Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2752: 5 heads and 9 arms against 1799 students


Huangcheng Academy Jing has expressed his heart so frankly that no one at the scene underestimated his thoughts. Even after Jing has condensed three yellow congs at the door, Xuhuanglou Jinglihe also took out a writing instrument. He laughed: "Jing has said what Jing said. Just now, Jing really wanted to fight Xiao Wenheng, but it happened that Jing was tired of a false name and didn't dare to challenge easily. Now that he has this opportunity, how can Jing be willing? Come, come, come, Xiao Wenheng, Jing also challenges Xiao Wenheng..."

"Haha, Zhao Yongfan at Chifu Tower in Xia Chicheng, now ranked seventh in the Wanxiong Genealogy, will challenge Xiao Wenheng..."

"Beigeng, Baiyong Tower in Xiabaicheng, now ranks eighth in Wanxiong's score, challenge Xiao Wenheng below"

"Practicing arts in Qiongsang Building in Xiaheicheng, now ranked ninth in Wanxiong's score, challenge Xiao Wenheng below"

"Chaishang in Yulou in the Xiahuangcheng Group, now ranked tenth in Wanxiong's spectrum, challenge Xiao Wenheng below"

"Qi Lingzheng at Ziyun Tower in Xiaqingcheng, now ranked twelfth in Wanxiong Genealogy, challenge Xiao Wenheng below"

"Biying at Qingcheng Academy in Xiaqingcheng, now ranked thirteenth in Wanxiong Genealogy, challenge Xiao Wenheng below"

"Qi Yunfeng at the Baiyu Tower in Xiabaicheng, now ranked 14th in the Wanxiong Genealogy, challenge Xiao Wenheng below"

"At Heicheng Heicheng Academy, Pei Zhong is now ranked fifteenth in Wanxiong Genealogy, and he challenges Xiao Wenheng below."

"Lengxian in Qiyun Tower, Huangcheng, is now ranked sixteenth in Wanxiong's spectrum and challenges Xiao Wenheng below."

"At Lizhu of Chicheng Academy in Xia Chicheng, now it is ranked seventeenth in Wanxiong Genealogy, and challenge Xiao Wenheng below."

"Gan Qi in the Five Clouds Tower in Xiahuangcheng, now ranked 18th in Wanxiong Genealogy, challenge Xiao Wenheng below"


As the voice of Xuhuang Tower Jinglihe fell to the ground, around the altar, more than a thousand students showed three flowers one after another. Starting from Akagi Chifu Tower Zhao Yongfan, they reported their names and surnames according to Wan Xiong's score, expressing their gratitude to Xiao Hua. Respect, start to challenge Xiao Hua!


When all 1,799 students reported their names, Xiao Hua laughed loudly. His time body once again transformed into a five-headed nine-arm gesture, yelling, "Can you be with you? This battle for hegemony is really happy and fortunate!"

Confucianism does not admire multiple heads and multiple arms, but five of Xiao Hua’s five heads and nine arms face the students of the five cities, and each of the nine arms holds "pen, ink, paper, inkstone," "knife, spear, sword, halberd," and "print." The Qi greets the enemy, the nine-five-year spirit is overwhelming, even Zhaoming Qitianlu has nothing to say!

"War, war, war~~~"

Seeing Xiao Hua's magical powers, Qingxue and others whispered and flew up at the same time. Sword energy, sword light, gun shadow, etc. all hit Xiao Hua!

"Good job~"

Xiao Hua yelled, nine arms raised nine weapons and hit the five parties!

It does not need to say that Xiao Hua Shiguang's condensed physical body, nor the many immortal artifacts that Xiao Hua obtained from the fragments of the Primordial Immortal Realm, only to say that Xiao Hua's current time body, he stands at any one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine jade there. When the Qing people attacked, none of them could really hit Xiao Hua.

However, since Xiao Hua agreed to go all out, he would naturally not slacken off.

