Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2734: Good luck door Hunyuan No. 1, Taiyi real person

After doing this, Xiao Hua escaped from the space leisurely. He was unable to practice the Qingxu Jue at this time, so he could only practice the Taisu Yuan Beginning Chapter and the Wind Burial Xing An, both left and right exercises were not restricted by the interface.

Xiao Hua first slapped his eyebrows, and within Xianhen, the Fengzang Xingdan, which was temporarily stopped because of participating in the British election, urged again. One of the three flowers of twelve golden immortals began to melt away slowly, and the exercises were on the right track. , Xiao Hua released three more shadows to take care of him, and his mind and Confucian statues paced out, sitting cross-legged and sitting cross-legged, practicing the first chapter of Tai Su Yuan with all his strength!

"It seems that Xiao is not only a master of time management~"

Before closing his eyes, Xiao Hua's portrait of Confucianism looked around with great satisfaction, and smiled to himself, "I'm still a master of clone management!"

This practice is another million years old. On this day, Xiao Hua is not hurriedly cultivating the three flowers left over from the immortal mark in the immortal mark. "Om", suddenly, the three flowers vibrated, and the color of bronze was rapid. Melting, a powerful breath gushes from the foundation of Sanhua!

If it were before Hun Yuan, faced with this powerful aura, Xiao Hua's immortal mark could not be collapsed by the impact, let alone whether the spirit could bear it. This was also the reason why Xiao Hua did not dare to sacrifice himself before.

At this time, Xiao Hua was prepared, he smiled slightly, and the Confucian spirit raised his hand and grabbed it. He held the golden yellow within the three flowers in his hand, and then sent it directly into the space.

Just this moment, the big hands of the mind and Confucianism have been riddled with holes!

Xiao Hua just stood in the air, "Boom~" on the top of the high sky in the distance, a little rule was like thunder and burst, and immediately in the entire space, the rule like a violent storm began to vibrate, toward the place of thunder. Will pass!

"Hun Yuan?"

Xiao Hua was surprised and delighted again, and looked up, but saw Qiao Samsara sitting calmly in the air, letting the law storm hit the immortal body!

"Haha, haha~"

Xiao Hua laughed loudly, and with a wave of his hand, he invited the old tree spirits and raccoons from the spirit world.


The two of them were puzzled, and looked at the jade dilemma Xiao Hua hurriedly to give a gift.

"Qiao Samsara has set foot in Hunyuan~"

Yubi Xiao Hua raised his hand to support the two of them and said with a smile, "He was nurtured by you since childhood. You need to witness this milestone!"

"Hun Yuan?"

The old tree spirit Busy Old Man and Huancao were surprised, Hun Yuan was too far away for them.

In fact, Xiao Hua, the Jade Stone, didn't think about giving the busy man and Huancao some opportunities, but for them, the strength and realm were really useless.

In the Immortal Realm space, they can be regarded as the seven major disciples of Qiao Samsara, and even the adoptive fathers and adoptive mothers of the other twenty thousand disciples of Good Fortune. They simply don't use any strength!

"Let's watch the ceremony~"

Xiao Hua smiled and didn't explain anything.

The law is like the ocean tide washing, and the time is like the mountain congealing. For Qiao Samsara, this process is extremely long, and for the jade stone, Xiao Hua, etc., it is no more than a cup of tea. Seeing the law, the tide rests smoothly.

Jade Xiao Hua took the busy man and the raccoon slowly down from the sky, and applauded as he walked: "Congratulations, Joe Samsara, you are the number one in my good fortune!"

Qiao Samsara was also very excited. After all, when Xiao Hua stepped into the heavenly court, Qiao Samsara and others had already set foot in the high-level Taiyi. Xiao Hua experienced various opportunities such as the secret realm of the cicada, the small sky of the red cliff, and the secret realm of Orchid Pavilion, and the fairyland space was affected. , Especially the last red protactinium pillow, directly pushed the strength of Qiao Samsara to Taiyi Consummation.

