Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2765: Zhong Ling Yuxiu Jue

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"Damn, the time is finally up..."

Xiao Hua cursed in a low voice, and then received the Xingqiang Quanxiang Chapter. In the entire landscape and universe, the three rays of sun, moon and stars slowly disappeared. However, it was also at this time that the currents of the Qiqu in the Triple Mountain Range suddenly gave birth to illusions in the Three Lights, and some inexplicable brilliance fell in Xiao Hua's eyes.


There was a surprise on Xiao Hua's face, and he whispered, "Hai Chongrun? Shan Chongfeng? Sure enough, there are two more articles in the Xuanqiangquanxiang Chapter!"

It's a pity that Xiao Hua couldn't comprehend these brilliance carefully. The landscape in front of him was reborn and changed, and the men and women who had just entered the picture scroll appeared again.

"It's so good to see mountains as mountains, and water as water!"

Xiao Hua touched his palm and praised, "It's so good to see a mountain not a mountain, but water is not water!"

With that said, Xiao Hua ignored the situation outside the pavilion and hurriedly sat down cross-legged for a full thousand years. Xiao Hua smiled slightly, opened his eyes, and raised his hand a little bit, and there was an emerald green mountain shape. This mountain shape is not a picture scroll, but his eyes At the place, there is also a flashing impression of landscape.

Xiao Hua smiled and said: "Yi Ling is not a secret technique, but it is difficult to realize that Xiao Mou continued to use it, and will do the first step of this Yi Ling secret technique to pass on to future generations!"

"Zhong is condensed, and Yu is nurturing. This technique brings together the spiritual energy of the world and shows the human race, not if it is called Zhong Ling Yuxiu!"

After that, Xiao Hua's time body emerged from the landscape painting.


Xiao Hua returned to his position, unable to watch the progress of Treading God's practice, and whispered, "Almost six million years have passed here. It's no wonder that a fairy official called, Xiao Mou is afraid that it is causing trouble..."

With that, Xiao Hua hurried out of the pavilion.

"Now, Zhao Cheng, congratulations to Xiao Wenzong..."

As soon as Xiao Hua stepped out of the sixth floor of the Heaven and Earth Tower, he ran into Zhao Cheng face to face, and Zhao Cheng congratulated him with a fist.


With an apologetic expression on Xiao Hua's face, he said, "I practiced accidentally...for nearly a thousand years, it has caused trouble for adults."

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Zhao Cheng hurriedly laughed and said in a low voice, "Master Kong has long ordered that the time limit for a hundred years is only for others. Xiao Wenzong is the only Wenzong selected by me in the heavenly court. You don't have to stick to it, just wait for Xiao Wenzong to complete the secret technique. Don’t bother you before the election; and after Xiao Wenzong, the results of this year’s British Election are unremarkable..."


Xiao Hua was stunned. He thought it was Zhao Cheng who called himself out, but he didn't know that it was not the case.

Xiao Hua felt a little bit and smiled bitterly. It turned out that the figure on the second floor of the Heaven and Earth Tower was disturbed by the students who were elected again.

Xiao Hua looked at the pavilion behind him. After he came out, the time Hongyun blessed by the armillary sphere of the same realm has disappeared. With his heels, Xiao Hua could imagine the bitter smile on the armillary sphere of the same realm. He couldn't help but sighed inwardly: "It's a pity~ "

Of course, even if Time Hongyun is still there, he can't go in for cultivation anymore. It's fine if he didn't know before, but now he knows that he has been delayed for a thousand years. How embarrassed?

However, Xiao Hua's eyes rolled, her face showed trepidation, and she said, "It turns out that it's another British election. The young man dare not delay the election of Tiandi Tower, goodbye!"


Zhao Cheng hurriedly raised his hand and said, "Send Xiao Wenzong down, ah..."

"what's happenin?"

Xiao Hua was shocked. The secret path was not good. He left in such a hurry, because he didn't want to return the scroll of Yi Ling Secret Art!

