Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2761: The little white face who eats empress soft rice

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Xiao Hua's heart tightened, and his mind was immediately released, but when Xiao Hua's mind fell, the Emperor's fingers drooped, and then he tapped the bead crown, "cracking", the jade bead shattered and hit, and the nine dragons slowly retracted. .

Without the provocation of the emperor's dragon, the new new body's imposing dragon also returned, but these nine dragons looked back and watched step by step, and it seemed that the meaning was still unfinished!

Xin Xinye's face changed drastically, she looked at the dragon, the Emperor, and Xiao Hua at a loss.

"Unexpectedly, my daughter also has the emperor's breath~"

A smile appeared at the corner of the Emperor's mouth, saying meaningfully, "This breath is second only to the five emperors of the heavens!"

"My daughter has seen my father~"

Xinxin recovered and hurried to kneel down for worship.

"It doesn't have to be like this~"

The Emperor hurriedly raised his hand to stop Xinxin from kneeling down and said with a smile, "You also have the emperor's air, don't have to bow to me."

"Father is the daughter's father~"

Xinxin did not agree, but bowed down!

"Haha, haha~"

The emperor laughed and said, "Yes, you are my daughter, so I have to consider it for you. Remember, you don't have to bow your head when you see any emperor in the future..."

After that, the Emperor said to Xiao Hua: "My son-in-law, I want to speak to Xinxin alone, I am afraid I will leave you out of the cold for a while!"

"Your Majesty please~"

Xiao Hua smiled and replied, "Your majesty and father-daughter are deeply affectionate, how can my son-in-law object?"

The emperor raised his hand, and a transparent literary ban was born. Xiao Hua could see clearly from the outside that the emperor gave Xinxiner something to him, and even gave him something new.

It was about half an hour before the emperor lifted the ban on writing, and Xinxin's face was full of excitement and excitement, which was obviously not good.

"My son-in-law~"

The Emperor said, "What else do you have?"

"Not anymore~"

Xiao Hua laughed and said, "When my son-in-law thinks about it, please report to your majesty at any time!"

"That's OK~"

The emperor nodded, "I'm leaving first, you can practice more in the heaven and earth tower, I am still waiting for your choice!"

"Send Your Majesty~"

"Greetings to my father~"

Xiao Hua and Xin Xin bowed to each other.

When the Emperor was gone, Xiao Hua smiled and asked: "Lady~"


Xinxin pouted and said, "I haven't gotten married yet, don't get close to me!"


Xiao Hua sighed and said, "It's not easy to be the little white face of the empress!"

"Hee hee~"

Xinxin squeezed Xiao Hua's cheeks, obviously in a very good mood, and said, "What do you think, my soft rice is not delicious!"

"Don't eat soft rice~"

Xiao Hua stretched out his hand to hold the new hand and asked, "I don't know what your Majesty said to you?"

"Hehe, those are all secrets, I can't tell you!"

Xinxin looked mysterious, but she still took out a brocade box and handed it to Xiao Huadao, "I will reward you for the time being!"

Xiao Hua took the brocade box and said with a smile, "Thank you~"

"Stop it~"

Xinxin received a smile, looked around, and said sternly, "I heard that you have only been here for a hundred years, and your concubine will not bother you anymore, so hurry up and study hard!"


Xiao Huaqing lifted the Kunlun mirror and nodded, "Don't worry, the lady, for her husband, she is the only Wen Zong selected by the Heavenly Court, and you will definitely not be disappointed."

Sending Xinxin back to the Space Heaven, Xiao Hua looked around, released his mind, and sent all the scrolls from the income space after rubbing them out again.

Xiao Hua had the intention to cultivate on the sixth floor, but thinking about the scrolls of other places, he hurriedly flew out of the sixth floor pavilion.

Sure enough, there are many pavilions on the fifth floor, as well as a dazzling array of book secrets. He once again excitedly shouted, "It really is a good place, Xiao can't come here in vain!"

With that, Xiao Hua took out the jade pendant given by Kong Xu, raised his hand a little, "click" the jade pendant burst, and a bald man familiar with Xiao Hua flew out with a frown.

Isn't it the same armillary sphere?


Xiao Hua raised his brows and smiled, "So it's senior, are you here?"

"Why are you~"

The armillary sphere of the same realm curled his lips and said, "Is it really a ghost?"


Xiao Hua laughed and said, "There is no way, Xiaosheng wants to read the books and secrets of the Tower of Heaven and Earth, so he has to use the magical powers of his predecessors!"

"Want to use time Hongyun again?"

The armillary sphere of the same realm smiled bitterly, "That's very exhausting!"

"Not much, not much~"

Xiao Hua laughed and said, "Just the first six floors of the Heaven and Earth Tower..."


The armillary sphere of the same realm suddenly woke up, he looked around, laughed and said, "Hahaha, it turns out to be the tower of heaven and earth, okay, let's talk about it, how to do it, it is rare for me to control the tower of heaven and earth!"

As he said, the armillary sphere of the same realm opened his mouth, and "poofed" a small pale golden tower-like outline.

"I... I'll go!"

Looking at the pale golden tower-like outline, Xiao Hua's face changed slightly, "Isn't this the Wenqu Heaven and Earth Tower? What's the matter?"

"what's happenin?"

The armillary sphere of the same realm asked with a smile.

"It's okay, it's okay~"

After Xiao Hua waved his hand, he pointed to the tower-shaped outline and explained, "Xiaosheng sees that the outline of the heaven and earth tower is different from the real one..."


The armillary sphere of the same realm hurriedly stopped Xiao Hua and lowered his voice, "This is a secret, don't disclose it, just say, what kind of time Hongyun do you want?"

"One to six floors of the Heaven and Earth Tower~"

Xiao Hua also quietly said, "Give Hong Yun as much time as you can!"

"Are you teasing me?"

The armillary sphere of the same realm said bitterly, "I am not the Heaven and Earth Tower. Each floor of this Heaven and Earth Tower is a layer of space. How can I give you the same time Hongyun?"

"Let's do it~"

Xiao Hua thought for a while and said, "On the sixth floor of the pavilion, you can give Hongyun as much as you can, and don't care about the others. UU Reading"


The armillary sphere of the same realm went enthusiastically, and while flying, my hands rubbed the outline of the tower of heaven and earth. The outline became elliptical and sometimes elongated. It seemed that the armillary sphere of the same realm had finally found a chance to torture the tower of heaven and earth.

Afterwards, Xiao Hua looked around and released more than a thousand shadows. They still asked them to send the books in the Tiandi Tower to the Tianting space for rubbing. Xiao Hua was worried. After waiting for a while, he realized that there were really no others in the Tiandi Tower. Thousands of shadows are released, and you can reach the fourth, third, second, and first floor by yourself.

Naturally there are Qingxue, Zhang Zhengzi and others on the first floor, but they only left their own six jade tokens, so they are all crowded in a pavilion.

Fortunately, there is also a space for Hongyun in the pavilion, and they are not particularly embarrassed to each other. Even many students have heard of the name for a long time and have never seen it before. Now they are together, but it is lively!

Xiao Hua left more than 10,000 shadows on each floor, and then stepped on the clouds to fly straight to the sixth floor.

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