For Taoist immortals, Hunyuan relies entirely on chance. Qiao Samsara and other disciples of the twenty thousand good fortune cultivators practiced the cultivation of gods. The element of chance is much smaller, but from Taiyi to Hunyuan, it is completely from Shu to Dao. Transmutation is an essential improvement, and it is not an easy task.

Therefore, the high-level disciples of the Great Fortune Sect Taiyi all held back their energy, and focused on practicing to become the number one Hunyuan of the Immortal Realm Space Good Fortune Sect. Fortunately, as the great disciple of the Great Fortune Sect Immortal Realm, Qiao Samsara lived up to the expectations and was finally the first to set foot on the Hunyuan.

As soon as he stepped into Hunyuan, Qiao Samsara immediately sensed the changes in Hunyuan. The ecstasy he had just turned into calmness, and the appearance of Xiao Hua, a jade diary, calmed him even more. He hurriedly bowed and said: "Thank you, Master, for your guidance. I would also like to thank Grandpa Shu and Aunt Huancao for their upbringing, otherwise there would be no disciples today!"

The busy old man walked up to Qiao Samsara with joy, touched Qiao Samsara's head, and said with a smile: "Good boy!"

Huancao also looked at it with a smile, water gushing in his eyes again.

Just as Xiao Hua was about to speak, she suddenly raised her brows and looked at another place, "Boom..." Sure enough, another rule burst where her gaze fell, and the tide-like rule rushed over again!

"Xu Minghao!!"

Yu Di Xiao Hua held his forehead with one hand and smiled, "This guy is still too late for Joe's reincarnation!"

"It's a pity~"

Qiao Reincarnation glanced at the jade inscription Xiao Hua, and whispered, "The Nine Heavens Profound Girl Empress, and Li Yi and Zhang Ying don't know where they are!"

Xiao Hua also frowned slightly, the mysterious Nine Heavens Profound Girl was shocked, weirdly appearing, weirdly disappearing, Dao Immortal Realm has no legend about this fairy, and Li Yi and Zhang Ying have no news. These three are also regrets in Xiao Hua's heart.

"Nothing is perfect in the world!"

Xiao Hua said indifferently, "And cherish what is in front of you, the old man invited the busy man and the raccoon to let them witness your growth, you go and celebrate!"

Qiao Samsara knew that Xiao Hua had a lot of things, and he also knew that in the following period of time, thousands of good luck disciples would set foot in Hunyuan, how could Xiao Hua witness one by one?

"Yes, Master~"

So Qiao Lun replied, and took the busy old man and Huancao to Xu Minghao where he became Hun Yuan.

When Joe reincarnates and they go, UU reading www. jade carving Xiao Hua raised his hand and looked at the fragments in his palm that looked like a half-lotus lotus. The fragments bloomed golden yellow, and the light and shadow condensed into an immortal in the Eguan Bo belt. The immortal's face is not clear.

Xiao Hua squinted his eyes for a moment and bowed and said: "Junior Xiao Hua has seen seniors. Although the juniors don’t know what happened in the fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm, the juniors are destined to get the Sanhua left by the seniors, and now they are Sanhua. To be refined by juniors, seniors’ soul imprints within Sanhua will be erased. Juniors don’t know where the seniors are now, but what juniors know is that seniors and juniors are both human races, and juniors are obliged to inherit the predecessors’ Taoism. , If the senior soul feels, you can leave the Taoist tradition, if the senior is unwilling, or the soul does not perceive it, the junior will erase everything and let the spirit of the senior disappear..."

"I am the real Taiyi..."

Xiao Hua's voice never finished speaking, the immortal's extremely slight voice sounded, "I was robbed in the Yellow River Array. The memory left by this imprint of the soul can be passed down to the human race..."

After speaking, the fairy silhouette melted like snowflakes in the sun, and disappeared without a trace.

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