Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2746: Brave No. 1

"My lord~"

Everyone looked at each other, the immortal official surnamed Zhao took the lead and said respectfully: "You are here!"

"Everyone has worked hard~"

Gu Wei smiled, and Yumu looked around and said, "Is there a result in the second test of bravery?"


The immortal official surnamed Zhao immediately laughed and said, “Although I don’t know if Xiao Wenheng is in this first Kuixing furnace, Gu Xiang of the Tianshu Academy has already been selected by the Heavenly Court, and if nothing happens, Tianshu Academy will win Huangcheng Academy. ..."

"Gu Wei? This... isn't this Gu Wei?"

The immortal official surnamed Qi was dumbfounded. He looked into Gu Wei's eyes that couldn't believe his. He watched Gu Wei go to explore the first Kuixing furnace, and hurriedly whispered to the immortal next to him, "He...he Why are you here? He should be a disciple of the Gu family from Tianshu Academy, right?"


The immortal hurriedly said, "Don't pretend to be a voice, Master Gu is now a popular person in the eyes of Master Kong, and he has temporarily received an important task to monitor the entire British election, and maybe the British election will be hosted by Master Gu in the future!"

Gu Wei naturally didn't know the shock in the heart of the immortal official surnamed Qi, he looked at the empty Kuixing furnace, and he already had a spectrum in his heart.

Even Gu Xiang got out of the one-on-one in a hundred. How could Xiao Hua not show up?

If it wasn't Xiao Hua in the first Kuixing furnace, he would take his head off!

But why didn't Xiao Hua appear?

Gu Wei didn't understand it himself, but he knew in his heart that he didn't need to probe, and everything would be revealed after the last Kuixing furnace was lit.

Gu Wei knew his mission more clearly. With his hands behind his back, he looked at the altar in front of him with no sadness or joy, and did not go to other places.

In the next few months, "Boom boom boom~" intensive roar sounded again everywhere, and then there were messages coming from time to time, all of which were the names and sources of the winning students everywhere.

Gu Wei looked at him calmly. He knew that there is a difference between the 36,000 winners after all. If nothing else, these students will probably be divided into three groups. Only the top 10,000 have the strength to aspire to the Six Jade Token to enter the Heaven and Earth Tower. Yes, the strength and chances of the next two groups are worse than the first group.

Sure enough, as Gu Wei expected, the second wave of flames lasted for more than a month, and the entire altar was calm again.

At this time, there was still no Xiao Hua's name in the list in Gu Wei's hand, and there was also a disciple from the Tianshu Academy on the list!

"I want to thank Master Xiao~"

Gu Wei looked at the names of the familiar disciples from Tianshu Academy, and said in his heart, "If there weren't Master Xiao, disciples of the Gu family would not have been born in the British election, let alone have the chance to get the Six Jade Tokens."

The last Kuixing furnace was ignited three years later, and the last disciple who won was left with bones and heads, which was horrible.

Of course, under the flames, this disciple quickly recovered.

However, everyone didn't care about this disciple, everyone's eyes fell on the first Kuixing furnace, quietly determining the appearance of the first winner!

"Boom boom boom!"

While everyone was waiting, the large altar screamed in front of them, and the 36,000 Kuixing furnaces were all opened. In the flames, wisps of light smoke rose from the Kuixing furnace, and Jing Ji, Gu Xiang, etc. all emerged from the light smoke. When they fly out, their figures are misty with the light smoke, and everyone's figure is a hundred thousand feet tall.

However, no figure appeared in the light smoke of the first Kuixing furnace.

"what 's wrong?"

For a while, all the immortals began to whisper.


A sword sounded like a sound from outside the sky, and then a golden light like the rising sun burst out from the first Kuixing furnace...


Gu Wei whispered, his heart that was hanging in the air suddenly tightened, and he knew in his heart that Xiao Hua, a gentleman, would never be so high-profile.

However, Gu Wei was still wrong. When every jade sword in the golden light broke through the air, Xiao Hua smiled from the sword, and his heart finally fell.

The golden sword light drenched the entire altar, and the other 30,000 students were dazzled by the sword light.

"Courage...the courage is the first?"

Jing, the nearest to Xiao Hua, had seen Xiao Hua's sword spirit soaring and couldn't help but whispered, "Why is it him again?"

Jing is already at the third rank and ninth rank of Yuqing Immortal, and his illusion is limited to the third rank and ninth rank, so he is like a fish in the illusion, defeating many masters such as Xuhuanglou and Qiyunlou. He feels that he has done it. At the extreme, he really didn't expect Xiao Hua to get ahead of him.

"How did he do it?"

Jing had already thought of Xiao Hua, whose golden sword light was gradually fading, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Huangcheng Academy is more powerful than Tianshu Academy, but it's worse than Xuhuanglou and Qiyunlou on the twelfth floor. He knows in his heart how much he is expected by the students of Huangcheng Academy; he is even more so. Knowing how much effort he spent in the brave fantasy realm, when he rushed out of the Kuixing furnace, he knew that he was one person below ten thousand people, and he was very satisfied. He didn't think about taking the exam. One is Xiao Hua, but this idea just passed away. After all, Xiao Hua just won Wen Heng 20,000 years ago. His strength is good enough to win in courage. How can he win the first place?

It's a pity that reality slapped so loudly, and Xiao Hua was the number one again!

Jing has glanced at the trembling altar. The altar at this time has revealed its true face.

The altar is divided into three layers. The first layer has 72 jade tiles, the second layer has 108 jade tiles, and the third layer has 180 jade tiles. The total number is exactly 360. , These jade plaques were hung on the altar and the jade light flickered.


Jing already gritted his teeth and secretly said, "If this is the case, let you **** power in Huang Cong's ranking!"


Zhaoming Qitianlu revealed his figure from high above the altar, his eyes swept over 36,000 students, and said lightly, "Congratulations to you for passing the second round of the brave exam. There are 3.6 million students who participated in the second round of the brave exam. , The fall of eight hundred and ninety thousand yuan, you can say that you walked to the Kuixing Platform with flesh and blood."

"By this time, you have obtained the qualifications to be selected, and you also have the opportunity to enter the Five Phoenix Pavilion to read!"

"However, UU reading is not over. You still have the opportunity to enter the tower of heaven and earth, and you have the opportunity to enter the five forbidden areas to compete for hegemony."

"If you want to enter the Heaven and Earth Tower, you must compete for the Huang Cong tokens on the Guixing Platform. You will also get one out of a hundred, even more difficult than getting one out of a hundred. All the yellow Cong tokens will be when the old man announces the start of the third round of the test. , Flew out of the Kuixing Platform, and then fell into the hands of three hundred and sixty students at will."

"These students are the holders of Huang Cong tokens. When entering the Kuixing platform, whoever wants to get the yellow Cong tokens must enter the Kuixing platform to challenge the token holders. The winner stays at the Kuixing platform, the loser quits, and loses access to the heaven and earth tower. Five opportunities for forbidden land to compete for hegemony.


"...There are no students outside the Kuixing station. Three hundred and sixty Huang Cong tokens have their own masters. At the end of the third round of the brave test, the 360 ​​winners represent the Huangcheng Kunhuan forbidden land to enter the five forbidden areas to compete for hegemony and compete for the British election of Wenzong... "

"Now, I announce that the third round of the brave test has officially begun..."

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