After all, he had just realized that seeing the mountains is the mountains and seeing the water is the water, but the first layer of the Yi Ling secret technique.

"Xiao Wenzong has actually gone to the Qing dynasty?"

Zhao Cheng looked at Xiao Hua in surprise, and said, "In five thousand years, it will be a good election. Xiao Wenzong will be able to participate in the good election again, and he will be the only sage in the heavenly court."

"Five thousand!!"

Hearing that there are still five thousand years before the election of the Xian, Xiao Hua's heart is bleeding. If the shadow body is not disturbed, he can still practice for 50 million years. At that time, it is estimated that he will be too clear and immortal. Who will participate in Xian? selected?


Xiao Hua was really sad, and flew towards the fifth floor of the Heaven and Earth Tower.

Zhao Cheng didn't know how he had offended Xiao Hua, and he didn't dare to say more. He followed Xiao Hua behind his back.

Xiao Hua flew all the way out of the tower of heaven and earth, and collected tens of thousands of shadows.

"Xiao Wenzong~"

Zhao Chengyang took out his ink pen and said with a smile, "Where are you going? Are you going back to the Tianshu Academy?"

"No need!"

Xiao Hua looked at the looming outlines of flowers around the Heaven and Earth Tower, and said, "Which city is closest to here?"

"Naturally it is Huangcheng~"

Zhao Cheng replied.

"Then Huangcheng!"

Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Xiaosheng hasn't been to Huangcheng, let's visit Huangcheng!"

Where does Xiao Hua want to visit the Yellow City, where is he going near, and quickly slipped away, so as not to be chased by the ink painting scroll in the sacred palace of Wenqu.


Zhao Cheng smiled and waved the ink pen in the air, a stream of nine bends appeared out of thin air, making Xiao Hua frightened.

"Xiao Wenzong please~"

Zhao Cheng accepted the ink pen and once again said, "Zhao Cheng is here to wait for Xiao Wenzong to come back five thousand years later!"

"Goodbye, goodbye~"

Xiao Hua arched his hands and hurried off under the water.

It wasn't until the Heaven and Earth Tower disappeared behind him and Xiao Hua's figure fell to one place that he let go of his heart.


Xiao Hua looked at the landscape paintings in the space, and said in his heart, "Isn't this secret technique only for comprehension, can't it be taken away? Why doesn't anyone ask Xiao for it?"

Ordinary Secret Art can naturally be comprehended and recorded, and the copy can be taken out of the Heaven and Earth Tower, but this Ling Ling Secret Art can't copy the copy at all, so Xiao Hua can only comprehend it in the Heaven and Earth Tower.

But unfortunately, UU Reading is not directly handed over to Xiao Hua from Wenqu Shenggong. It is placed on the sixth floor and handed over to Xiao Hua by the Emperor. The landscape painting disappears and Wenqu Shenggong is on the sixth floor. How dare to ask the Emperor?

And the most important thing is that the secret technique in the Tiandi Pagoda cannot take out the Tiandi Pagoda. Xiao Hua sent the landscape painting directly into the space, but avoided the exploration of the Tiandi Pagoda. How can Xiao Hua know these things?

Since no one asked for it, Xiao Hua would naturally not take the initiative to return it. He looked around, and the mountains and rivers were surging in the mist-like clouds in the distance. Xiao Hua knew that it was the yellow city of the Emperor Hongtian domain, so he He moved his body to fly towards Xiayun.

However, after flying for more than 10,000 miles, watching the scenes of the pavilion, mountains and rivers unfold, Xiao Hua slapped his forehead and whispered: "I'm going, Xiao Mou has forgotten, the heaven and five cities of the Qing Dynasty will all be there. The Heaven and Earth Tower participates in the Xianxuan election, that is to say, the Heaven and Earth Tower can lead to the five cities. Why didn't Xiao Mou expect Zhao Cheng to send Xiao directly to Bai Yujing?"

However, in regret, Xiao Hua suddenly looked up again, looked at one place in surprise, and whispered: " is it possible? When did he arrive in the heaven?"

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