Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2731: Golden flowers (this

Xiao Hua's influence on this human relationship is for Zhaoming Qitianlu and the Armillary Sphere of the same realm. How to deal with the two spirits and whether they can give them some benefits is not his decision.

"Did you do it?"

The armillary sphere of the same realm looked at Zhaoming Qitianlu, and asked inexplicably, "Why didn't I see it!"


Zhaoming Qitianlu looked at the crystal beads in his hand, and sneered, "Can't you see what I am doing? Xiao Hua saved this!!"

"I'm going, this guy is actually here to use the magical powers of Taoism?"

The armillary sphere blurted out.


Zhaoming Qitianlu took a look at the armillary sphere of the same realm and urged, "Don’t talk about other things, remember, this'evil' secret realm is annihilated, these students are all saved by us! Now let's wake them up and let them go. Trials elsewhere..."

"Good, good~"

The armillary sphere of the same realm also knew how good, bad, and powerful. After he nodded and agreed, he hurriedly awakened more than 180,000 students, said a few words, and asked them to try in other secret realms.

"and then?"

The armillary sphere in the same realm asked Zhaoming Qitian record.

"Let's leave a clone here to rebuild the secret realm~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu thought about it for a while, and said, "After all, it's just at the beginning, it won't work without a secret realm..."

"Ouch, hurry up~~"

The armillary sphere of the same realm looked at the distance, and said anxiously, "Xiao Hua has two secret realms left, what shall we do? What we just discussed..."

Zhaoming Qitianlu raised his eyes and looked at it. Sure enough, Xiao Huaru strolled in the garden and walked some A inscription secret realm. He gritted his teeth and said, "He is good at saving people and has helped us round our faces. This favor must be written down. But that is. In the British Election, we must not practice favoritism and cheat. We must let him put his body to the test. That's it!"

"Hey, these are the last two, right?"

Xiao Hua could not have imagined that the two spirits who pursued fairness did not give up the test of himself while they were cherishing their affection. He watched the word "heaven and earth" hanging in the air, and smiled, "It's also a coincidence. The words are the last two secret realms in Xiao's trial!"

With that said, Xiao Hua flew towards the word "地".

What Xiao Hua didn't know was that at the moment when his figure was submerged into the mystery of the illusion, his figure suddenly stopped, Zhaoming Qitianlu flew out of the word "地" and rushed into the same realm of the armillary sphere near the word "Heaven". Beckoned: "Quick!"


But seeing the armillary sphere of the same realm embraced the word "天" with both hands, and rushed to the word "地" without hesitation. Just as the words "Heaven and Earth" were closed, Xiao Hua's figure moved again and he could submerge into the word "地" Xia Yun .

Xiao Hua also keenly noticed the subtle changes. After he rushed into Xiayun, he immediately stopped, turning his head to look at it with incomprehension on his face.

Behind Xiao Hua was a distorted fine line, like ripples of water, but the fine line disappeared in a flash, and Xiao Hua's gaze caught only a slight trace.


Xiao Hua was a little surprised and frowned, "Why is there a time rule here?"

The armillary sphere of the same realm can eliminate Xiao Hua's immortal power, but Xiao Hua's magical powers cannot be confined by him, so he can easily see Zhaoming Qitian's hands and feet.

"Could this mystery of illusion have something to do with time?"

Xiao Hua's eyes rolled, and he secretly said in his heart, after all, he didn't find anything strange around him.

This is a vast and deserted land. There are only rolling mountains and endless fields above the land. Layers of red charm in the sky seem to be covered with dust. This illusion secret realm is not so much a place of trial as a blessed land of cultivation.

Perceiving Hong Yun like water, quietly seeping towards his own human flower, Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, he already understood what the test of the secret realm of the word "地" was.

Xiao Hua knows the pros and cons, and he knows how to make choices. He urges the Qingxu Jue's Qingxu Ziqi chapter to cut off this Hongyun to avoid losing control of his own flowers.

Later, Xiao Hua used the secret technique to find the exit of the secret realm. However, when the secret technique was activated, Xiao Hua was stunned. The secret secret of the secret technique never found the secret exit, and even before his eyes appeared again, it felt like a twilight quadrangle!

"Heaven and Earth Harmony?"

Xiao Hua moved slightly in his heart, and secretly said, "Could it be that there are different literary formations in the secret realm of the word'地"? Or is it a deliberate arrangement of the armillary sphere of the same realm?"

Now that it’s the end of the first round of the brave test, even if it’s the deliberate arrangement of the armillary sphere of the same realm, Xiao Hua has to deal with it vigorously. He hurriedly tapped his eyebrows and wanted to open his eyes, but he raised his hand and gave up again. Wrong eyes are the magical powers of the witch body, and the art of seeing and coming belongs to the Taoist means. "That's it~" Xiao Hua thought a little bit, still using the secret of heaven to gather the secret, and explored everywhere.

For about ten days, Xiao Hua had never encountered a student, nor had he encountered danger, but the Hongyun surrounding him began to heavier gradually.

Xiao Hua cursed secretly, "Damn it, two old things seem to see through Xiao's weakness!"

Xiao Hua’s weakness is actually very simple. Others are eager to use the brave test to improve cultivation and strength, but Xiao Hua can’t. He can’t control the engraving of more petals on the flower, so this Hongyun absolutely cannot penetrate into the flower, any trace of the flower. Both may become the last straw for the collapse of the human flower.

However, at this place where the world was in harmony, Xiao Hua felt that time was stagnant, and he could not find the exit of the literary formation.

Unless he uses other magical powers!

"Isn't this embarrassing Xiao Mou!"

Xiao Hua's eyes flickered, considering whether to steal a coincidence, after all, life and death are important.

But at this moment, Xiao Hua saw a flower made of gold appear on the bare cliff.

This flower is weird. There are five incomplete leaves under one petal. These leaves are of different shapes and uneven.

"Could this be the outlet of the literary circle?"

Xiao Hua looked around and there was no danger, and his figure fell.

When Xiao Hua fell next to the flower and looked closely, his eyes suddenly tightened, and he even took a breath of cold air, because there was an extremely weak breath on the flower, which Xiao Hua felt familiar.

The breath of the wild gods! ! !

"Damn it, UU reading, how can something from the prehistoric gods appear in this inscription illusion secret territory?"

"Dao Xian realm has a polyhedral god-cultivating mirror, and golden flowers appear here again. It seems that there is still a channel between the fairy realm and the prehistoric **** realm!!"

"This thing appears here, is it because they want to return the favor?"


Xiao Hua took a deep breath, calmed the excitement in her heart, looked up and smiled: "Two seniors, please show up!"

If this golden flower appeared in Ochre Soul, Xiao Hua would think more about it, but it happened to appear in the Qianziwen secret realm, and it was still in the same realm of the armillary sphere to separate itself from the sub-body, plus the word "evil". There is no need to think about the situation in the secret realm. This must be the layout of the same realm Armillary Sphere and Zhaoming Qitianlu.

To pay tribute to Uncle Da, the eternal "golden supporting role" in our hearts, for those characters that he created!

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