Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2802: Hunyuan Fighting

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Xiao Hua just flew away, Emperor Zitong roared, no longer transforming himself, the twenty-eight flames still kept the star array hurriedly chasing over.

It is a pity that the twenty-eight flames are fast-moving, but the distance from Xiao Hua is getting farther and farther!

"Damn it!"

Emperor Zitong cursed reluctantly, and the twenty-eight flames and the black flame flow in the middle split rapidly, and still turned into seven or forty-nine fiery filaments. The moment the fiery filament disappeared, in front of his head, Xiao Hua almost Where to disappear, the "boom" flame was ignited again!


Xiao Hua was forced out of the light and shadow by Emperor Zitong again. He felt a little bit and knew that this place was still far away from the star formation of the good fortune gate disciples. So when he appeared in his body, he immediately urged the four-way secret technique. Emperor Zitong's figure reappears, he has used the law of time to change the space and distance, once again far away!

"I'm going~~"

Emperor Zitong exclaimed, "This...Isn't this the bamboo path of the Nangong family?? Xiao...How can Xiao Hua be proficient in so many secret arts?"

However, since Xiao Hua did not show his light, this bamboo path could not pass through the quiet faster than Emperor Zitong, and it didn't take long for Emperor Zitong to confine the space in front of Xiao Hua's head again!

"I want to see~"

Emperor Zitong sneered, "How many secret arts do you have, and where can you... escape!"

In fact, Xiao Hua's best choice now is to take out Cangbi. Once this thing comes out, it will surely inspire Heavenly Cangbi Hongbao. Even if he can't kill Emperor Zitong, he can frighten Emperor Zitong back and save his life.

Xiao Hua had planned in the same way before, but after hearing what Bai Xiaotu said, he ignored this plan.

When Lian Bai Xiaotu saw Cangbi, he broke through his relationship with the Emperor. If the other immortals in the Heavenly Court knew about it, what would they think and how would they do it?

Xiao Hua is preparing to establish a school in the heavenly court and train a disciple of good luck. If people know his relationship with the Emperor, others will inevitably use this to threaten the Emperor. Not only will the Emperor be embarrassed, but he will also not be able to show his talents!

So even if Emperor Zitong trapped Xiao Hua here, and waved the power of the law with his big hand to Xiao Hua like a tornado, Xiao Hua only waved the wishful stick, and did not take out Cangbi.

It is said that Xiao Hua is only half-finished with the power of the physical body, and his real strength should not be worse than that of the Emperor Zitong. It is a pity that he has the power of the soul, the power of the flesh, the power of the blood, and there is even room for hundreds of millions of people. The power of faith cannot be unified and integrated, so he can only play the strength of the elementary Hunyuan.

Just as Wu Danqing said that day, Xiao Hua is no more than a beginner's ear!

However, Emperor Zitong was also very depressed. With the help of the wishful stick, Xiao Hua isolated his power of law. The two of them fought a cup of tea, and the surroundings turned into chaos again!

Xiao Hua doesn't care, but Emperor Zitong can't.

Because this is the heavenly court, Emperor Zitong has been in the Yellow City for three days to tell the Emperor that I will not embarrass you or cause you any loss, and if there is any loss, I will be responsible!

Emperor Zitong even knew that the Emperor Emperor also had some Taiqing celestial immortals he didn't know. He must pay attention to his battle with Xiao Hua. He was unable to win a middle-level Hunyuan by various means, and he was embarrassed!

Emperor Zitong punched Xiao Hua's wishful stick obliquely, just about to open his mouth, and repeated the same trick again, but Xiao Hua's wishful stick changed again.


The phoenix claws that Xiao Hua held the Wishful Stick were dyed golden yellow, and suddenly turned into dragon claws, but the Wishful Stick that was originally crooked, struck out again obliquely, and a cloud-like bright stick shadow hit Emperor Zitong!

Emperor Zitong was taken aback, because the previous Wishful Stick was not powerful enough, at best, it would make waves around the stick, but this stick shadow was a piece of it, and even looking at the stick shadow involved his condensing seven flames of human form!


Emperor Zitong whispered, and couldn't help but look up. There was a lotus pond in the sky, and he secretly said, "Could it be that Xiao Hua was born by watching the moon?"

Emperor Zitong was right. Even if Xiao Hua held the wishful stick in his hand, he was suppressed by Emperor Zitong. There was just a gap in the space, but a beam of moonlight shone on Emperor Zitong, which just happened to give birth to a shadow. This shadow touched Xiao Hua’s spirit. , The Moon Shadow of Wishful Stick also took advantage of the situation.

Moon Shadow is naturally much more powerful than Star Boiling, not only has Xiao Hua's physical power played another 30%, but the range of the Wishful Stick has also expanded too much.

For a time, Emperor Zitong was a little bit overwhelmed.


Emperor Zitong opened his mouth, and the black flame squirted out again.

According to Emperor Zitong's thoughts, Xiao Hua must once again be in a hurry. After all, this black flame flow was condensed by using the Soul World after he set foot on the high level of Hun Yuan. How could Xiao Hua resist it?

I don’t know, looking at the black flame stream, Xiao Hua peeked into his left hand and turned into a white bone, and the white bone took a bucket-like object. Isn’t it the Ten Thousand Eternal Heaven Dou?


Xiao Hua urged the Ten Thousand Eternal Heaven Dou, and there was a blue light falling inside, and the black flame flow... was actually taken away by the blue light!

Emperor Zitong was stunned. He was stunned for a moment. The body of flame that was about ten thousand meters high, burning the world out of holes... just stood like a stone sculpture.


When Emperor Zitong was at a loss, he even forgot to call himself "I", and he only said the word "I", and didn't know what to say afterwards!

Xiao Hua is a Hunyuan Immortal, he can resist the power of Emperor Zitong's law, even if it is a single physical power, Emperor Zitong feels that he can accept it;

Xiao Hua can also use the power of the soul to resist the erosion of the soul by the power of Emperor Zitong's law, and Emperor Zitong feels that he can also accept it;

Even Xiao Hua took out a Wishful Stick that didn't enter the Five Elements, and competed with the power of his own law. Emperor Zitong felt that he was barely acceptable. Who could not have a handful of fairy tools?

However, Xiao Hua actually understood the law of time and used the magical magic of the demon alliance to deal with his five-element rule, and Emperor Zitong couldn't accept it!

Xiao Hua, you are just a middle-ranking element. The world of souls has not formed yet, and there is no power in the world of souls. You...why can you use the laws of controlling time? ?

Of course, if Xiao Hua has some fate and immortality, Emperor Zitong can accept it in his heart, but... but what is this black flame? This is the result of Emperor Zitong using the power of life and death in the Soul Space, mixed with the Five Elements Rule!

This is the only one between heaven and earth, and even the Wishful Stick will be eroded by this power, you... why do you just take a fight and take it away? ?

Emperor Zitong felt his face hot and painful, Xiao Hua's face was too violent! !

Thanks to the following representatives of the fairy friends for their strong support to Xiu Shen. They are: Returning, Singing Birds, Walking Away, Zhao Yonggang, Sister Yun Shu, Cang Zhan, Chen, Loritin, Zhe, Bao, Nian, Handy The rice grains, Shanyang, Southern Emperor Beima, and many anonymous friends who have been looking forward to the present.

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