Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2767: Hero's End

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Wen Zhong was so painful that his facial features were distorted, but he still let out a long sigh. In fact, when he found himself in a desperate situation, he had long wanted to pull out the dark green jade cone, but at that time he had already sensed the Ji family disciple’s clear eyes. The light, so he dare not make any changes, lest it lead to the disaster of extinction.

By this time, only Xiao Hua could save Wen Zhong. Wen Zhong had been around Huangcheng for nearly 900 years and had not encountered Xiao Hua. Wen Zhong knew that the possibility of Xiao Hua appearing was extremely small, but he could not give up. Hope.

As for this dark green jade cone, it is of course Wen Zhong’s immortal tool for closing Xiao Hua’s fairy. Wen Zhong doesn’t believe that Xiao Hua is not doing tricks on the fairy, but he has no evidence. After weighing it, he would rather believe it. No, simply use esoteric technique to seal off the breath of fairy infants.

The feeling that Wen Zhong can't tell now is that he doesn't know whether he wants Xiao Hua to appear, or he doesn't want Xiao Hua to appear!


The Ji family disciple looked at the dark green jade cone and said, "What can this prove?"

"This is the old man's poisonous dragon cone~"

Wen Zhong looked down at the poisonous dragon cone, with unspeakable emotions in his eyes, and said with a heavy tone, "The method of sacrifice has long been lost!"

"Even the poisonous dragon cone used by the ancestors of the Wen family~"

The Ji family disciple shook his head and said, "It can only mean that you have the inheritance of Wen family ancestors. It does not mean that you are Wen family ancestors, but the only evidence that you are Wen family ancestors..."

As he said, the Ji family disciple's eyes looked at Wen Zhong's forehead.

That is, this Ji family disciple looked closely, and wanted to find the third eye in Wen Zhongmei's heart, a flash of colorful colors flashed between Wen Zhongmei's heart!

An extremely weird thing happened. When the Ji family disciple saw these five colors, his eyes also gave birth to five colors. Then, with a "plop", the Ji family disciple fell from mid-air and suddenly became unconscious.


Wen Qing and others exclaimed that they did not face Wen Zhong and did not know what had happened.

"Hurry up~"

Wen Zhong didn't even think about it, cried Chong Wenqing and others.

Wen Qing woke up and said in ecstasy: "Yes, ancestor~"

After speaking, Wen Qing and others hurriedly flew in another direction, but after flying for a while, Wen Qing was surprised to find that Wen Zhong did not follow. He hurriedly stopped and shouted: "Ancestor, you..."

"Hurry up~"

Wen Zhong looked down at the Juelong Ridge on the stone tablet and shouted, "Go... go find that person, only he can save me!"


Another Wen family disciple said anxiously, "Let's walk together towards Huangcheng, they dare not do anything there!"

"you are wrong!"

Wen Zhong smiled sadly, "Don't say Huangcheng, it's anywhere in the Heavenly Court, as long as they want to kill, no one can stop! What they are looking for is the old man, if the old man stays, you can't escape, only you escape, old man Only possible..."

At this point, Wen Zhong didn't want to say much, and roared: "Wen Qing, do you still understand what the old man thinks? Get out!!!"

"Yes, ancestor~"

Wen Qing burst into tears, and immediately flew away with a few disciples desperately.


Wen Zhong sighed, glanced at the stone tablet, and sat cross-legged in front of him, feeling dispirited, quite a bit of a heroic end.

"The old man is still too conceited~"

Wen Zhong glanced around, closed his eyes, and secretly said in his heart, "The old man wanted to use his identity to capture the Wen family's children and revitalize the Wen family; but he did not expect that the current situation of the Patriarch is too small, and the old man did not reveal his identity at all, just revealing it. Some methods will lead to annihilation!"

"Hey, when I think about it at this time, Wen Quan can be regarded as a hero, he is worthy of the old man's heir, and his methods are so harsh that even the old man has fallen into his calculations."

"Oh, it's a pity, now this immortal world is no longer the old immortal world. The so-called Primordial Immortal Clan is declining, and the Moban Mountain Immortal Clan is greatly prospered. The so-called Immortal Scar cultivation alone is enough to suppress the old man to death! ..."


As soon as Wen Zhong thought of this, he could hear Wen Qing's whispering voice again.

Wen Zhong was furious, and before he opened his eyes, he yelled: "The old man told you clearly..."

However, before he finished scolding, a cold voice immediately sounded: "What did you say?"

Wen Zhong opened his eyes and looked, but saw a male fairy wearing a black sword suit slowly flying over. In front of him, Wen Qing and several Wen family disciples were wearing a halo around their necks. They were like a dog by the male fairy. Rush.

"God will kill me too!"

Wen Zhong understood at once that the direction where Wen Qing and others fled was the direction that the male fairy was chasing, and the despair that was in Juelongling filled his heart again.

The male immortal looked down, flicked his middle finger, and made a clear "click", and the Ji family disciple's roar came: "Damn it, let me see how Laozi cleans up you!"


As he spoke, Wen Zhong felt an unparalleled imprisoning force came out of thin air, trying to imprison himself, and then he saw the Ji family disciple's complexion rising to the sky, raised his hand, and pointed his index finger to the center of his eyebrows!

"Fine, nothing~"

How could Wen Zhong tolerate insulting himself by a junior of the Ji family? He glanced at the three characters of Juelongling one last time, and the seven orifices gushed out of flames...

At this critical moment, the sound of thunder was heard in the direction of Huangcheng. The sound was not loud, but it was heard in everyone's ears, and it was like a heavy hammer hitting the soul.

Wen Zhong felt that the imprisoning force that could suppress him to death was like the wind dissipated, and the halo on the necks of Wen Qing and others vanished!


The faces of the Ji family disciples and the man in the Xuanyi sword suit changed slightly, looked up at where the thunder came from, and whispered in a low voice.


But seeing the sun of the distant world, Xiao Hua stepped over the clouds, with a gentle smile on his face, and said, "Why is it so lively here, how about Xiaomou also come to join in the fun?"

"Xiao...Xiao Wenzong??"

Today Xiao Hua is already a well-known figure in the Heavenly Court. When UU reading Ji family disciple and the man in Xuanyi swordsman saw Xiao Hua, they immediately exclaimed, "You... why are you here?"

"Can't Xiao be here?"

Xiao Hua's figure fell, looked at the Ji family disciple with a smile, then looked at Wen Zhong and replied.

The Ji family disciple looked at the man in the sword suit in the Xuanyi, then raised his hand and said in courtesy: "It is good to teach Xiao Wenzong that I am waiting here to end some personal grievances, it is not a lively thing, this matter has nothing to do with Xiao Wenzong, please also Xiao Wen Zong left."


Xiao Hua smiled and shook his head and said, "Since you are waiting to meet Xiao, you naturally know that Xiao always drew your sword to help when you see injustice. How can Xiao let go when you wait for such a bullying and bullying?"

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