Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2799: Hunyuan Fighting

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As Emperor Zitong grabbed and fell with his hand, Xiao Hua immediately felt that there were five rules between the five fingers of Emperor Zitong. Each rule has the power to destroy the world. This is comparable to the first-level Hunyuan fairy Su Zhe he saw in the past. It's too much too much.

In particular, Emperor Zitong had just raised his big hand, but Xiao Hua flashed a thought in his mind, and the power of the five-fold rule had already hit his eyes, as if there was no spatial distance between Emperor Zitong and Xiao Hua!

"Good job~"

Xiao Hua yelled and clenched his right hand to greet him.

Between Xiao Hua's fist, the laws around him were swept away, and he was all in his hands!


Seeing that Emperor Zitong's big hand was about to collide with Xiao Hua's fist, Emperor Zitong unexpectedly said a little, "What is your law?"

Almost at the same time, a wire of fire emerged from Xiao Hua's fist, which instantly ignited Xiao Hua's fist. Not only did the flame burn out other laws to annihilate, even Xiao Hua's physical power was burned and dissipated!

Before Xiao Hua made any more moves, Emperor Zitong’s big hand had already hit, with a loud "bang~", Xiao Hua's right hand and even his right arm broke every inch, and every inch of muscle suddenly gave birth to a ray of flame!

What made Xiao Hua most uncomfortable was that at the moment his arm broke, "Om~" there was a mysterious cloud that surged towards Xiao Hua!

"This...this is what Bai Xiaotu said about the collision of the soul world!"

Xiao Hua finally knew his shortcomings!

Emperor Zitong has the power of a clear law, but he does not;

The Divine Soul World of Emperor Zitong is definitely not as big as his own, but Emperor Zitong can mobilize the power of the Soul World for his own use, but he cannot!

In other words, he lacks Hunyuan's unique means of attack!

Hun Yuanxian uses the spirit world to transform the power of the soul, the power of the body, the power of immortality, etc. into his own unique law power. Xiao Hua is very powerful in terms of the power of the soul, the power of the body, etc., but he does not have it now. The means of putting this together.

Thinking of these, Xiao Hua even thought of his own practice of Treading God, Hunyuan Qi Xu Zhang and Wutai Catalog. These are the world's top cultivation techniques, but these techniques are basic techniques and have no means of attack. .

Among other things, Xiao Hua's self-corpse now claims to be a quasi-sage, but the self-corpse doesn't know how to use his power at all!

Xiao Hua's vest was sweating for a while, and these shortcomings were nothing when he dealt with immortals who were not as strong as his own. After all, he could use other means to make up for it, but when he met Emperor Zitong who was stronger than himself, these shortcomings were enough. It's deadly!

Not to mention Xiao Hua, even Emperor Zitong is a little bit naive, because he feels a little invincible. In his eyes, Xiao Hua is too weak. Don't look at Xiao Hua's high-level will and power in the Hunyuan. He doesn't even have the elementary means of Hunyuan! Not to mention that he didn't mobilize Hunyuan's unique world power at all, and even the law of fire he controlled was not blocked!

Emperor Zitong could almost imagine that under his own attack, Xiao Hua's Soul World could not fight back, and his own law could immediately destroy Xiao Hua's Soul World!

The corner of Emperor Zitong’s mouth unconsciously gave birth to a faint ridicule, and a voice comparable to that of Huang Lu’s big bell sounded within Xiao Hua’s soul: "Xiao Xian, is this your strength as a sage? I saw it long before I came to heaven. Through the records about you, I can see your fatal weakness at a glance. Although you can use the time fairy to improve your cultivation, how can you realize the essence of the real time brewing?"

"I heard that you have created a unique Wenheng in the Heavenly Court. At the first glance, you are a man of fame and reputation. Then you can look at your cultivation and blindly pursue the realm. Now, you can't even produce the power of your own laws, you How is my opponent?"

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua felt that his thoughts were a little shaken in this voice, and he couldn't help but whispered, "Emperor Zitong, do you have the power to bewitched by the power of the law?"


Emperor Zitong was also a little surprised, wondering, "Can you actually resist it?"


Xiao Hua gritted his teeth and shouted, "Even if Xiao does not have the power of his own laws, he can still resist it!"

With that said, Xiao Hua immediately urged Deathmare's supernatural powers.

"Puff puff~"

Almost his heart moved at will, a scythe of light and shadow emerged out of thin air, madly slashing at the strength of the law of Emperor Zitong to hit Xiao Hua's soul!

The death nightmare certainly cannot destroy the power of the law, but it will eventually be blocked, not to mention that Xiao Hua suddenly raised three fingers with his left hand, and gently waved it in the air, three light blue marks were born like a knife.

The three pale green marks fell in the air and immediately disappeared. Emperor Zitong was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the place where the three pale green marks had disappeared very vigilantly. Then, Emperor Zitong's expression changed drastically, because he actually couldn't see where the pale green marks had gone. .

When Emperor Zitong was even more surprised, he just glanced at it, and suddenly found that the surrounding area was pitch black, and the previous tremors disappeared silently!

"Not good~"

Emperor Zitong's secret path is not good, and the flame within the outline of the condensed flames "boom" once again soaring one hundred thousand feet!


Emperor Zitong's eyes lit up, and he saw the light again.

However, at this time, Emperor Zitong was surrounded by countless pale green marks, and his five senses were completely closed!

"This...what magical power is this?"

Emperor Zitong was extremely surprised, he obviously didn't know that this was Xiao Hua's demon killing!

Qi Jue Tian Luo's inexhaustible feeling! ! !


Emperor Zitong got out of his desperation, and there was no trace of Xiao Hua in front of him!

As Bai Ze said, Xiao Hua’s secret technique of applying oil on the soles of his feet is unparalleled in the world. Seeing that he was unable to repel Emperor Zitong, he immediately found a chance to escape.

Xiao Hua was hit by Emperor Zitong this time, but Xiao Hua was frightened. He really felt the helplessness. He clearly had a background that was not inferior to Emperor Zitong, but he couldn't display it, and fell on Emperor Zitong. In the eyes of these high-ranking Hunyuan, Hunyuan is a nouveau riche among the gold and jade!

So Xiao Hua used the magical power to temporarily trap Emperor Zitong, and he immediately used the technique of light escape to escape!

Although Emperor Zitong sealed off the surrounding space, he never expected that Xiao Hua could escape as long as there was light, so Xiao Hua's physical body turned into 13200 light spots and disappeared without a trace!

Thanks to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support to Xiu Shen. They are: Returning, Singing Birds, Walking Away, Zhao Yonggang, Sister Yun Shu, Cang Zhan, Chen, Loritin, Zhe, Bao, Nian, Handy The rice grains, Shanyang, Nandi Beima and many anonymous friends.

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