Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 2814: Thunder show off

  Chapter 2834 Thunder show off


  Zhaozheng said joyfully, "That little brother is waiting for Brother Thunder in Yaozhihai, let's see or leave!"

  "See or leave, see or leave!!"

  The real person Lei Ting turned off the messenger artifact and immediately sent a message to the disciple Chongxuanshan, asking where the Yaozhihai was!

  It is said that it is the cheapest to ask Zhaoju, but how can the real Thunder ask? He is the omniscient and omnipotent Taiyi Immortal!

  The blazing sea is a sea of ​​fire, with three colors, and within the flame, one by one golden boulders floats in the flame like stars, spinning, and at first glance it looks like a flame starry sky.

  After the real Thunder arrived, he immediately transmitted the voice to Zhaoju.


  The voice of Zhao Judging came from the transmission fairy, "Brother Thunder, you have already arrived? This...this is from Xuanming Gonghuatian to Chiming and Yangtian!"


  Reality Thunder was originally excited, but seeing that there was no one, he couldn’t help feeling disappointed. He was rather displeased, "Is it just a heavenly realm? Do you think you are a brother or a Jiugongxian!"

   "Yes, yes~"

  Zhaojuan hurriedly flattered and said, "You can’t compare with Thunder Brother, wait a minute, the younger brother will rush over immediately, Ouch, Brother Thunder, I’m sorry, I have another urgent message here, please wait..."

   After finishing speaking, there is no light and shadow on the messaging fairy of the real Thunder.

   "No way~"

  Looking at the boulders in the sea of ​​fire, the real person Thundering smiled recently and said to himself, "I am Taiyi Immortal, and I just drink cold water to cross the border. Where is it like your Jiugong Immortals!"

Afterwards, the real person Thunder sat cross-legged in the flames, and the flames that could burn the ordinary real immortals into ashes could not get close to him. As for the huge stones that fell into the mortal realm and could destroy a continent, they were nothing but projectiles in the hands of the real person. !

  Having been waiting for a few months, the real person Lei Ting became a little embarrassed, and he urged the messenger to activate the messenger again, but he didn't know that the messenger was simply silent.

   "Damn it!"

  Real Thunder cursed lowly, "Is this shameless sentence making me entertaining Lao Tzu?"


The real person Lei Ting instantaneously turned thunder into the sky, but stood in the sky, watching the crystal clear flame-like light and shadow everywhere everywhere, and frowned again: "This is not a Jiu Gongxian, how dare to deceive Lao Tzu? Could it be him? While speaking, another message..."

  The real person Lei Ting just thought of this place, he raised his brows and turned his head to look at one place.


  About half an hour, a moon-like flat boat flew over, and the real person Lei Ting far away saw it. There was a man, a woman, and two golden immortals on the flat boat.

  The male fairy wears a light green robe with thick eyebrows. The female fairy wears a pink dress, round face willow eyebrows, and slightly upturned lips, as if smiling at all times.

  If there is no accident, it should be the Linzhongzong Chongyi and Yuying Pavilion Yuan Xi mentioned by Zhaojuan.

  Looking at Yuying Pavilion Yuan Xi is not the middle level of Jinxian, and Linzhongzong Chongyi is even the first level of Jinxian.

  A triumphant smile appeared on the corner of the real person Lei Ting. As the smile came out, his figure disappeared like the wind.

   "Fairy Yuan~"

  Chongyi stopped Xianzhou, let out Yannian to look around, smiled, "We are afraid it is early, and the real person Lei Ting and Zhao Jian have not come yet!"

   "We should have come early~"

Yuan Xi flew out of the immortal boat and released Yannian exploration, and laughed, "The two are now seniors, how can we let others wait? By the way, you have to remember, after the sentence is sentenced, there will be thousands of people. I can't say any more, I must add seniors afterwards, after all, they are already Jiugongxian!"

  "Tsk tusk~"

  Speaking of Jiugongxian, Chongyi couldn't help but slapped his lips, and said, "I can't imagine it, Zhao Ju...Senior has already set foot in Jiugongxian, on earth did he cultivate!"


  Yuan Xi sighed, “Don’t think about it, we are the geniuses of the immortal gate, and they are the geniuses of the immortal world, the geniuses among the geniuses, we can’t compare them at all!”

   "Oh, there's more~"

Chongyi even shouted, "That real person Lei Ting, my goodness, he actually cultivated to the Golden Immortal in Huang Zengtian, what realm do you think he will be now? Let me tell you, Yuan Xianzi, who was in the Palace of Desire before. At that time, I heard that Real Thunder is a Golden Immortal, and I am still a little ignorant. I don’t know how powerful Real Thunder is. Now that I have worked hard to set foot in Golden Immortal, I know how awesome they are!"

   "If nothing happens~"

  Yuan Xi smiled and said, “Real Thunder should be in the nine palaces...high-level, right? After all, after arriving in the nine palaces, the time and energy required to improve each small realm is comparable to a large realm of cultivating a golden immortal..."


  Hearing this, the real person thunder coughed and revealed his figure from a distance. He couldn't show that he came first!


  Yuan Xi and Chongyi whispered together, glanced at the real person Lei Ting hurriedly flew over, bowed to meet the courtesy, "Junior Yuan Xi, Chongyi has met Senior Lei Ting!"


  The real person Thunder is a bit unpleasant. He doesn't remember that he has met two people, so he quickly helped them up and said, "Have you seen the old man?"


Yuan Xi and Chongyi said with great respect, "When they were in the Palace of Desire, the juniors and others had met their seniors. When the generations of Yuan were so energetic, the entire Palace of Desserts was impressed by the seniors. The seniors were afraid that they never paid attention to the juniors of!"

   "Oh, sorry~"

  The eyebrows of the real person Lei Ting were crooked, but he still pretended not to care, and smiled, "When Yuan Ri had too many people in the Palace of Desire, the old man really didn't notice it!"

   Then the real person Lei Ting looked at the two up and down, and praised: "Yes, yes, you wait for both to step into the golden fairy, Yuan fairy is even the middle-level golden fairy, really good!"

   "Don't dare, don't dare~"

  Yuan Xi and Chongyi laughed and said, "Compared with the predecessors, I am ashamed of the fireflies to Haoyue!"

  Then the three exchanged a few words, UU reading www. Under Yuan Xi's deliberate flattery, the real person Lei Ting felt as if he had eaten ginseng fruit, and there was no pore in his body that was uncomfortable, and he felt that his trip was really worthwhile.

   "This little boy has been sentenced~"

  The real person Lei Ting deliberately looked into the distance, frowned and said, “I’ve been waiting, why isn’t his host coming yet?”

  Yuan Xi heard it, and immediately understood, and asked in a low voice: "Senior Thunder, I'm waiting for coming this time...I congratulate Senior Zhaojuan for setting foot in the Nine Palaces. You... Have you always been in the Nine Palaces long ago?"

   "Yeah, yeah~"

   Chongyi immediately echoed, "If nothing happens, you should always...should be the high-ranking nine palaces, right?"

  Chongyi really has the courage to guess up, in fact, he feels that he has cultivated from a true immortal to a heavenly immortal, and the real person Lei Ting has cultivated from a golden immortal to a middle school in the nine palaces at best!


   Mortal Thunder's mouth was cracked to the edge of his cheeks, and he proudly said, "Nine Palaces is a shit, but you can go up and guess!"

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  (End of this chapter)

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