Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2740: Witness history, bravely test the first round of Dzogchen

However, something strange happened again. Xiao Hua had overlapping flakes of light and shadow in front of him, but no matter how hard he struggled, Xiao Hua could only go to one of them.

After this piece of light and shadow gradually spread, the linear time law body finally turned into Xiao Hua's figure and fell into one of them. Before his eyes, Zhaoming Qitian recorded the same voice: "We are running out of time!"

Seeing Xiao Hua showing his figure, Zhaoming Qitianlu's eyes flashed unexpectedly. He tentatively said: " seem to have cultivated well?"

Xiao Hua did not answer him immediately, but looked at himself up and down.

Qingyun has turned into a Confucian costume. Inside the Confucian costume, where the time body and the space are in contact with the skin, pieces of bamboo are condensed, which is the condensation of the bamboo path through the secluded method. As for the body, the human flower and the five qi remain unchanged. The time fragments of the small number of weeks and days are condensed into a skeleton, supporting the condensed human form of time Hongyun.

Xiao Hua was both happy and worried. What was happy was that this was the time Dharmakaya she had dreamed of, and what was worried about was that this Dharma body could exist, but it was impacted by the great time outside, and there was always the risk of collapse.

So Xiao Hua touched his nose and said to Zhaoming Qitianlu: "If you say that you have cultivated, it is cultivation!"

"I rely on~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu whispered, "Just count your breaths, you have really cultivated! This is incredible!!"

After speaking, Zhaoming Qitianlu looked around again and said: "I can no longer control the time Hongyun, I want to let go!"

"Where is Xiaosheng's body?"

Xiao Hua asked hurriedly.

"In the other secret realm~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu said, "After Hongyun recovers from this time, the armillary sphere of the same realm will be delivered immediately!"


Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Xiaosheng needs to be delivered immediately, the time may not last!"

Xiao Hua's voice fell to the ground, and Hong Yun immediately rushed over like a sea of ​​time, pushing Xiao Hua out of this flaky light and shadow!

"I rely on~"

Xiao Hua was anxious and exclaimed, "Bad old man, why don't you say it in advance?"

Fortunately, Xiao Hua just appeared in front of his eyes with a folded flake, his physical body had already appeared, Xiao Hua didn't want to rush into the flesh directly.

When a piece of warmth emerged from all around, Xiao Hua found that he was once again in the original space, and everything around him became much richer and more three-dimensional.

"How? How??"

The armillary sphere of the same realm urgently asked.


Xiao Hua smiled and said, "It feels good!"

"That's a success?"

The armillary sphere of the same realm yelled happily, "We condensed an unprecedented time body?"

"You can say so~"

Xiao Hua nodded and said, "It's just that the body is extremely weak at this time and cannot be independent now. If it weren't for the help of Senior Zhaoming, the body would have collapsed long ago!"


The armillary sphere of the same realm was disappointed, and Shudu, "Isn't there still no way to study in the second round of the brave exam?"

"You should try your best~"

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly.

"Okay, okay~"

Zhaoming Qitianlu looked outside and said, "There is too much time delay. End the first round first, wait for the second round, and then talk about the third round!"

After speaking, Zhaoming Qitianlu reached out his hand and asked Xiao Hua: "Your Yuyue!"


Xiao Hua hurriedly handed Yu Yue to Zhaoming Qitianlu.


Zhaoming Qitianlu looked at the thousand jade ribbons engraved on it, nodded and said, "With this, you can confess! You follow me!!"

Xiao Hua followed Zhaoming Qitianlu to the far end. Seeing Xiao Hua appear, hundreds of millions of students got up and said in surprise: "Xiao Wenheng has come out, Xiao Wenheng has come out..."

"Master Xiao~"

A familiar student even shouted, "How is it? Has the last secret realm passed?"

Seeing countless eager gazes, Xiao Hua put a finger to his mouth and whispered: "Shh~"

Seeing Xiao Hua smiling at the corners of his mouth, everyone's heart was determined, and the ecstasy on their faces was gushing out, one by one staring at the Zhaoming Qitianlu, just waiting for the Zhaoming Qitianlu to be announced.

Zhaoming Qitianlu raised his hand to sacrifice Xiao Hua's jade, and raised his hand a little, a thousand jade ribbons flew out with the sound of a "buzz", when the jade ribbons were connected together, there was a chanting sound between heaven and earth: "Heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, the universe is wild..."

This "Thousand-Character Man" is really popular, the chanting just said the word "Heaven and Earth", and hundreds of millions of students yelled, "...Xuan Huang, the universe is wild..."

Later, even Gu Wei, the immortal official of the sacred palace of literary music and others who rushed to hear the sound, were shocked by the aura that filled the world and couldn't help chanting: "...A ruler is not a treasure, an inch of yin is a competition... "

Until the end, the sound that shook the heaven and the earth condensed purple clouds all around, and it should be "It's wise to help those who predicate." After reading the last eight characters, the voice of Zhaoming Qitianlu also resounded through the world: "Tianshu Academy Xiao Hua, in the first round of the Valiant Exam, after a thousand phantom realms, he achieved great results and ranked first in the heavens!"

"Congratulations Xiao Wenheng~"

"Hexi Master Xiao~~"

Hundreds of millions of students have witnessed this historical moment. Qi Qi congratulates you. Although the words and sentences are different, the tone is the same, and the celebration is more festive than that of the ordinary world.

"Thank you all friends~"

Xiao Hua humbly bowed and said, "It's just a fluke for a while. It's nothing! The sixth selection of the apocalypse is just an opportunity. Normal practice is the kingly way. Whether or not I can enter the second round, I should treat it with a normal heart. If you want to continue, you must continue to read. The civilization of my human race is passed down through this tempering!"

"Xie Xiao Wenheng for advice~"

Only 3.6 million of the hundreds of millions of students can enter the second round, and more people have begun to turn the jade into a jade belt, and the eliminated students have rushed out of the forbidden area. These students have tears in their eyes. UU read www.uukanshu. com shouted, "I will be able to witness such a moment, and I will definitely use this as an inspiration in the future!"

About half a meal, before the Thousand-Character Secret Realm, only the students who entered the second round were left.

Zhaoming Qitianlu looked around, and with a flick of his big sleeves, the thousand-character text was nailed in the air, like a thousand suns shining genially.


Zhaoming Qitianlu raised his voice again, "Now the second round of the brave test begins. After you enter these thousand channels, everyone will randomly fall into an illusion with the other ninety-nine people. This illusion is controlled by an armillary sphere of the same realm. , He will suppress or upgrade your strength and realm to the same state at will, and then, the old man will not say much, there is only one winner in each illusion, and this winner will get a hundred jade in his hand, even if he passes the level, It is the winner of this British election..."

Although Zhaoming Qitianlu was explaining, the minds of more than three million students were obviously not on the introduction. They had already thoroughly studied the rules and were waiting for this second round of fighting.

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