Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2774: Old grudge

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Afterwards, Xiao Hua looked at Qiao Samsara and the others, and said: "The old man will send you out with fellow Taoists. All matters will be discussed in accordance with your previous discussions. If there are any discrepancies or accidents, you can send messages to the old man. , Before the old man replied, everything is cheap!"

"Disciples obey orders!"

Joe Samsara was overjoyed and replied with a bow.

Xiao Hua did not send them directly into the interface channel, but only sent them out of the space.

Of course, when the space was in chaos, Xiao Hua said about the interface channel, and Qiao Samsara and the others were even more happy. This is the real way to break the golden lock and leave the dragon, let go of your hands and feet to enter the heaven!

"Want to kill the right to hear?"

When Joe's reincarnation was gone, Yu Di Lei Ting rubbed his hands and said excitedly.


Jade Diablo Xiao Hua handed the Xia Yun Festival to Yu Di Lei Ting, "I will leave this to you."

"Haha, good, good~"

Yu Di Lei Ting took the Xia Yun Festival and smiled openly. He liked this kind of bullying the most.

Seeing Yu Di Lei Ting turned around and left, Yu Di Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry, calling him, "Are you going to go there alone?"

"Could it be that you still called out the disciple Chong Xuanshan?"

Yubi Lei Ting said with disdain, "Those weak chickens, no, fellow Taoist, do you mean..."

With that, Yu Di Lei Ting looked at Yang Shi, Jing Wei and others in the Immortal Realm Space.

Jing Wei was with Chi Xiaoxia at this time, and the two didn't know what they were muttering.

Yu Di Lei Ting took a look at it and stopped hitting it. With a wave of his big hand, a thunder light came out of thin air, directly hitting Jing Wei into the ground, and yelled: "Don’t ask for something upward, your brothers. You're all mixed up, you still follow..."


Xiao Hua stared at Jade Diary Thunder, waved to break up the words behind him, raised his hand again, and directly sent Jing Wei to Yu Di Thunder.

Jing Wei's nose was blue and his face was swollen and his seven orifices were bleeding, but he dared not wipe it off, and hurriedly said respectfully: "The disciple has seen the master and the master!"


Xiao Hua raised Jing Wei and smiled, "What are you talking to Chi Xiaoxia?"

"It's a good teacher, Master Master knows~"

Jing Wei didn't dare to keep secret, and said with a smile, "Chi Xiaoxia told her disciples about her childhood in Yunmengze, and also said that Xiang Rong was in the Xiang family, and he wanted to provoke his Patriarch's position..."

Yu Di Xiao Hua frowned slightly, waved his hand to beckon him to shut up, and said, "It's better not to interfere with other people's affairs. Now your master has something to do, the seven of your brothers will accompany you!"

Jade Diablo Xiao Hua actually wanted his disciples Allen and Zhen Daojia to accompany the real Lei Ting. Whoever thought of the misunderstanding of Yu Di Lei Ting and directly looked towards Yang Shi and Jing Wei, Jade Die Xiao Hua simply pushed the boat along.

"Yes, disciple obeyed~"

Jing Wei replied with surprise and joy.

"You wait to prepare~"

Xiao Hua again ordered, "Take a million disciples over."

"What do you want so many disciples to do?"

Yu Di Lei Ting became displeased, and said, "Pan Dao alone is enough, but they will open their eyes with Yang Shi!"

"What the Wenjia said is also the Primordial Immortal Clan!"

Yu Di Xiao Hua patiently persuaded, "They have their own foundation in Yuanzai Kong Shengtian, and even Tianzun Mansion doesn't care, they have their own mysteries. And, don’t forget, you are not at the first level of Taiyi in the immortal world, in case there is any Three long and two short, Qingqing can't find the poor road desperately."

Speaking of Qingqing, the jade dilemma Thunder immediately wilted, but he still argued for himself: "Then Yangshi, how did they get there? Millions of disciples, poor Dao can't bring them."

"Fellow Daoist and go to Yuanzai Kong to ascend to heaven~"

Xiao Hua knew that the jade diary Thunder was angry, so she smiled, "Even everywhere in the Dese world, you can come in to send messages to the poor road, and every level of the world in the poor road has an interface channel!"


Yu Di Lei Ting promised and turned around to leave, but before leaving, he was still ordinary Jing Wei Dao, "You wait to practice quickly, look at your brothers, all of them are mixed, and you have all cultivated to the dog?"

When the jade stone Thunder is gone, the jade stone Xiao Hua patted Jing Wei and said with a smile: "Don't pay attention to your master, you wait for the brothers to be different from Qiao Samsara, etc. Although the progress is slow at present, it must be Hunyuan in the end!"

"Yes, yes~"

Jing Wei's eyes lighted up, and his fists clenched, "The disciple knows that he will work harder."

After sending Jingwei back, Yu Di Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry again. She raised her hand and pulled Chi Xiaoxia, who was kneeling down, over, and scolded: "What are you doing, your family's trivial matters, the poor will not care about it, there is no need for one. Please sue it!"


Chi Xiaoxia hurriedly said with a smile, "The disciple knew that he was wrong, after all, the disciple said something bad about Xiang Rong..."

"Stop, stop~"

Xiao Hua quickly waved his hand and said, "The old man re-declared, first, Xiang Rong is not a disciple of the good luck sect. He is a late adopted son, a family affair in your Chi family, how you get along and how to deal with conflicts, the old man will not intervene; Second, the thunderbolt was the second master of the head teacher who blamed Jing Wei just now. It has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with the old man."

"Yes, I understand~"

Chi Xiaoxia secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course~"

Yu Di Xiao Hua looked at Chi Xiaoxia and said, "When you talk about the old things about Yun Mengze, the old man also remembers what he promised you back then. The blood feud of the Chi family should also be on the agenda."


Speaking of the blood feud of the Chi family, Chi Xiaoxia couldn't help being excited. He gritted his teeth and said, "The disciple thanks the master for giving the disciple the opportunity to avenge. Then the disciple will ask you to come out of the fairy space to kill the old man of heaven."

"Don't worry, don't worry~"

Xiao Hua said with a smile, "Let’s not say that it’s been a long time since the old man left the immortal world. Who knows if there has been any change between the Tianji Pavilion and the old man Tianji? Secondly, the old man also said before that the old man Tianji laid a total of five thunder eyes. He killed a lot of people in every Leiyan. The old man was destined to save you, Xiang Rong, and others. You can discuss how to take revenge together!"

After that, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com Jade Die, Xiao Hua said a few words towards the immortal world, and found Hagi, Chen Xiaoyun, and Xiang Rong.

Xiang Rong glanced at Chi Xiaoxia, a trace of shame flashed in his eyes, but the shame disappeared immediately, and he respectfully said to Xiao Hua, "The disciple has seen the master teacher!"

"The disciple has seen the master~"

Hagi was a little puzzled, but she also hurriedly bowed to salute.

At this time, Chen Xiaoyun was already different from the previous one. In an immortal body, he looked no different from an ordinary immortal. He also bowed and saluted.

"Except Xiaoxia~"

Yu Di Xiao Hua looked at the four of them and said with a smile, "I'm afraid no one knows what the old man is going to do!"

Friends, the story of the five Leiyan'er is finally coming to an end...

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