Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2795: Emperor Zitong

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Yu Di Xiao Hua laughed and said, "Are you stimulated by Qiao Samsara and the others?"

"It's true that it is true."

Bai Xiaotu nodded and said, "A disciple Tianzun reincarnated, but he hasn't progressed as fast as they practiced. The disciple feels that he can't make it through!"

"That's true~"

Yu Di Xiao Hua nodded and said, "This is the old man's mistake. The old man should give you more opportunities. Come, and take this thing first."

With that, Xiao Hua, the jade dilemma, handed the Nine Return Shen Dan to Bai Xiaotu.

"This is~"

Bai Xiaotu took the elixir, a little puzzled, but after he sniffed the pill fragrance, he suddenly exclaimed, "This...this is the nine return divine pill in the heavenly legend?"

"Not bad~"

Yu Di Xiao Hua nodded and said, "This is the old man's personal practice. The pure heavenly alchemy technique is useful for your cultivation."


Bai Xiaotu carefully collected the nine return **** pill, and said, "Master is really awesome, the disciple has never seen these nine return **** pill, the disciple has only heard of it. The nine return **** pill was created by the heavenly sage before the human race. It is the supreme elixir cultivated by my human race. After taking this, the disciple should be able to advance to the Hunyuan soon."


Xiao Hua said with a smile, "As long as it is useful to you, but you still have to remember not to be too impatient."

"Master, don't worry!"

Bai Xiaotu said, "You can hold on to this small scale..."

Yu Di Xiao Hua was about to nod his head. Suddenly, his face changed drastically. He looked up outside. He didn't have time to say anything to Bai Xiaotu, his figure swayed out of space immediately.

When his mind returned, Shangguan Yufeng and Hu Wenyuan both flew high in the sky. One of them raised a red flame, the other rolled up a black cloud, and looked at one place vigilantly.

As for the direction in which their eyes fell, a group of Ruoyuowu flames seemed to have no temperature contours, engraved in the moist and shining sky, the sun was shining, the contours were not contaminated with light, and it seemed so extraordinary.

However, whether it is Shangguan Yufeng or Hu Wenyuan, facing the flame outline, they feel that their whole body is hot and dry. Even Hun Yuan Xianli can't drive the heat away, and they even feel that there is infinite suction in the flame outline, as long as they stay a little slow. , I might be sucked into it and turned into nothing!

A rival that even Hunyuanxian would be taboo... of course he is also Hunyuanxian!

"what happened?"

Xiao Hua stepped out step by step, walked to the two of them, and asked faintly.

Behind Xiao Hua, one footprint fell in the air, and within each footprint there was a mark of law. Although the footprints are like flames, they can be biased, there is no law of fire within the mark of every step!


Shangguan Yufeng didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly bowed and said, "Suddenly there is the aura of the immortal world, and the strength is strong."

"Are you the fairy friends who came to the heaven to practice together?"

Seeing that the flame mark did not threaten him, Xiao Hua was rather puzzled. He thought it was just passing by, so he said, "Under Xiao Hua, this is polite!"

Unfortunately, the flame mark only hung above the sky, and there was no response.

Xiao Hua thought about it a little, and said respectfully again: "I'm taking the liberty of it~"

With that, Xiao Hua released Yan Nian.


I don’t know, Xiao Huayannian released, but just touched the flame mark, his soul was shocked, as if there was a huge world hitting his soul, unspeakable hot, unspeakable nausea, and immediately, a face of ancient appearance. , The man in the imperial costume showed his figure in his spirit, the man proudly scolded: "Bold!!"

"High-end Hun Yuan!!"

Xiao Hua's face changed drastically, and she exclaimed in a low voice.

With Xiao Hua's voice, "Puff Puff Puff", a burst of sound appeared immediately around his figure, and the tens of thousands of miles around him instantly turned into nothingness!

Seeing Xiao Hua's face pale, Shangguan Yufeng and Hu Wenyuan were in a hurry. One raised his hand and took out a half of the Fangtian painted halberd, while the other waved his left hand, and the green blade showed sharpness.

"Who is having trouble in our Huangcheng?"

Of course, before the two of them urged their bodies, another faint voice sounded.

"Your Majesty~"

Within the flame mark, eight or sixty-four fiery filaments gush out, and these fiery filaments outline the outline of a male emperor costume in the sky. The male immortal respectfully said, "I am the Emperor Zitong of the Taoist immortal world. I was ordered to do a game with Xiao Hua to understand the cause and effect. I will follow the rules of the heavenly court and be here for three days. Please your majesty's permission."

Listening to the voice of Emperor Zitong, Xiao Hua understood that this is seeking revenge for himself!


Xiao Hua couldn't help cursing. He did the preparations for the three heavenly venerations to seek revenge, but he did not expect Emperor Zitong to come so fast and so openly, this kind of challenge is real, and he has no way to avoid it. war.


The emperor's voice responded and said, "I see, you wait and do it yourself!"

Then the emperor's voice disappeared and he ignored it.

Xiao Hua knew that Emperor Zitong had made sufficient preparations. Even if Emperor Zitong wanted to protect himself, he couldn't; but Xiao Hua knew that he was not afraid of Emperor Zitong's action at all. In the Huangcheng Tianyu, Xiao Hua had to use Cangbi. Sacrifice, Emperor Zitong could not hurt himself.


Xiao Hua just raised his hand, UU reading www. signaled that the guarded Shangguan Yufeng and Hu Wenyuan had received the immortal artifacts. After all, they had just set foot in Hunyuan and were not the opponents of the Emperor Zitong at all, but they suddenly realized as if they were initiating, "This... This Emperor Zitong was definitely not sent by the three great gods!"

"After hearing that Xiao Mou disappeared in Chaotianque in those days, Patriarch Qianyun had already said that who would dare to embarrass Xiao Mou any more is to fight against his old man. Who is behind Patriarch Qianyun! Punish Tianzun! This Emperor Zitong is so powerful. He didn't dare to provoke the punishment of Tianzun easily!"

"Think about Xiao's enemies in Dao Immortal Realm again. Except for the three Heavenly Venerables, the others are no longer enough to be afraid. The Chaotian Fault has been destroyed. Xiao Mou just took Liu Yanyu away. It is impossible for the three Heavenly Venerables to take action.

"Destroying the old man of Tianji, but recently, even if Qianji Pavilion wants revenge and Hunyuanxian wants to come forward, they cannot arrive in such a short time. The Emperor Zitong can accurately rush to Huangcheng, it must be Someone whispered the news, and it was when Xiao Mou entered the Heaven and Earth Tower that he wanted to come so... it can only be Nangong Xun!"

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