Since Xiao Hua set foot in the heavenly court, most of the Confucian celestial techniques he cultivated were to improve his realm. Forging literary types and three flowers, there were few offensive techniques, and the only thing that could be used was the sword-making secret technique.

The so-called casting sword is the "Xiao Lian Xia Jing Zhang".

"Xia Lian Xia Jing Zhang" is based on the responsibility of a gentleman, but if you use the Taoist Immortal Realm cultivation method to summarize, the thousands of tempering techniques are actually the tempering of the sword body, and the junqi tactics are the tempering of the sword heart. The big mantras are the basis of swordsmanship, and it was not until Xiao Hua's newly practiced Jin Zhaoyu quintessence that he began to understand the sword.

At this time, everything is a sword in Xiao Hua's hands!

The nine weapons that Xiao Hua held in his hands with five heads and nine arms were all ordinary grades, but when the nine weapons were swung, the sword of gold and jade radiated everywhere!

Qingxue was the first to bear the brunt. The three white ambers above her top door trembled rapidly, and the infinite sword energy gushed from it and fell into the ice and snow blade. The ice and snow blade gave rise to a sword light that made Qingxue feel horrible, and this sword light pierced the void. Stabbing Xiao Hua!

However, as soon as the sword light struck, Qingxue saw the ink pen held by Xiao Hua lightly touch it in the air, "brushing", and a ray of sword light emerged from the ink pen. The sword light was black, but Amidst the black color, there were tens of millions of Huang Cong faintly rolling, and the outline of Huang Cong disappeared in a flash, and the black sword light immediately turned into a vast light and shadow and pounced!

Looking at the overwhelming black sword light, feeling the sword intent that has been tempered in it, Qingxue's heart suddenly fell into the abyss, what kind of sword energy is this, what kind of sword intent is this, the legendary sword **** is nothing more than this what!

Looking at her ice and snow blade again, Qingxue feels ashamed of herself, how can the light of fireflies compete with Haoyue?

In this electric light and flint, the "Keng~" black sword light turned into a golden jade dagger and hit Qingxue's chest with white amber.

When Qingxue's hair was even more horrified, the moment the golden jade dagger smashed Bai Hu, the black sword light immediately turned into nothingness, and Xiao Hua's gentle and jade voice actually rang in Qingxue's ears: "Thank you Qingxue literary friend! "

"This...this Xiao Wenheng is...too great, right?"

Qingxue's heart was ashamed. Seeing her ice and snow blade stopped in the air, she was horrified. "Although he has the incredible blessing of Huang Cong Hongyun, he has to face 1,799 people from Yuqing. A third-rank ninth-rank adversary, he is so to me, he must be able to deal with other Yuqing immortals with such ease, this level of swordsmanship is definitely not comparable to me!"

Qingxue was right. Seventy million Huang Cong Hongyun blessed her. Thinking about it, it made her scalp numb.

How difficult it is to control the three Baihu Hongyun plus holdings, Qingxue knows very well in UU reading, so Qingxue can't imagine how Xiao Hua can control the 70 million Huang Cong Hongyun blessings, so Qingxue still holds the sword the moment he takes out the sword Fortunately, she hoped that Xiao Hua could not control the 70 million Huang Cong Hongyun blessings.

She even hoped that Xiao Hua would collapse under the full attack of one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine masters of the same level, but she did not expect Xiao Hua to control the sword light like embroidery, which was so fine and horrible.

Only then did she truly understand the gap between herself and Xiao Hua!

Zhang Zhengzi's experience is different from that of Qingxue. His ink pen falls on the spot, and the pen runs through the dragons and snakes, and three quirky characters come out of nowhere.

This combined character is "Xuanwu", and Zhang Zhengzi may not be able to write it perfectly with the current ability of Zhang Zhengzi. Now, with the blessing of Xuanhuang Hongyun, he barely finished the three characters.

At the moment when each "Tian" is formed, the three Xuanhuang also fall in with the ink pen, and the sound of Xuanwu roar immediately emerges from the combined characters of "houhou~"...

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