Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2727: Born to be physically hard to abandon


But unfortunately, with Xiao Hua's strength, even if his Hunyuan strength is sealed, it is not easy for him to find his way home in the Twilight Sihe!

"Since you are not satisfied, then Xiao will not stay more!"

Xiao Hua smiled slightly, raised his hand and patted the center of his eyebrows. The secret technique of containing light was displayed. There was no need for the sun and moon imperial tactics. Only the dawn of the morning light touched, and the beginning of the light instantly appeared. The beginning of the spring came from Xiao Hua’s eyebrows. When the light came out, the shimmering light was like an impenetrable giant sword, splitting the twilight quarters, and as the light soared into the sky, a ripple of turning pages appeared in the air.

As soon as the ripples appeared, the entire world was immediately imprisoned, leaving only Xiao Hua and the armillary sphere of the same realm who walked out of the void in depression.


Xiao Hua looked at the pages of the book with a smile and asked, "According to the rules, the niche should pass the trial of the ‘xu’ character secret realm, right?"


The armillary sphere of the same realm nodded, "However, it feels that you passed too easily, right? The people behind have not come yet!"


Xiao Hua looked around and smiled, "Xiaosheng thought that the secret realm of each student is different. It turns out that they haven't come in yet!"


The Armillary Sphere in the same realm looked very lonely and said, "Every time they come in, they will prepare for a long time, as if I am terrible. In fact, I am really kind. As long as I can pass, I will not embarrass them!"

Xiao Hua was about to speak, suddenly raised his brows, and rose up into the sky like a flying crane, and rushed directly to the page. While he was flying, he cursed: "Wu, that bald head, do you dare to count me?"

The armillary sphere of the same realm shrugged with a look of innocence, and said: "Xiao Wenheng, in the illusion secret realm, all my behavior is a test, how can it be considered a secret calculation? And, if you don't fly out of the secret realm, don't you just want to accept further trials? Huh? I kindly gave you a chance, but you still said that I was plotting?"


Xiao Hua flew out of the book, and cursed in his heart, "Xiao sees you as honest and honest, and wants to say a few more words to you. I didn't expect you to imprison Xiao Wenhua? You really are not a son of man. !!!"

Xiao Hua took out the pages of the book and took out Yu Yue to take a look. As expected, there was an extra jade ribbon inside.

"According to the information given by the family of Simon, and the introduction of Tianshu Academy~"

Xiao Hua looked at Yushou and smiled, "Jade will increase according to how much Xiao has entered into the illusion. In the end, Zhaoming Qitianlu will select the first 3.65 million students to enter the second round based on the number of Yushou. In the second round, pick one out of a hundred, and 36,500 people are left. Of course, this one-on-one selection not only involves fighting, but also combining the results of the basic test and the long test!"

"These thirty-six thousand five hundred people are eligible to enter the five-city hegemony. Since it is the five-city hegemony, it is the cooperation of the students from the five forbidden areas."

"This battle for hegemony is the real battle for the Six Jade Tokens, but unfortunately, until now, no one knows how to get the sixth token?"

"But, one thing is certain is that if you can't get five tokens, it's impossible to see the sixth token!"

"Perhaps, Xiao has got five tokens before he can ask Zhaoming Qitianlu!"

"At this moment, what Xiao has to do is to get as many jade ribbons as possible..."

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and took a look, and randomly picked another A inscription and flew in.

This inscription is the word "cloud". Xiao Hua just flew in, and there was a vibrating sound around "Om~". Countless clouds and clouds were born out of thin air like ropes, entangled towards Xiao Hua like an overwhelming sky. Seeing that it meant to bring Xiao Hua Tied up.


Xiao Hua secretly checked. Within the body, except for the imprisonment of Taoist immortal power, the power of the physical body has not diminished. He smiled slightly, and laughed up to the sky, "The armillary sphere of the same realm, Xiao is here. Make it out!"

"What is it called~~"

Sure enough, the bald armillary sphere of the same realm protruded a bald head from a distance, and laughed, "You don't need to say, if you dare to come, don't be afraid of Laozi's means!"

While talking, that Xiayun turned into big hands, grabbing Xiao Hua's arm!


Xiao Hua roared, his arms stretched, and his whole body gushed out, "Kap~" The armillary sphere of the same realm could not restrain Xiao Hua, but Xiao Hua immediately used the secret technique of plucking the secret technique to make peace. Finding the exit of the literary formation from the clouds and mists of the sky and no earth, it is not the same as the realm of the armillary sphere. He has already urged his figure to rush to a jade cloud, turned around and gave birth to the right hand to rush to the same state of the armillary sphere : "Senior, Xiaomou farewell!"

This farewell injury is not very risky, and it is extremely insulting!

Seeing Xiao Hua turned and rushed out of the secret realm and disappeared, the armillary sphere of the same realm was stunned. He had never seen a student who got out so cleanly, and he had never seen a student with such a strong body!

"Xiao Hua!"

"Siu Hua!!"

The armillary sphere of the same realm roared like thunder, and roared, "I am never finished with you! You are waiting..."

The armillary sphere of the same realm hadn't finished, "Woo", a student wearing soft armor flew into the air. This student never stood still, and immediately raised his hand to offer a picture scroll, but before the scroll was unfolded, inside The spring light also only vented thousands of feet. When the armillary sphere of the same realm stretched out his hand, countless clouds "buzzed" like a heavy rock, and immediately enveloped the space where the students were. He even lifted his right foot and kicked hard against the cloud group.

Seeing the clouds flying high in the sky like stars, the armillary sphere of the same realm screamed fiercely: "I still want to use writing instruments, and I won't clean up you!"

Just after speaking, the armillary sphere of the same realm cheered again, and UU reading called: "Xiao Hua, you wait, I'm here~"

This is an illusion of blazing flames. The five-color flames are so close to the five spirits of the students. Many students sacrificed writing instruments to protect their chests. But in the flames, Xiao Hua appeared so unique. There is no way for the five-color flames. Burn to Xiao Hua's skin.

"Xiao...Xiao Hua~~"

The armillary sphere of the same realm showed up in the flames excitedly, but he smiled bitterly when he looked at the paleness of the five-colored flames, "You... are you cheating?"

Xiao Hua was also helpless, he had already tried his best to give up the strength of the original Confucianism, but this physical body couldn't help it, the five qi and the human flower were all in the flesh, and he really couldn't separate the physical body from the human flower.

So Xiao Hua shrugged and said, "Senior, do you know what is meant to be born with a body that is hard to give up? This is what Xiao said, goodbye!!"

With that, Xiao Hua stepped into the sky again!

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