the five-colored clouds rolled in Fengxi's chest, and the five qi that had just been annihilated began to condense again...

"How can it be???"

Don’t say it’s Feng Yong anymore, all the students’ eyeballs are about to fall, "This...what kind of elixir is this? The three turbidities and five defeats of the Confucian immortals can be eliminated with just one scent? This is simply comparable. The legendary holy lotus seeds want holy lotus seeds!"

   At this time, the bald armillary sphere of the same realm looked at Wucai Xiayun and whispered like a ghost: "Nine...Nine return to the **** pill? I go, have you refined Zhe Ling's nine return to the **** pill?"

   Zhaoming Qitianlu also changed his face, grabbing the remaining seven elixir with his big hand, and then shouted: "Nine return to the **** pill, it is the nine return to the **** pill!"

   "Senior Zhaoming~"

  The students from the Tianshu Academy couldn't help but ask loudly, "Master Xiao, what is the elixir of pill? What are the credits for the long exam of Master Xiao?"

   "Don't talk about it yet?"

   Zhaoming Qitianlu said loudly without even thinking about it, "Xiao Hua, nine return to the gods, nine..."

   Before the Zhaoming Qitian Record was finished, "Boom boom boom~" A roar sounded in the Zhe Ling Palace, but a khaki stone tablet burst out of the sky!

   "Zhe Ling Dan Bang~"

   "Zhe Ling Pill List!! Master Xiao's elixir is about to be on the Pill List!!"

   All the students cheered in unison, even the students of Huangcheng Academy are no exception.

   Under the eyes of more than a million students, there seems to be an invisible ink pen writing in front of the stone tablet, and a line of light gold characters appears on the stone tablet, "Xiao Hua, nine return to the gods"

   "The Dan list is the first, the Dan list is the first..."

   The students started yelling again. They were so excited. Not to mention that they had gained a lot from this long test, but it was also a great honor to witness that the Nine Return God Pill was ranked first on the Dan list!

  Sure enough, as everyone screamed, the nine return **** pill gradually flew towards the top of the stone tablet, and under it, lines of pale golden writing appeared.

   Of course, between these handwritings, there are some gray and white handwritings, and it is impossible to see what they are. Xiao Hua knows that this is the name of the primate of the previous British elections.

   Seeing that the Nine Return God Pill reached the top of the stele, Zhaoming Qi Tianlu took a deep breath and said: "Tianshu Academy, Xiao Hua, long exam credits, three hundred and sixty..."

   "Great Perfection, Great Perfection~"

   All the students jumped up happily. In this long exam, they were clearly Xiao Hua's rivals, but unfortunately, they saw Xiao Hua get the Dzogchen, they were almost happier than they did it.


   "Boom boom~"

   "Boom boom boom~~"

   Amidst the cheers, the pill cauldrons began to vibrate, and the elixir flew out of the pill cauldron!

   Millions of elixir rushed out almost at the same time, and the entire Zhe Ling Palace was unprecedentedly lively!

   Zhaoming Qitianlu also showed excitement on his face, but when he saw his figure flickered, millions of clones appeared at the same time, before they fell to different elixir, millions of hands grabbed it together. UU read www.uukanshu. A line of com script appeared in the light curtain of the big tripod in front of the Ochre Spirit Palace, and similarly, there were also some handwritings after Xiao Hua's Nine Return to the God Pill, and they were famous on the Ochre Spirit Pill List!

"Brother, hurry... look, I... my elixir has actually reached the sixth rank, my God, this is the nine-strength pill refining method of Xiao Shi Tianting! If it weren't for this pill, my elixir would also be the top four. God!"

   "Hey, what's your sixth-grade elixir? Didn't you see it? It's on the list of elixir for your brother!!"

   "Haha, congratulations to brother Hexi, brother, after the British election, brother must be famous for the college!"

   The front of the Lingling Palace is unprecedentedly lively. Outside the forbidden area of ​​Kunhuan, the excitement of the opening of the British election has been dissipated, and the huge shadow of the jade seal has disappeared from the heights of the major cities.

   It's just that, in front of the Wufeng Pavilion in major cities, on a still huge jade seal of mountains and rivers, a line of handwriting flashes incessantly. These handwritings either rushed upwards or were squeezed down, like the legendary jumping up and down.

However, no matter how lively the countless handwritings on the jade seal, the top of the jade seal, the handwriting line "Tianshu Academy, Xiao Hua, Ji Kao 361 Long Test Zero Yong Test Zero" has been standing still, no handwriting can shake !

Before    Shanhe Yuxi, there were also many scholars staring at this list, their expressions changing with the ups and downs of the handwriting.

   Jiang Yuanming of Huangcheng Academy naturally does not have to wait before the list. He just flew into a pavilion far away.

   "Jiang Yuanzheng~"

  Fan Yongru, the principal of Jiangjin Academy, hurriedly greeted him and said with a smile, "Why did you come?"

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